Guitar, can you recommend a course on programming language, like c+. I went to Uni for computers, but never learned language cos all we had was windows 3.11 (Good old dos command tho) and pascal! Cheers m8 and the best with FMEF! Btw was a wizard on basic and commodore basic lol.
I fully recommend the book C++ for dummies. I have it and intend to start putting it to good use shortly. If you've been to uni already then just buy that book and teach yourself. It comes with free C++ dev software too.
There's nothing wrong with basic and commodore basic. I learned most of my stuff on a zx spectrum.
A lot of people said that VB couldn't be used for emulation as it isn't quick enough. Ok it is no match for C or C++ but as long as you don't mind some hefty processor usage it works.
I'll write up part two soon and that should finish off the talking about number bases, converting between them, and signed values.
Part 3 will then start the actual emulation, explaining what we are doing, and a little electronics and logic.
That should then be a good base to start moving on a bit more quickly with the emulation. Starting with the 6809 CPU, then the 6840 Timer, then the 6821 PIA's (Peripheral Interface Adaptors).
For the CPU we'll start by looking at how to load a rom into an array. Moving on to resetting the CPU. Then interpreting an opcode. Then looping it to do multiple opcodes. Fortunately for all of you I have already debugged the CPU so the code you get given should work first time. I will do a section on debugging but for the time being I'm very happy to put that behind me.
The first thing to do is dispell the myth that emulation is very difficult. It isn't, if I can do it then so can most of you. At times it can be frustrating, tedious, annoying and downright infuriating, BUT the first time the alpha flashes up the init message you also get a huge sense of satisfaction. Also if we ever have an FME meet up I'll be drinking for free all night

. (memo to self, organise fme meet up)
The CPU is easy to program but a bit difficult to get your head around. Thats why I'm starting with the number conversion. Once you understand that then by comparison the rest is easy.
Anyway enough rambling from me.
So who is actually interested in giving this a try?