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latest emu updates

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#1 Silky_Kameron


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Posted 12 April 2008 - 09:57 AM

hi guys.

i was wondering if anybody knew the latest updates to the jpm emulator & the bell fruit emulator & also the mfme emulator.

also will these latest updates play all of the machines that the previous versions did.

1 more thing: will it ever be possible to make just the 1 emulator that will play all the games with a resize option that wont make it impossible to play those 1600x sized machines on a 1024x laptop/computer. it may just be possible to drag a machine onto the emulator and an inside option will know which emulator to run. and updated emulators could be added to it when they came available etc

just a thought - can you tell yet that i know nothing about everything

#2 cliffc



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Posted 12 April 2008 - 10:27 AM

hi guys.

i was wondering if anybody knew the latest updates to the jpm emulator & the bell fruit emulator & also the mfme emulator.

also will these latest updates play all of the machines that the previous versions did.

1 more thing: will it ever be possible to make just the 1 emulator that will play all the games with a resize option that wont make it impossible to play those 1600x sized machines on a 1024x laptop/computer. it may just be possible to drag a machine onto the emulator and an inside option will know which emulator to run. and updated emulators could be added to it when they came available etc

just a thought - can you tell yet that i know nothing about everything


The latest versions of JPEMU and Bell fruit are the ones you can download from this site.

The BFM and JPM emulators stopped being devloped as a public thing once MFME V 32 came out as all the techs were included in this version.

MFME last Official version of MFME was V 3.2 (32) this did include support for most of the valid Tec's at the time and also supported layout re-sizeing.

The current unoficial version of MFME is V10.x this was a leaked version with support for Scorpian 4 (bell fruit) and MPU5(BArcrest). This is the latest version.

Unfortuatly when this version was leaked out Wizzard (Chris Wren) decieded that he would no longer issue new versions of MFME publicly so unless Chris has a change of heart or he is willing to pass his work to some one else to continue there will be no more versions of MFME.

Cliff C

#3 ady


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Posted 12 April 2008 - 10:31 AM

Hi Silky....

You'll find all the released Emulators in the download section on here with the exception of MFMEv9 and above.

v9 and above can be found at Cliffs Login - powered by Easy File Sharing Web Server (login as guest)

Very unlikely there will be any major Updates for a while due to Chris and Tony (emu creators) pulling out (history lesson!)


**edit** Sorry cliff wrote this as you replied too!

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