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How to reset coins in and out?

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#1 CapMan1000


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Posted 07 September 2008 - 01:54 PM

Hi all I`m a newbie to this site and also to the world of fruit machine emu`s. Now I downloaded some emulators namely MFME 2.0, MFME 3.0 and MFME 10.1a.

I have also downloaded only 7 emu`s so far but I noticed that in the Game Manager page that all of the machines have a history of what money was put in and won I assume by the person who make the emu.

Now how do I reset these total on a machine by machine bases so that each machine that I download can be reset before I play it. I don`t want to reset my whole history just each machine in turn when downloaded.


Edited by CapMan1000, 07 September 2008 - 02:03 PM.

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#2 Zoltar


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Posted 07 September 2008 - 02:47 PM

Hi all I`m a newbie to this site and also to the world of fruit machine emu`s. Now I downloaded some emulators namely MFME 2.0, MFME 3.0 and MFME 10.1a.

I have also downloaded only 7 emu`s so far but I noticed that in the Game Manager page that all of the machines have a history of what money was put in and won I assume by the person who make the emu.

Now how do I reset these total on a machine by machine bases so that each machine that I download can be reset before I play it. I don`t want to reset my whole history just each machine in turn when downloaded.


If you open the layout folder that your game is in, simply delete the .ram file. (On my computer, it's icon is a 'Real' file. As in 'Real Player'. Each time you load a layout, the emulator uses this (.ram) file as it's memory. Delete the file, and the layout has in effect, been factory defaulted. When the layout is next run, a new .ram file will be created.

Alternatively, you can open the layout folder, and edit the .gam file in something like 'Wordpad'. Simply change the number at the side of 'TotalIn' and 'TotalOut' to 0. remembering to leave a space so they look like this....

TotalIn 0
TotalOut 0

Doing it the second way will leave the layout as it was. Still played and not reset but the counters set to 0.

#3 CapMan1000


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Posted 07 September 2008 - 03:11 PM

Cheers Zoltar that was a great help.

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