The art for this wasnt very good, so I did what I could... I did spruce the reels up and so on, but be aware the art is a bit poo.. Its no supercharged or magic carpet but, it is a dx..
One thing to note..
In attract the hidden lamps on the bottom glass seem to froggy a bit. I think I might have accidentally nudged them over a pixel when working on them as a layer, but they dont do it when lit solid, only when theyre flickering. (infact I just took one more look and it is because I made them a tad too opaque. They are indeed in their correct positions but they show too much of the underneath.. Nothing I can do about that without 2 hours of f*****g around and the art isnt worth it
If the art was better I would have possibly gone back and redone them all, but with 15 of them and them not doing it during play I didnt see it as worthwhile..
Shortcuts are the same as the classic, they can be changed however.
Right, onto back to the features
Ady.... can you......