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#81 barcrest



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Posted 06 February 2004 - 12:58 PM

This is why i am not releasing the kit again for a while....

Reel editor cannot support more than 10 items. Need to add more image boxes (Up to 30) (Fixed)

Nudge Decal Positions need to be saved...(Fixed)

------------------------------------- Still To Do ---------------------------------

---- BUGS -----

Replace gamble button with start button, for turbo gamble.

fix BUG where feature band is flashed if cash trail is turned on...

Fix the Hi-Lo Reel...
Re-initialise if changing the maximum number
Numbers not scrolling into view correctly leading to loops
Doesn't re-size properly if changing from one machine to another.

Look at why i can't have more decals on the feature board.

Fix bug where win value can be greater than jackpot.

-----.FCK File additions----

Add all nudge settings to .fck file.

Add all hold settings to .fck file.

Add alpha messages to .FCK file...

Add bank and credits to .fck file...

----- feature board releated code -----

Add code for 3 heads in view to start feature.

add 1-8 trail code.
Maybe extra trail positions for bonus start, extra life etc.. See wildfire and the like..

Add 3 reel top feature code.

Add Skill Stop Square

Add a trail forward and backward square (Homes Meltdown et al)

Add Picks Based Feature Board...

Make bonuses work.

Add the disc support in.
Add disk editor...

Add illuminated reels in...

---- General Stuff to add for realisim and improved game play -----

Add a bank...

Add a hopper and ability to re-fill and empty.

----- Feature Column Stuff ------

Add skill stop feature for cash trail

Add Reel Blasts (Need to change the reel band code to have lit and un-lit reel band decals)
Add reel roulette feature, need same lit and unlit decals as above.

Add knockouts.. (Feature Knockouts and Cach Knockouts)

Add coin in sample and payout samples...

-------------------------------- In Your Dreams -------------------------------------

Use Direct 3D to do the lighting effects in real time. Just place the bulbs and your off...

Use Direct 3D to display a 3d image of the machine that you can rotate around...

Getting all that stuff in is going to take me a while and will involve yet more changes to the .FCK file.. So to save keep releasing patch versions I am going to go all out to get everything above in and working before the next release. Well with the exception of the DIRECT 3D stuff... I have somebody else looking at that for me but he is now thinking it might require a complete re-write so it may never happen.
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#82 barcrest



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Posted 06 February 2004 - 05:45 PM

Ok i have stuck one up.. it's 8.5mb and you can get it here...


Hopefully that will get you working again.

I did that because someone was having trouble with the last one and as they are actually making a mchine i put a fix in for them. As i had uploaded it for them i thought i would let you lot get your mits on it too :)
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#83 barcrest



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Posted 07 February 2004 - 11:40 PM

I have been busy, here is what i've got in so far..

Reel editor cannot support more than 10 items. Need to add more image boxes (Up to 30) (Fixed)

Nudge Decal Positions need to be saved...(Fixed)

Add the disc support in. (NEW)
Add disk editor... (NEW) Not happy with it...

Add all nudge settings to .fck file. (Fixed)

Add all hold settings to .fck file. (Fixed)

Add bank and credits to .fck file... (Fixed)

Look at why i can't have more decals on the feature board. (Fixed)

I will carry on with the WIP list i posted and see where i am on monday.
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#84 barcrest



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Posted 09 February 2004 - 01:21 PM

Here is where we are at the moment... Looking very good even if i say so my self :D

Reel editor cannot support more than 10 items. Need to add more image boxes (Up to 30) (Fixed)

Nudge Decal Positions need to be saved...(Fixed)

Add the disc support in. (NEW)
Add disk editor... (NEW) Not happy with it...

Add all nudge settings to .fck file. (Fixed)

Add all hold settings to .fck file. (Fixed)

Add bank and credits to .fck file... (Fixed)

Look at why i can't have more decals on the feature board. (Fixed)

Done the reel off images now and they load. (New)

Reel Blast Feature Added (NEW)

Fix Collect Bug when on feature board (Fixed)

Step reels up produces a blank gap??? (Fixed)

--------------------What i'm working on now ----------------------

You can click the trail symbols to select them in move mode...
Maybe add drop down box to select tool and have move true all the time in design mode.
Change mouse when over back ground image.

------------------------------------- Still To Do ---------------------------------

---- BUGS -----

Replace gamble button with start button, for turbo gamble.

fix BUG where feature band is flashed if cash trail is turned on...

Fix the Hi-Lo Reel...
Re-initialise if changing the maximum number
Numbers not scrolling into view correctly leading to loops
Doesn't re-size properly if changing from one machine to another.

Fix bug where win value can be greater than jackpot.

-----.FCK File additions----

Add alpha messages to .FCK file...

----- feature board releated code -----

Add code for 3 heads in view to start feature.

add 1-8 trail code.
Maybe extra trail positions for bonus start, extra life etc.. See wildfire and the like..

Add 3 reel top feature code.

Add Skill Stop Square

Add a trail forward and backward square (Homes Meltdown et al)

Add Picks Based Feature Board...

Make bonuses work.

Add illuminated reels in...

---- General Stuff to add for realisim and improved game play -----

Add a bank...

Add a hopper and ability to re-fill and empty.

----- Feature Column Stuff ------

Add skill stop feature for cash trail

Add Reel Blasts (Need to change the reel band code to have lit and un-lit reel band decals)
Add reel roulette feature, need same lit and unlit decals as above.

Add knockouts.. (Feature Knockouts and Cach Knockouts)

Add coin in sample and payout samples...

I know it looks like there is still a lot to do and that's because there is but i will have another release out today.

The biggest breakthroughs IMHO were the fixing of the super hold code and the reel blast feature addition. These pave the way nicely for getting the features active and that allows us to have a lot more machines in there.

P.S. Anyone got the graphics for the old Cat & Mouse type cops and robbers. I've almost 100% completed Frank-N-Stein now and need another machine to move onto.
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#85 barcrest



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Posted 09 February 2004 - 03:50 PM

Here it is the latest and greatest...

It only comes with the frank-n-stein machine in this release to save space.

The other games are here...

http://baja.ods.org/games.zip (12mb)

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#86 barcrest



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Posted 10 February 2004 - 04:24 PM

The 1-8 Trail code is in. The trail lights up correct but the 4 bonus isn't in yet....

That is all i manged to do today. However i have added 2 more options for ALPHA displays. A credit one and a bank one. This is to make the lo-tech's more realistic.

Don't expect a release any time soon as i am now quite busy. I will try and get something out by friday if i feel i have added sufficient stuff to warrant it.
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#87 barcrest



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Posted 11 February 2004 - 02:09 PM

I have added a 4th reel. So now you can do 4 reel machines, should you want to... :p

I will keep working on it, but i still can't say when a release will be made. 4 reel lo-techs :p 5-Reel lo-techs anyone.. Nah thought not.
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#88 Closed - Adam

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Posted 19 February 2004 - 10:51 PM

:wow: Looks Great :wow:

But b4 I download it, how much like the real thing dose it play?


#89 Closed - Adam

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Posted 20 February 2004 - 12:54 PM

Here it is the latest and greatest...

It only comes with the frank-n-stein machine in this release to save space.

The other games are here...

http://baja.ods.org/games.zip (12mb)

Sorry to sound thick, but what do I need to download? There are so many!


#90 barcrest



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Posted 20 February 2004 - 06:16 PM

Download the games.zip and project70.zip and it should all work...
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#91 Closed - Adam

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Posted 22 February 2004 - 02:39 PM

I keep getting an error.

Warning: Missing argument 3 for session_pagestart() in /home/virtual/site1/fst/var/www/html/includes/sessions.php on line 262

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: opentable() in /home/virtual/site1/fst/var/www/html/mainfile.php on line 238

#92 barcrest



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Posted 22 February 2004 - 07:43 PM

I dunno must be a problem with the site? Hmmm...
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#93 duplu


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Posted 22 February 2004 - 07:55 PM

I keep getting an error.

Warning: Missing argument 3 for session_pagestart() in /home/virtual/site1/fst/var/www/html/includes/sessions.php on line 262

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: opentable() in /home/virtual/site1/fst/var/www/html/mainfile.php on line 238

Both files are downloading fine for me.

#94 mortalwombat



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Posted 22 February 2004 - 09:59 PM

This is looking good, cheers :lol:

#95 barcrest



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Posted 24 February 2004 - 04:28 PM


1-8 Trial
Bank and cash Alpha's
4th Reel
Some other stuff i forgot.

I just posted this so you know that it's still being worked on.. Just more slowly than before due to me being a damn sight more busier.

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#96 barcrest



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Posted 25 February 2004 - 03:32 PM

This fixes the collect button and £1 remaining if you die on the feature board. It's just the EXE file you'll need the above ZIP as well.

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#97 benflynn


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Posted 26 February 2004 - 10:31 AM

Good to see you are still working on it....


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