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#61 fruitzone


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Posted 02 February 2004 - 12:50 PM

Looking very nice...;)
Can't wait to the final version...

#62 barcrest



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Posted 02 February 2004 - 02:51 PM

The Bug Fix Version...

The collect button height isn't loading from the .FCK file.. (Fixed)

The featureboard decals are not having their positions set by the .FCK file.... (Fixed)

Add the featureband positions to the save machine procedure... (Fixed)

Load feature band value from .fck file. (Fixed)

Hi Lo reel maximum number when loaded needs to set the combo box... (Fixed)

Alpha position Load and Save. (Fixed)

Alpha On/Off (Fixed)

Set the Jackpot setting to match the .FCK File. (Fixed)

Keeps the same hold buttons depressed on second hold? (Fixed)

Hi lo reel isn't sizing properly on flick reel... (Fixed, sort off.. Still many bugs in hi/lo reel to iron out)

Add Cat & Mouse type trail...(Fixed 50% end to end is in need to add cat moves..)

Hi/Lo Displays numbers higher than MAX hi/lo setting (Fixed)

You can exchange onto the board if no board is selected... (Fixed)

Refresh the coin_in and coin_out meters every start button press or gamble win/loose... (Fixed)

Error with Hold Buttons And Exchange Button Lit when machine loads... (Fixed)

Fix BUG where enable Hi/Lo on board check box doesn't do anything... (Fixed)

Add nudges. (Fixed, still need to add decals.)

Enable more sound events.. (Fixed now plays samples for nudges opffered and holds offered)

Add feature board decals to the positioning tool. (Added Pick off second drop down box)

Re-initialise Hi/LO if changing the maximum number (Fixed)

------------------------------------- Still To Do ---------------------------------

Add cat moves to feature trail.

fix BUG where feature band is flashed if cash trail is turned on...

Fix the Hi-Lo Reel...
Re-initialise if changing the maximum number
Numbers not scrolling into view correctly leading to loops

Look at why i can't have more decals on the feature board.

That's how far i am at present. As you can see the holds are in, so i would have thought the majority of lo-techs could be re-produced now... Once i have got the cat moves in for the cat and mouse trail i will stick a release up.

Then later tonight i will stick up a W.I.P. version of frank-n-stein as i should be able to complete that when i get home.
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#63 barcrest



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Posted 02 February 2004 - 03:41 PM

Here it is the log awaited version... I will release a beta frank-n-stein tonight all being well. AFAIK the code is complete for it...

Have fun guys and let me know how you get on with it..... There is a lot in this release over the last one even if most of it is bug fixes and behind the scenes stuff.

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#64 barcrest



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Posted 02 February 2004 - 08:19 PM

Here is a bug fixed version with a couple more features..

The cat trail clears.
The nudge decals appear.

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#65 barcrest



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Posted 02 February 2004 - 10:58 PM

apply this one over 45a it's some bug fixes and improvments to the load and save options.

Also included is an updated .fck file for frank-n-stein if you want it...

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#66 ritdav


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Posted 02 February 2004 - 11:42 PM

i have d/l this but get errors is there another program i need to get this working ?How should the files be set up.

#67 barcrest



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Posted 03 February 2004 - 12:03 AM

Here download this...


extract that to a folder an it should run. There are 2 machines in there...

The defaul Pie Factory W.I.P. and Frank-n-stein W.I.P.

Let me know hoe you get on.
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#68 Daryl


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Posted 03 February 2004 - 12:22 AM

When I have extracted the "project45c.zip" file to another folder, and go in and click "Project45c,exe", the following warning fault pops up:


"X" Failed to load control 'CommonDialog' from COMDLG32.OCX. Your version of COMDLG32.OCX may be outdated. Make sure you are using the version of the control that was provided with your application.

I can only use what has been downloaded into the .zip folder, so could you please tell me what is missing - or what I am missing
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#69 barcrest



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Posted 03 February 2004 - 12:51 AM

you need this... Stick it in the same folder and your away.

Complete 11mb version here..


But you'll still need the attached comdlg32.ocx anyway..

That full job there has all 3 machines in it.

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#70 Guest_madman_*

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Posted 03 February 2004 - 01:21 AM

getting there m8.........
how long before its perfected do ya think.this is a very interesting and exciting peice of software..........

#71 Daryl


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Posted 03 February 2004 - 01:36 AM

It's me again!!

I have downloaded and added version Project46.zip, and added in the COMDLG file too, and I am still getting the same message when loading the "Project46.exe" application.

Is anyone else getting the same message too?

What am I doing wrong? Or is soemthing wrong with the program? Either way, I would love to try this new project - given the chance!!
All The Best

My blogsite is here: click the icon --->   :computer:

My name is Daryl, I was born in 1965 and have been into FME since 2002!
On 23 June 2011, I was diagnosed with Alzheimers Disease  In November 2012, I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease and Parkinsonian Syndrome too.
I can be found at:
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#72 barcrest



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Posted 03 February 2004 - 09:05 AM

You need the comdlg32.ocx in the same folder as the exe.....

As for how long until it's perfected well the answer is it will never be perfected...

I am working on it all the time at the moment, bug fixing and adding features but to be honest as new fruit machines are released they have new features and i also susspuct we'll come up with some ideas ourselves so it will be a never ending thing. As you can see from the crappy WIP machine i made you can make machine in it's current state although they are limited. I would have thought in a couple of weeks things will look a little better and it should be at a more usable state, although i think it's fairly usable now...

Here is my W.I.P. agenda for this week...

------------------------------------- Still To Do ---------------------------------

Replace gamble button with start button, for turbo gamble.

Add cancel code for nudges.

Add cancel code for holds.

fix BUG where feature band is flashed if cash trail is turned on...

Fix the Hi-Lo Reel...
Re-initialise if changing the maximum number
Numbers not scrolling into view correctly leading to loops
Doesn't re-size properly if changing from one machine to another.

Look at why i can't have more decals on the feature board.

Add Bonus Code.

Add all nudge settings to .fck file.

Add all hold settings to .fck file.

Add code for 3 heads in view to start feature.
Also 3 heads on win line.

Add death code to cat and mouse trail.

Add death code to wrap around trail.

Add 3 reel top feature code.

Fix bug where win value can be greater than jackpot.

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#73 barcrest



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Posted 03 February 2004 - 11:50 AM

This is how far i have got today.. Just so you know i am still working on it.

Replace gamble button with start button, for turbo gamble.

Add cancel code for nudges... (Fixed)

Add cancel code for holds... (Fixed)

Select Collect to Double as Cancel or use seperate cancel button...(Fixed)

Add death code to wrap around trail. (Fixed, and sample added.)

Add death code to cat and mouse trail. (Fixed, and sample added.)

------------------------------------- Still To Do ---------------------------------

fix BUG where feature band is flashed if cash trail is turned on...

Fix the Hi-Lo Reel...
Re-initialise if changing the maximum number
Numbers not scrolling into view correctly leading to loops
Doesn't re-size properly if changing from one machine to another.

Look at why i can't have more decals on the feature board.

Add Bonus Code.

Add all nudge settings to .fck file.

Add all hold settings to .fck file.

Add code for 3 heads in view to start feature.
Also 3 heads on win line.

Add 3 reel top feature code.

Fix bug where win value can be greater than jackpot.

I will try and post a release up this afternoon. Failing that there will be one tomorrow.
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#74 barcrest



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Posted 03 February 2004 - 01:52 PM

Here it is.. The daily release. This one's a bt different because it comes without any machine bundled with it at all... It should work with the machines from the project46 release so if you havn't got that then you'll need that as well. As you can see from above a lot of bugs have been fixed. I think that is what i will be spending most of this week doing, however i have added a few new bits,

The death code for the feature board
The start of the bonus code
I have also squeezed more things together on the main page to fit more on.

Anyway for thoose still interested here it is.

EDIT: I have included the .FCK files as i did have to change them to add a new sound event.

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#75 barcrest



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Posted 04 February 2004 - 02:09 PM

Here is how far i have got today....

I have an LCD font for the ALPHA it's looking great.
I have started a manual (This will take some time, Suggestions and amendments please).
Credits are implemented, just need to add a temporary credit button.
Bank is partially implimented (50%)
Fixed a bug where the ALPHA always said 1 nudge no matter how many nudges you had.
Now reelband items have 2 cash values to allow for mixed 7's mixed bars and boxed wins...
Reel editor lets you change the cash values and saves these out to the FCK file. (This means an update to the .FCK files again)
3 heads on win line starts feature now in.

I don't know how far we will get today but I will endevor to get a release out today.

I am working on adding the 5 liner code now.
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#76 barcrest



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Posted 04 February 2004 - 03:12 PM

Here it is.

I have an LCD font for the ALPHA it's looking great.
I have started a manual (This will take some time, Suggestions and amendments please).
Credits are implemented, just need to add a temporary credit button.
Bank is partially implimented (50%)
Fixed a bug where the ALPHA always said 1 nudge no matter how many nudges you had.
Now reelband items have 2 cash values to allow for mixed 7's mixed bars and boxed wins...
Reel editor lets you change the cash values and saves these out to the FCK file. (This means an update to the .FCK files again)
3 heads on win line starts feature now in.
Move tool now lets you position the nudge decals.

The five liner code never made it in but i will be doing that tomorrow. I will also work on a number trail type machine tomorrow. The one just contains the EXE and updated .FCK files. You still need project46.zip for the re-sources and then just stick this over the top.

EDIT: Also included is the manual and the LCD font for the alpha display. It's a true type fornt so just install it via the fonts folder in your windows control panel.

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#77 barcrest



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Posted 04 February 2004 - 06:19 PM

Guys the .FCK file in the project52a.zip have errors. The first entry for each reel is wrong... They should be 1,1,0 not 1,0,0 or 5,0,0 as i believe one of them is. You can fix it in note pad or wait for tomorrows release. All it means is that it treats the single bar as a 7 for mixed 7 wins :S

I noticed it too late to upload the fix. It was due to a bug in the reel editor that i have now also fixed.
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#78 Guest_madman_*

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Posted 04 February 2004 - 11:27 PM

lookin nice now..............
erm.........were does your life fit round the time it must take to code this..........

#79 barcrest



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Posted 04 February 2004 - 11:29 PM

It only spend a couple hours a day on it... That is why progress is so slow.
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#80 barcrest



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Posted 05 February 2004 - 04:05 PM

O.K. No more releases of the kit for a while....

But here is an updated frank-n-stein. It now looks a lot more like i wanted it to when i started it. Still not up to the standards of the DX masters but looking a lot better than it did....


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