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Question about reel scrolling.....

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#1 Scmooster


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Posted 04 January 2004 - 12:31 PM

Ok, an example then would be Smash and Grab, an otherwise superb effort in every respect apart from the reels are, not exactly choppy but, the images seem to simply snap to the next rather than the reel scrolling. If I check the 'smooth' option it does seem to make a difference (although it could quite easily be an illusion brought on by lust) but after several runs (and possibly after the S&G feature), it reverts to the original selection, going back into reel properties and the 'smooth' checkboxes are unchecked again???
I appreciate your input (I'm building my way towards making DXs and want to learn all the quirks, best way to learn is to experiment, and ask the experts - you guys) Oh, and stimulants, obviously. :)

Thanks in advance, SCmoo.

#2 fruitymad2003


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Posted 15 January 2004 - 08:47 PM

Try saving the layout and see if that helps

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