After reading the way it was going I had a peek too at the back of my cupboard, I have a BBF 02/03/06, so if I dont reply tomorrow you know why!
I'm pretty sure that foods that are tinned, IE:- beans, tomato's, Frey Bentos pies ect... stay fit to eat for decades. And that the 'best before' dates are simply for stock rotation in shops.
My only evidence to support my claim, is that a few years ago, some divers found a sunken trawler off the East Yorkshire coast and started bringing up bottles of milk and beer, tins of food ect... that had been down the bottom since 1916. The documentary showed the team opening up a few of the items and having a taste. The milk was fine as it was sterilised milk, the beer was flat and the tinned food they said was better than todays chemical enriched pap, although most vitamins had degraded.
Tinned food is usually cooked whilst sealed in the tin, thus sterilising the contents and killing any contaminants. Only if the tin gets damaged does it risk spoiling the contents.
NEXT WEEK:- Pies. Which flavour passes through the human digestive tract the quickest.