Step 1
Download this file from Download cow.
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Put it in a folder called 'FRUIT MACHINES' on your desktop.
Step 2
Unzip the getting started file, you'll have something like this.
Step 3
Open mfme9.4, either double left click it with your mouse, or
right click to hilight and select open.
Step 4
Now, click on the file writing on the top left hand corner and
select Load game. This will bring up a standard windows open file window.
Direct this window to the FRUIT MACHINES folder on your desktop and then
to the vamp it up folder inside that.
Step 5.
Inside the vamp it up folder is several files but mfme only picks up the
.gam file. Hilight the Vamp It Up file and click open.
Step 6.
Right, vamp it up has now loaded. Although classics are normally set at a
low resolution this one is bigger due to the amount of blubs the real
machine uses. If you can see the whole layout, including the buttons skip
step 7.
Step 7.
If the layout does not fit, if your monitor can handle a higer resolution
just left click anywhere on your desktop, not on any file, just in a blank
space and select properties. Select settings from the tabs at the top.
Where it's circled red slide the bar til it reads 1280 by 1024 pixel.
Hit apply, you scrren will blanks out for a sec and come back at said
resolution. Hit ok and you're done.
Step 8.
Depending on your computer the layout may be running too slow or too fast.
The speed box circled again can change this for you. The higher the number,
the quicker it gets. My pc is on the slow side so I have mine set to 9999999.
Just close this window to return to the layout again.
Step 9.
You can play the layout with your mouse, just click on any of the buttons, as
and when you want. If you would rather play via your keyboard every button has
a key from your keyboard assigned to each button. On the picture you will see
several red circles next to each button with a letter/number/symbol in. These
are the letters/numbers/symbols that are assigned to each button. These can be
edited to suit you but for now, you don't need to worry about that!
Step 10.
1 game is never enough! You are reading this here at fruit-emu so have a look
in the download section. Fruit-Emu (Fruit Machine Emulation) - Download: .