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help error 48 alarm

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#1 linky666



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Posted 20 July 2008 - 02:03 PM

Hi anyone ?

Please could someone help a lady in distress i have recently bought aa fruit machine "reel appeal" it was working fine yesturday but now when i switch it on it comes up with on / off alarm 48 which is quite loud. it does this for about 10 seconds then restarts and does the same again. I read somewhere i should leave it and it will reset itself but it doesnt appear to do this ? Any suggestions would be much appreciated ? cheers Lindsay :bigeyes01:

#2 Guest_DAD_*

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Posted 20 July 2008 - 02:28 PM

That's what you should normally do with an on/off alarm - leave it for a good few seconds to reset and it should work. Since yours is not doing this it might be a more serious problem. Best bet would also be to try at the Mecca - The MPU Mecca as they also have a good bunch of technical guys who would be more than willing to help.

#3 lincs1


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Posted 20 July 2008 - 02:30 PM

Hi anyone ?

Please could someone help a lady in distress i have recently bought aa fruit machine "reel appeal" it was working fine yesturday but now when i switch it on it comes up with on / off alarm 48 which is quite loud. it does this for about 10 seconds then restarts and does the same again. I read somewhere i should leave it and it will reset itself but it doesnt appear to do this ? Any suggestions would be much appreciated ? cheers Lindsay :bigeyes01:

1st of all welcome to fruit-emu linky ;)

are we related? pmsl

(jus kidding)

i would say if u switch the machine on and get this alarm then switch it off and back on again then yes that'll be why it goes into alarm error 48. there is a dip switch that can turn that off. also it doesn't come up with error 53 does it?

if it does then the battery needs replacing as the error 53 is ram reset.


#4 linky666



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Posted 20 July 2008 - 02:37 PM

Hi, again

no more errors come up in the screen bit just error 48. ~Wheres the dip switch ?

#5 ForYouToEnvy


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Posted 20 July 2008 - 02:53 PM

had a fortune 500 that had on/off issues, found if i left it alone after alarm it would come back to life after about ten mins....dont know if thats any use to you, just thought id share:)

#6 skabaz


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Posted 20 July 2008 - 04:27 PM

the more times you switch the machine off before the error has run its due course,the longer it takes to reset.

unplug the speaker and leave it to run.

if it clears then resets and then errors agaain then you may have a power supply issue.

is this a bellfruit machine?


#7 xiongtai125


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Posted 17 June 2009 - 12:10 PM

i have recently purchased an impulse fortune 'n' glory machine. i am having trouble getting it on free-play, also i was playing on it last night and it was running fine, but now when i turn it on the power box makes a noise like it is on but no lights on top and no way of playing. i have checked the fuse in the power box and that is fine. and i have let it sit for a while. can someone please help!

#8 mixer


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Posted 11 July 2009 - 07:14 PM

Hi Bazpeeb

I also had a Error 48 today; nearly jumped out of my skin as it was so loud! You've suggested unplugging the speaker in case it happens again; I wondered, is it straightforward to do? I've got a MPU5 field manual but it doesn't refer to speakers. Any help on this would be very gratefully appreciated.

#9 lincs1


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Posted 11 July 2009 - 07:20 PM

Hi Bazpeeb

I also had a Error 48 today; nearly jumped out of my skin as it was so loud! You've suggested unplugging the speaker in case it happens again; I wondered, is it straightforward to do? I've got a MPU5 field manual but it doesn't refer to speakers. Any help on this would be very gratefully appreciated.

pardon me but what was your question again?

#10 cardie


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Posted 11 July 2009 - 08:21 PM

Hi Bazpeeb

I also had a Error 48 today; nearly jumped out of my skin as it was so loud! You've suggested unplugging the speaker in case it happens again; I wondered, is it straightforward to do? I've got a MPU5 field manual but it doesn't refer to speakers. Any help on this would be very gratefully appreciated.

the speak is by the coin mech ( were you put ur coins in ) you should see a goldish metal disc which is the magnet on the speaker.

there will be to wires going into a little while pad just next to it. just unplug one of the wires and the speaker wont work. you do no u also lose the sounds on the machine as well if you do this

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