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Is anyone going to try and emulate Scorp4 and MPU5?

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#1 no1ukdaz


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Posted 17 January 2004 - 07:31 PM

Is anyone trying to get these cracked??

As soon as they do... It will unlock a LOAD of great machines

#2 RB


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Posted 17 January 2004 - 07:50 PM

the possibilty of actually acquiring an mpu5 emulator at this time is very slim due to fruit machine companys still using the Mpu5 technology.

As most emulators are for older technologys that are no longer used Fruit machine companys turn a blind eye to the use of their Roms and artwork in the emulations that you find here and else where..

release an mpu5 emulator and that would soon change...as all the newer games could be emulated and they dont want that yet........

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#3 mrcashpot



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Posted 19 January 2004 - 10:43 AM

Only newer JPM's can be emulated because they use Impact. They have used Impact for a long time. Only Barcrest (MPU5) and Bellfruit (Scorpion 4) can help but will they or can they? I have been thinking of writing to Barcrest about MPU5. This is the only hope at the moment.

#4 ziggy



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Posted 19 January 2004 - 01:15 PM

How many times do you think you would use the word " please " on writing to Barcrest re a mpu5 emu ???

Good luck btw.

#5 mrcashpot



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Posted 19 January 2004 - 01:37 PM

That's a good question. I will use a lot more than 'please'. I will explain to them why and that is to stop or at least reduce addiction. Any attempt to reduce addiction is better than no attempt at all and any reduction will count. I might have to get the rights from them and it may be expensive but I'll see. I might need more people to write to Barcrest about MPU5 like a petition.

#6 Memap


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Posted 19 January 2004 - 01:48 PM

I will explain to them why and that is to stop or at least reduce addiction.

Stop addiction to their profit generators. :roll: Can't see them agreeing to that really.

#7 hurtand165


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Posted 19 January 2004 - 02:32 PM

I might need more people to write to Barcrest about MPU5 like a petition.

how would that help? they are in no way obliged to give out their emulator and will not be swayed by a petition, they are here to make money and giving out the technology to emulate there newest machines would be plain stupid.

it seems you want the emulator to reduce addiction (a very noble cause), but what you need to understand is they make their money from that addiction and are not going to help stop it.

you could always ask them but i fear the answer will be short and contain a few choice four letter words.

#8 mrcashpot



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Posted 19 January 2004 - 03:14 PM

I do not think emulating the newest machines would be plain stupid if MPU5 is only given to just a few people like access to a members only club. Only Barcrest would still know how to emulate the newest machines and no-one else. Remember that Empire once permitted to allow emulation subject to their conditions.

#9 Memap


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Posted 19 January 2004 - 03:22 PM

Yeah, but someone stuffed up.

I can't see it not happening again, unless the £25 Jackpot machines take a different form of encryption to the £15 machines. I'd be happy to see PCB/Spiker/Spice is Right emulated, but I don't care about the new machines. Must be 5 years since I saw Eliminator

#10 hurtand165


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Posted 19 January 2004 - 03:27 PM

I do not think emulating the newest machines would be plain stupid if MPU5 is only given to just a few people like access to a members only club. Only Barcrest would still know how to emulate the newest machines and no-one else. Remember that Empire once permitted to allow emulation subject to their conditions.

i said that giving the technology away would be plain stupid not emulating the tech.

giving the emulator to just a few people would never work either, just look at the "leaking" that happened with the earlier version of JPeMu.

as soon as the emulator gets leaked it is possible for anybody with a certain degree of knowledge to emulate the tech.

as for the empire situation, look what happened there. do you really expect it to be any different? the problem is, if barcrest get pissed off we will be banned from hosting most of the roms that are currently available and will not just lose a few like with empire.

#11 ziggy



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Posted 19 January 2004 - 03:31 PM

Barcrest just wouldnt allow any one access to their mpu5 emu.As you know its current tech.Even at the Barecrest h.q it will only be a chosen "FEW" that have access to this emu.

Members only wont work either.Chance of it getting leaked of course .

As for Empire, yes they did allow you access to there roms for a while,but as they were still using mpu4 at the time, they thought it shouldnt be made available to the public.Hence the ban.

Just out of interest, have bfm changed tech since Monopoly's release ? Ive noticed alot of minor differences with things like the sound fx/alpha display.Even the cabs have been altered slightly.

Anyone ?

#12 Guest_altharic_*

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Posted 19 January 2004 - 10:43 PM

I for one have no interest as the machines are so boring to play if I wanted to get shafted for £100s pounds i'd get married :)


#13 RB


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Posted 19 January 2004 - 11:11 PM

Altharic wrote:-

if I wanted to get shafted for £100s pounds i'd get married

A man of wisdom already.................. :twisted:
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#14 spa


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Posted 20 January 2004 - 10:47 AM

I would think if the JPEMU emulator was not leaked in the 1st place then there would have been a better chance for an Mpu5 emulator using the same system as JPEMU.

That's not the case though :( Still, i'd rather see something older emulated 1st.

#15 mrcashpot



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Posted 23 January 2004 - 12:36 PM

OK, I'd better not chance it after all of what I have read about making a plea to Barcrest. I am trying to be rich believe it or not! If I do, I can have MPU5, Scorpion 4, etc regardless! That is buying the real machines. I would buy a big mansion so there would then be room for a lot of real machines!

#16 Daryl


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Posted 23 January 2004 - 01:53 PM

OK, I'd better not chance it after all of what I have read about making a plea to Barcrest. I am trying to be rich believe it or not! If I do, I can have MPU5, Scorpion 4, etc regardless! That is buying the real machines. I would buy a big mansion so there would then be room for a lot of real machines!

I had a dream like that once ... then I woke up!! :wink: :wink:

Let things progress at their own rate mrcashpot. Look at what has been achieved in the last few years of FME. Try pushing too hard, and the whole lot of FME might blow up in the scene's face.

Things will improve in time - but forcing it - like with Empire - only causes more aggro that the FME scene can do without.
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#17 ziggy



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Posted 23 January 2004 - 03:47 PM

Yeah, but someone stuffed up.

I can't see it not happening again, unless the £25 Jackpot machines take a different form of encryption to the £15 machines. I'd be happy to see PCB/Spiker/Spice is Right emulated, but I don't care about the new machines. Must be 5 years since I saw Eliminator

Eliminator eh ? Was the the very first mpu5 build or one of the very last mpu4's ??

Anyone know ? Decent game this.

#18 funy


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Posted 20 February 2004 - 11:48 PM

maybe worth asking barcrest in a letter like someone above mentioned, if they are willing to work with the scene once the mpu5 tech is dropped for the next tech.
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#19 Closed - Adam

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Posted 21 February 2004 - 02:47 AM

I spoke to a Barcrest rep at the ATEI 2003, I said, (as he was opening a machine with another college) 'Is Barcrest going to be releasing a newer version of MPU5 or MPU6?' He said 'MPU5 is the best in the industry, it may be implemented very soon'

The end.

#20 Zoltar


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Posted 21 February 2004 - 10:44 AM

I really can't understand why people want to see MPU5 emulated.

Picture this. The current range of cars from FORD includes a vehicle called the Ka. Why would some car enthusiast build a Ford Ka himself when they are still available by the plenty. That car enthusiast would gain more pleasure building from scratch something old and discontinued like say a Ford Capri.

Why would anyone want to emulate MPU5 when It's already in existence and still a current tech thats plentyful. What sort of credibility would someone get from emulating MPU5 say over a dead tech like ProConn or SpACE.

Benefits of emulating MPU5...........
1. I don't have to go out to the arcade - Not a good reason.
2. I can save money by playing on the emu - Not a good reason.
3. I can figure out machines and improve my chances at winning - Not a good reason.

Benefits of emulating dead techs............
1. I can play machines that have long gone - Excellent reason.
2. It can bring back playable machines that are just memories now - Excellent reason.
3. It shouldn't bother the manufacturers - Damn good reason.

Just a brief summary there. MPU5 would be emulated for all the wrong reasonsin my opinion. Thats not what emulation is about.

It would be quite interesting for those who want MPU5 emulated to list their reasons why. I'd be dead surprised if theres any legitimate reasons other than the ones I mentioned above.

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