supping something called rigermeister it tastes like Benalin and is 38%
Get half a glass of red bull,dunk a shot of rigermeister in and neck it. Had some in Brid,awesome stuff.
Pity about the hangover after lol
Posted 01 November 2008 - 09:47 PM
supping something called rigermeister it tastes like Benalin and is 38%
Posted 01 November 2008 - 09:49 PM
I am going to get hammered tonight. The mighty City beat Skeletor's team
Posted 01 November 2008 - 10:07 PM
Get half a glass of red bull,dunk a shot of rigermeister in and neck it. Had some in Brid,awesome stuff.
Pity about the hangover after lol
Posted 01 November 2008 - 10:21 PM
Ive gone blind
Posted 02 November 2008 - 07:13 AM
Lol silky. Next day was probably the worst hangover in my life. Never again. Saying that, it was an enjoyable drink. Was drinking a smirnoff ice with it as well. Jesus wept lol
Posted 02 November 2008 - 07:21 AM
7-30am, i'm up eating porridge, getting ready for the golf club. Last night was ok, had a few too many but i seem ok right now.
well im not blind but there is no booze left.
Posted 02 November 2008 - 11:42 AM
Posted 02 November 2008 - 12:15 PM
Posted 04 November 2008 - 07:33 AM
Hmmm. The morning after. Pounding head, dicky belly, the squits, and the urge to never do that again...
Evening comes, fully recovered, and it's 'Miller Time'.
It's not really all that good is it? I enjoy a drink myself from time to time. Last night in fact. I had my fair few drinks of Absolute vodka and coca cola. I had a drink as I fancied one seeing as it was Saturday night.....
Yesterday morning, I went to pick up the kids. I say kids, my 2 lads are 19 next month and my daughter is 16. Her mam (my ex-wife) collared me to tell me what has been going on. My daughter, who started college doing a plastering course, has been getting quite drunk on high strength cider. This in turn causes havoc with her usual mild natured character. So much so that her mum and boyfriend, are on the brink of kicking her out. Of course, I'd take her in in a flash but she'd have to sleep on the couch as this place simply has no room. Strict talking with her improves the situation for a day or two but soon, she's back on the alcohol, swearing at her mum, treating her boyfriend as if he doesn't exist, and pretty much treating the house as a hotel. Scraping up any money she can for smokes and booze.
Ironically, when with me, she's fine. The same daughter I've always known. Polite, shy, intelligent and warm. As if for some reason that she leads 2 totally different lives. A home life, and a life for dad. So yesterday, it was 'kick up the backside' day for her. As with my lads, once she hits 16, and from 1st Sept, the money I paid her mum for her upkeep, child support of maintenance, whatever you wish to call it, I was going to give it to my daughter in the hand. My lads adjusted to this quite well and have developed a good attitude towards money. My daughter on the otherhand, I daren't give her any money as I'm semi-convinced that she will blow it on booze and fags.
My mum says that it's not an end of the world situation. My mum knows what sort of home life my daughter has and said to me that she doesn't blame her (my daughter) for playing up. Sally too, when she was this age, dabbled in booze and fags. In fact, for Sally, she was doing it at a much earlier age. And like with my daughter, it was down to home life. Sally's dad having a monster of a girlfriend.
Anyways, yesterday, I decided to do something that is pretty much bribery. Something I thought I'd never have to do, but I've decided to pay my daughter like a weekly wage. That is dependent on her behaviour. If she's good, she gets the money. If she isn't she loses it that week (well, it gets banked as I still see this money as not being mine, and she'll get a payout at 18 or when she's back to her old self). Of course, it's dependent on her mother texting me once a week telling me the state of play. Of course, what her mum deems as unacceptable, I may not.
I know she has a problem. But I'm not sure it's really as big as what her mum makes out. She simply doesn't like her mums boyfriend. Simply refusing to acknowledge his existence. Personally, I'm not saying it's right, but this IS her choice and all I say to her, is to maybe accept things just to keep the peace. And that she doesn't have to like it. And of course when he tells her what to do, and tells him 'No', her mum takes his side thus breaking up my daughters relationship to her mother.
I guess if I'm honest, my daughter is doing OK for herself for once. A good college course and soon, some money in her pocket. I'm just affraid that she's gonna piss it all up the wall and ruin it all for herself. At heart, she's a good kid. But she hates her homelife. And I believe the alcohol is nothing more than an escape from it all.
Posted 08 November 2008 - 08:34 PM
Posted 27 November 2008 - 10:43 AM
Decided to stop smoking Monday:bigeyes18:
Posted 27 November 2008 - 05:03 PM
Still smoking and just coming round after a big night.Didn't have a great deal to drink but not much to eat,which makes it worse.
Always been told not to mix your drinks.Not quite sure what this meant.Always thought of lager then a short and so on was mixing your drinks.
Mixed lagers last night and feel proper bad.
Kronenburg,Fosters then Carling.What a bad mix lol
My head is not mine and God help the toilet!
Keeping to one brand in future and posting this as a message to anyone silly enough to mix their drinks.
Posted 27 November 2008 - 05:16 PM
Posted 28 November 2008 - 07:25 AM
Posted 28 November 2008 - 07:55 AM
Sounds a great night RB and the same again tonight. Cant believe you not got a hangover lol.Just starting to come round after an evening out round Barnsley with the Mother in law and her hubby, Jesus that woman can drink...i started the evening a large bloody mary,with as i always do just to kickstart the stomach, and spent the rest of the night on various forms of bitter, the mother in law was downing 2 to my 1 as was her hubby, the wife was on Black russian doubles...finished up at a pub in Monk brettton which had "afters", and managed to crawl home at 3am...2 pints of water before me and the missus settled down...Awoke with no hangover, and just enjoyed a hearty full english before the off to work...seems we have arranged to do the same tonight...why do we agree to anything when you are not buying rounds tonight.
Posted 28 November 2008 - 08:05 AM
Posted 28 November 2008 - 09:49 AM
Posted 25 December 2008 - 09:28 PM
Posted 25 December 2008 - 09:34 PM
What better time to open this thread back up lol.
Had a fantastic day,no stress from the ween,and the drinks have been flowing in abundance.Dinner was superb and received presents that I actually liked.
As a bonus I am on a promise now and maybe some backdoor action.
Been on bottled lager(strong stuff) all day and sat chilling and enjoying a few whiskeys.
Hope everyone had a fab day and all the best!
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