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#41 Bencrest


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Posted 26 January 2004 - 06:38 PM

I find that hilarious, considering when I once mentioned that Simulations which are designed to represent real machines should be allowed on the site, I was flamed to buggery.

Oh well, shows how things can change, eh?

Does sound like an interesting bit of kit, I'll be 'avin a look later :)

Hopefully recovering from years of compulsive gambling and wanting to be gamble free forever.
Recommended reading - http://www.gamblersaloud.com/ (yes, I bought the book, very happy with it!)

#42 barcrest



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Posted 27 January 2004 - 09:57 AM

Here i go again on my own.... Down the only road i've ever known... LOL

What's new.
Holds are implimented. They are 100% working, however the third hold code and hold wins above and bellow are not in yet.

I will release later today, ARRRRRG! As i was typing this i have just broken the visual studio 6 CD in half. I was in my pocket... Crap! It was the original CD too. I never made a back up :roll: Best hope i don't ever need to re-install.....

Anyway i will release later today once i have a bit more in there to save on dumping lots of interim releases on here. I am desperately trying to get saving done so. I'm still waiting to see a release of a machine LOL :)

#43 barcrest



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Posted 27 January 2004 - 12:50 PM

What's New...
Saving Added.. (Not all settings are saved, but most are)
Reel Editor Fixed up a bit more.
Various Bug Fixes.
Holds Added with percentage chance of them occuring.
Fixed Flashing Buttons (Turn em on and see, you might need to change flash rate).
Exchange Button Working.

Have fun guys... :)

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#44 barcrest



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Posted 27 January 2004 - 04:01 PM

Here we go...

What's New...
A couple of requested items...
Co-Ord's displayed bottom right.
Move tool added. (Only for hi-lo reel and 3 fruit reels more added tomorrow).
Credits Box :)

What's Coming in tomorrow release...
More things added to the move tool.
More things added to the SAVE and LOAD.
Some more fixes to the Reel Editor.
Start work on Sound Editor.

Obviously that is all subjec to change as i add and remove things on a whim. The dodgy sound is back in but i'm sure it's buggy. I may have to take it again and try something else.

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#45 barcrest



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Posted 28 January 2004 - 09:07 AM


that is why the last version is crashing after several spins and you only here the audio once. :oops: Thought it might have been, i will release a new version tomorrow. Later today i will post up an audio demo if you can test for me and post back i will know if it's working and add it in to the kit for tomorrows release. Sorry about that.
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#46 barcrest



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Posted 28 January 2004 - 10:03 AM

Here is the audio editor.. You can load samples in for each event and play them back... If i get good feedback i'll chuck all this code into the kit tomorrow morning and release it.

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#47 barcrest



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Posted 29 January 2004 - 11:48 AM

What's New...
Fixed up the save file so more settings are retained.
Removed Buggy Sound so no crashes.
Added working sound I Hope.
Added some more stuff to the move tool.

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#48 barcrest



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Posted 29 January 2004 - 12:38 PM

Load a machine into this and strech it to full screen :D

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#49 barcrest



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Posted 29 January 2004 - 03:49 PM

Project 38
Fixed the holds bug (Staying lit after holds are gone)
Put the sound editor in (100% working)
Feature Colum is now in (Well it is loaded from the .FCK Not working yet.)
Updated the defaul.fck graphics slightly.

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#50 barcrest



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Posted 30 January 2004 - 09:13 AM

The above file was missing the .FCK file

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#51 barcrest



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Posted 30 January 2004 - 11:43 AM

What's New...
Cash Band Editor in. (You can't change the cash values yet...)
Feature Band Working. (50% it now accepts +1 Feature off the board and lights up)
Couple more bug fixes.

Have a good weekend guys incase i don't get time to post another version.

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#52 barcrest



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Posted 30 January 2004 - 02:17 PM

What's new...
You can now go hi/lo on the feature board squares.
Turn off hi/lo on the feature board squares.
Award jackpot if gambled to top of feature band trail.
Correctly add cash value to meters if jackpot obtained off feature board.

Phew a fair bit of work there to the feature board.

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#53 barcrest



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Posted 30 January 2004 - 06:16 PM

Here is what i'm working on.... It requires a few things adding to the kit and i'll add them on monday. Hopfully i should be able to release this machine by tuesday morning at the latest...

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#54 Pook


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Posted 30 January 2004 - 10:53 PM

This is fantastic Barry, I downloaded one of the very first versions and it was a simple hi/lo, a few versions on from that didn't run for me. Let it alone for a few more versions and have just tried the latest.

Considering how long this has been going it's tremendous progress and looks like having real potential.

Keep up the great work.



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#55 Rodney42


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Posted 31 January 2004 - 12:18 PM

This looks really good, but I cant get it to work???

I've downloaded the file and unzipped it, but when I click on the player.exe file I get the following:

Component comdlg32.ocx or one of its dependancies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid.

I know I've probably done something wrong, that is probably extremely simple to put right - please help.

BTW I'm running Windows XP, 3.06 ghz processor



#56 barcrest



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Posted 31 January 2004 - 02:17 PM

Here is the missing .ocx file.

Hey cheers pook, i really could do with you making a layout for it. :D

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#57 RB


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Posted 31 January 2004 - 02:19 PM

this is really looking good.......had a few errors with the sound but sorted now. keep up the good work mate :D

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#58 barcrest



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Posted 01 February 2004 - 11:08 PM

Let's see what tomorrow brings.
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#59 Guest_madman_*

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Posted 02 February 2004 - 12:17 AM

fruitmachine construction kit...


well done m8 this looks to be a fine project and a sure fire hit when its complete.........

thanx m8..

wish i could code but i only just finished my first pinball table usin vis/pin...lol

#60 barcrest



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Posted 02 February 2004 - 11:14 AM

Here is how far i am from the next release and what i am working on...

The Bug Fix Version...

The collect button height isn't loading from the .FCK file.. (Fixed)

The featureboard decals are not having their positions set by the .FCK file.... (Fixed)

Add the featureband positions to the save machine procedure... (Fixed)

Load feature band value from .fck file. (Fixed)

Hi Lo reel maximum number when loaded needs to set the combo box... (Fixed)

Alpha position Load and Save. (Fixed)

Alpha On/Off (Fixed)

Set the Jackpot setting to match the .FCK File. (Fixed)

Keeps the same hold buttons depressed on second hold? (Fixed)

------------------------------------- Still To Do ---------------------------------

Hi lo reel isn't sizing properly on flick reel...

Add nudges.

You can exchange onto the board if no board is selected... Need to remove
the exchange button if the board is turned off.

fix BUG where feature band is flashed if cash trail is turned on...

Fix BUG where enable Hi/Lo on board check box doesn't do anything...

Add Cat & Mouse type trail...

Refresh the coin_in and coin_out meters every start button press or gamble

Fix the Hi-Lo Reel...
Re-initialise if changing the maximum number
Numbers not scrolling into view correctly leading to loops

Add feature board decals to the positioning tool.

Look at why i can't have more decals on the feature board.

Might get a release out early afternoon. I will then work on getting the frank-n-stien machine working tonight.
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