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Any night pissed thread

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#101 Deano



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Posted 30 October 2008 - 07:49 AM


That Indian Takeaways cheap...lamb rogan josh is nearly £8.00 around here. :(

Curries are quite cheap over here,trouble is there are not many places doing them.Tried them all but not much cop.We have an Aagrah very close to me where the food is more expensive but so much better.Trouble is they dont deliver,athough you can ring an order through and collect it.Making me hungry just thinking about it.

Had a good sesh last night.Snooker night and we won 3-2(I lost).We were away at a place that looked like a bungalow from the outside(stick and tape they call it).Lager was only £1.70/pint.Feeling like shit now lol

As for the outfit,nice.The hat dont do much for me but the rest is great.Only £20 for the lot.We have a great fancy dress shop in Bentley(Smiffys) and they cater for the more perverted clientelle;)

Edited by Deano, 30 October 2008 - 07:59 AM.
not with it this morning


#102 Deano



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Posted 30 October 2008 - 10:02 PM

Had a stressful day today visiting relatives etc.Come home to find not a lot of alcohol in the fridge so had to compromise.
3/4 bottle of white wine
2 large glasses of old port
2 cans Carling Premier

Feeling the effects now lol.Still no luck on the job front.Shite.:bigeyes01:

#103 Zoltar


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Posted 30 October 2008 - 10:12 PM

Had a stressful day today visiting relatives etc.Come home to find not a lot of alcohol in the fridge so had to compromise.
3/4 bottle of white wine
2 large glasses of old port
2 cans Carling Premier

Feeling the effects now lol.Still no luck on the job front.Shite.:bigeyes01:

Do you never have a night where you don't like have a drink? You're like our resident Oliver Reed lol.
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#104 Guest_altharic_*

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Posted 30 October 2008 - 10:16 PM

Had a stressful day today visiting relatives etc.Come home to find not a lot of alcohol in the fridge so had to compromise.
3/4 bottle of white wine
2 large glasses of old port
2 cans Carling Premier

Feeling the effects now lol.Still no luck on the job front.Shite.:bigeyes01:

Come back from a few days away to oining kids so from 3pm approx it was a full house of folks acting twats and I am not talking about the ones that should know better as they do not have a disability this was quite able and coeherant maybe I am missing summat, my lass and her daughter are off out tomorrow I am babysitting her grandaughter so that they can go, she has a lift to the place and a lift back (Manchester is £70-£100 taxi eachway) and guess what?

She is whinging because the lift is between 2am and 7am (lasses brother is a trucker so is actually going out of his way to pick them up warrington - manchester and depends on traffic and such like so is calling up when he is close to where to pick em up) so I had a rutual slaying (know where someone says stuff to hurt to try and get a reaction) sadly for her I remember but I do not always react to this kind of shit as that is what is required.

Why do I get petulant children in life?

Spoke to my lass before going on here and I did right by not taking the bait I knew that anyway but I could not believe that a grown adult can act like that if I had a night out and a lift there and back I'd be overjoyed also pissed up and getting dropped off by a sobarts lorry what a class night lol.

So I have no idea whats going on with tomorrow I know I still have to babysit a teenager just rather not have the hassle with it from her mums childlike shite JESUS!

/me ends the rant

#105 Guest_altharic_*

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Posted 30 October 2008 - 10:19 PM

Do you never have a night where you don't like have a drink? You're like our resident Oliver Reed lol.

I used to be like that I still like a beer but no way to the excess I did before rather have a 4 pack and watch some Law and Order on Hallmark (sad aint it altharic growing up!) my Janni is in bed behind me knackered the afore mentioned twatty kids wore her out.

#106 Deano



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Posted 30 October 2008 - 10:20 PM

Do you never have a night where you don't like have a drink? You're like our resident Oliver Reed lol.

Used to have about 10 pints/week whilst working.Now with all the worries of not having a decent job,its the only way I can sleep.
Spending a lot more time with our son.He has become very attached to me lately cos our lass working a lot more hours to help with bills etc.Nice to be able to have some quality time with him tho even tho I am skint as a fu**er.Maybe the jobs will pick up after christmas.

#107 Guest_altharic_*

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Posted 30 October 2008 - 10:23 PM

Used to have about 10 pints/week whilst working.Now with all the worries of not having a decent job,its the only way I can sleep.
Spending a lot more time with our son.He has become very attached to me lately cos our lass working a lot more hours to help with bills etc.Nice to be able to have some quality time with him tho even tho I am skint as a fu**er.Maybe the jobs will pick up after christmas.

I feel that pain Deano.

Jobs go at Leyland Trucks - Lancashire Evening Post

Last day was Friday.

#108 Deano



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Posted 30 October 2008 - 10:26 PM

Come back from a few days away to oining kids so from 3pm approx it was a full house of folks acting twats and I am not talking about the ones that should know better as they do not have a disability this was quite able and coeherant maybe I am missing summat, my lass and her daughter are off out tomorrow I am babysitting her grandaughter so that they can go, she has a lift to the place and a lift back (Manchester is £70-£100 taxi eachway) and guess what?

She is whinging because the lift is between 2am and 7am (lasses brother is a trucker so is actually going out of his way to pick them up warrington - manchester and depends on traffic and such like so is calling up when he is close to where to pick em up) so I had a rutual slaying (know where someone says stuff to hurt to try and get a reaction) sadly for her I remember but I do not always react to this kind of shit as that is what is required.

Why do I get petulant children in life?

Spoke to my lass before going on here and I did right by not taking the bait I knew that anyway but I could not believe that a grown adult can act like that if I had a night out and a lift there and back I'd be overjoyed also pissed up and getting dropped off by a sobarts lorry what a class night lol.

So I have no idea whats going on with tomorrow I know I still have to babysit a teenager just rather not have the hassle with it from her mums childlike shite JESUS!

/me ends the rant

Rutual slaying,first time I heard of that one lol.Think you did right by not biting back,I been in that situation before.Sometimes remaining silent is the only way,even if you are boiling up inside.
Nice rant btw

#109 Deano



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Posted 30 October 2008 - 10:35 PM

I feel that pain Deano.

Jobs go at Leyland Trucks - Lancashire Evening Post

Last day was Friday.

Thats a sad read.Gave my company 20 years and thought I was one of the last to go.Crappy points system and #@#@#@# boss made sure I were one of the first to go.Company looks bleak now,no houses being built except for housing association,and more job losses coming before Christmas.Gonna bed now.

Just a question.
Why is it when you are online that your username does not come up in the members online box?

#110 Guest_altharic_*

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Posted 30 October 2008 - 10:45 PM

Thats a sad read.Gave my company 20 years and thought I was one of the last to go.Crappy points system and #@#@#@# boss made sure I were one of the first to go.Company looks bleak now,no houses being built except for housing association,and more job losses coming before Christmas.Gonna bed now.

Just a question.
Why is it when you are online that your username does not come up in the members online box?

Was no points system with me it was bye bye not to bothered I can get work and I have savings I'll be fine got a lot of Oracle experience so should get some accounts jobs failing that I am pending a CRB and I might be able to get care work (rewarding but shite pay) but its a job.

I am invisible on the online list because I use my phone a lot to surf the web so folks see me online they boing my MSN when I am either at work or just not there nothing sinister mate just saves me going back to my laptop to 5 day old messages asking if I am online, plus I spend a lot of time at my mrs house she is a foster carer so has a lot on her plate and I help when I can.

#111 Deano



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Posted 30 October 2008 - 10:57 PM

Our lass works in an amusement arcade and they have no union as to speak.They can be sacked instantly with no reasons.All the engineers been made redundant last week.God knows who is going to fix/service machines in the future.Probably train people like our lass up and pay them f*** all extra.
Our redundancies were a joke,if your face fit, you kept your job.Some of my actions and a compo claim against the company got me out.
Good luck with the job hunt.

#112 Dr DX


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Posted 01 November 2008 - 12:09 AM

I like big boovbs and i cannot lie, you otha brothers will deny :D sorry i am pished lol
Women are #@#@#@#s....

#113 Deano



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Posted 01 November 2008 - 12:55 AM

Great time of day to be pissed Dr. Just done something silly, will post about it tomorrow. Its bad lol

#114 RB


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Posted 01 November 2008 - 01:03 AM

Light weight....Spill the beans. (i bet it was your turn to wear the halloween costume with the pointy hat and fishnets), Pictures to follow...;)
Cyberpunk:- alienated loner who lives on the edge of society in generally dystopic future where daily life is impacted by rapid technological change, an ubiquitous datasphere of computerized information, and invasive modification of the human body.....Hmmmmm


#115 Deano



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Posted 01 November 2008 - 09:52 AM

Light weight....Spill the beans. (i bet it was your turn to wear the halloween costume with the pointy hat and fishnets), Pictures to follow...;)

You were on the right lines lol.
Our lass went out from work in the outfit at 4,got in at 12.30am,still in the outfit.I been drinking quite heavily all night and had a curry and thought I would take advantage of her as soon as she walked through the door,which I did.
Started in the kitchen,carried on in the dining room and finished in the living room.
Our lass not on the pill atm so had to wear a welly.Thats where the problem started.Lost feeling downstairs so slipped it off and carried on.Was gonna pull out,honest,but dint want to make a mess.So there you have it.
Had to tell her this morning that it fell off lol.Sent her to the chemist with £25 for a morning after pill,not ready for another little Deano just yet.

#116 silkyuk9



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Posted 01 November 2008 - 06:17 PM

Deano you are wrong with the bit about being sacked at any moment.

Let me tell you, these days even if you are in a Union they are more management than employee, they try to please everyone these days, it is actually in their interests, belive me!

Secondly 've still got your misses in my head in that frock.

#117 silkyuk9



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Posted 01 November 2008 - 06:18 PM


im going for it tonight.

4 glasses of the finest Canadian Mist, 40%

waiting for my son to come home then the shot game begins.

#118 Deano



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Posted 01 November 2008 - 07:08 PM

Deano you are wrong with the bit about being sacked at any moment.

Yes I got that one wrong mate,the people in question were sacked over gross misconduct issues.

We are on the white wine(Gallo 3 for a tenner) not bad at 13%.Should be pissed fairly quick not had much to eat today.Gonna look through my recent books and post your thread laters.Have a good night buddy.

#119 Gazeyre1966


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Posted 01 November 2008 - 08:52 PM


I am going to get hammered tonight. The mighty City beat Skeletor's team :)
<span style='font-family: Comic Sans MS'><span style='font-size: 12px;'>It's all done in the best possible taste. :bigeyes04:</span></span>

#120 silkyuk9



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Posted 01 November 2008 - 08:59 PM

Yes I got that one wrong mate,the people in question were sacked over gross misconduct issues.

We are on the white wine(Gallo 3 for a tenner) not bad at 13%.Should be pissed fairly quick not had much to eat today.Gonna look through my recent books and post your thread laters.Have a good night buddy.

supping something called rigermeister it tastes like Benalin and is 38%

im pissed and i love England i live in the best 'c***'ry in the wrld no f*****g problems and the tax is f*****g great. the fuel cost is minimal and am not sure what else to say

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