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Help with Jackpots that Rock N Roll please

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#1 therotty


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Posted 05 July 2008 - 08:07 AM

Hi all

My first post......

I would appreciate any help I can get with a machine that I just got which is called "Jackpots that rock n roll". It is a £35 machine that is made by Global (I'm guessing that Global has merged with another company??)

I've got a few problems with it and would be grateful for any advice. Does anyone have a link to where I can find a manual for this machine? (I wanted to try and find out what each of the DIL switches do.)

The main two problems I have are as follows:

1) I have a % key fitted but when I go into test mode (under keys) it says "Invalid Key" - Is this normal/correct?

2) I managed to get hold of a coin mech for it (SR5 Model 2) but it doesn't seem to accept the coins, the occasional one goes through but that's about it....

Any help I can get would be appreciated.



#2 skabaz


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Posted 05 July 2008 - 08:33 AM


welcome to the forum:)

first point

the key that you have,is it a solid coloured key or a key with 4 seperate dil switches on it?

second point

if the mech is accepting some £1 coins and you have made sure that the coin mech is clean then unfortunatly you may have a faulty coin mech.
sr5 coin mechs are a bit hit and miss.you may get 1 out of 3 mechs which will have poor acceptence.


#3 therotty


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Posted 05 July 2008 - 08:46 AM

Thanks for your reply Baz

The % key is a solid colour.

Thanks for the advice on the coin mech. I will try cleaning it again but it sounds like I've got a dodgy one....



#4 skabaz


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Posted 05 July 2008 - 07:12 PM

not sure why its saying invalid key when you have a solid key.

does the machine power up properly with all doors closed and can you play it without a % key error?


#5 therotty


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Posted 05 July 2008 - 07:45 PM

I can play it fine with no probs (although it's very tight with the payouts). I had a spare (adjujstable) key from a previous machine but it still says invalid key. It doesn't have a JP key but it shows £35 JP and £0.50 play fine. If I take the % key out it sets of the alarm - As soon as I put the key in it's fine but I can't find out what % it's on....



#6 skabaz


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Posted 05 July 2008 - 08:23 PM

probably the invalid key is actually referring to the jp key and not the % key.

when the £35 software came out some machines would automatically default to the highest jackpot and highest stake.

it will say invalid key because it doesn't detect one.

i would be 99% sure thats what it is.


#7 therotty


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Posted 05 July 2008 - 09:09 PM

OK, I understand that but do you know if there is a way of finding out what % the machine is set to? Would it make any sense for me to buy a JP key that includes £35? Is it possible to use the Dils for %'s? Currently the only dil that is on is number 5 which is the note acceptor. Is it possible for me to buy a manual from somewhere that tells me what dils do what?

Sorry for all the questions.

Appreciate the help.



#8 gambogaz1



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Posted 06 July 2008 - 07:06 AM

Global were taken over by games-media. Try the link and see if theres any way of ordering 1 from them.


#9 skabaz


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Posted 06 July 2008 - 10:43 AM

is it in a maygay cabinet?

if so then give me a few days and i'll see if i can get one for you.

might cost you a fiver or summat depending where i get it from.


#10 therotty


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Posted 06 July 2008 - 02:45 PM

Hi, yes it's in a Maygay platinum cabinet (not trying to sound posh!). More than happy to pay a fiver if you can get one - Let me know how you get on.

From what you've been saying it sounds like it may be worth me getting a JP key then hopefully this will clear the error message and I should be able to then see the % etc...

Thanks for your help!

#11 therotty


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Posted 07 July 2008 - 08:15 AM

Hi Baz, got in touch with games media and managed to get a manual!! Thanks to both you and Gambogaz for your advice.

Cheers, TR

#12 fruitsnappa


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Posted 07 July 2008 - 09:11 AM

Plenty prize keys here Price Of Play Keys - Fruit Machine, Quiz Machine, Pool & Jukebox Sales From CMJS Leisure if you need one.

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