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Is anyone going to try and emulate Scorp4 and MPU5?

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#21 Zoltar


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Posted 21 February 2004 - 10:47 AM

maybe worth asking barcrest in a letter like someone above mentioned, if they are willing to work with the scene once the mpu5 tech is dropped for the next tech.

Possibly a good idea once MPU5 has been dropped AND MPU5 machines are few and dying.

If I was to write letters to the manufacturers, I reckon it would be more productive to ask for roms for techs already emulated like MPU3, and maybe fill in the blanks where we don't have layouts.

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#22 Guest_VB_*

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Posted 21 February 2004 - 01:34 PM

Benefits of emulating MPU5 :

Some of my favourite machines are on this platform - Good reason
Lots of the machines are impossible to find - Excellent reason
Most of the older ones are now only on 5/5 stakes, not how they are meant to be - Good reason
Some of us find a Spiker to be preferrable to Rat Race - Good reason

Drawbacks :

Within 5 minutes someone would release a current machine and cheese of the Big Crest.

Thats about it really. Most of the current machines are so fixed (totally blocked until the incredibly obvious IM for the JP) that the whole "learning the machine" argument is pointless.


#23 Bencrest


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Posted 21 February 2004 - 05:25 PM

Basically it isn't worth risking all thats been achieved so far in the FME scene because someone wants a bit of a whinge because they can't emulate Spiker the Biker.

[[[[[EDIT 5:55 PM SAT 21st FEB

'Lots of the machines are impossible to find - Excellent reason '

I don't normally swear in here but BO**OCKS. MPU5 is the only Barcrest tech in mainstream usage due to the security enhancements offered and the ease of maintainance/service and reliability. So don't come in here and demand stuff when that is the best argument that you can come up with!!]]]]]

If you don't like the fact that MPU5 isn't emulated, either buy an MPU5 machine (like me) or grow up - This scene is designed to preserve machines which can no longer be played for entertainment purposes e.t.c. If I want to play a Psycho Cash Beast, I go down to the Indian takeaway and play theirs, £5 10p.

Since when has £5 been crap? All the entertainment with none of the gut-wrenching anger/guilt/stupidity at losing all of your £25 in the space of 5 seconds just because you didn't know somebody had streaked it previously.

I think that the Gaming Board [forgive me for forgetting their actual name] prey on people like you. They know that machines on 70% £25 are going to be played more - not because they play well, infact the £25 had boosted cashbox profits by miles from what I can tell. No, they implement £25 to get more people addicted by making the jackpot so high that it is damn near impossible not to be tempted. It's like they cigarette companies - we all know it's bloody stupid to smoke - but that doesn't stop us. The price keeps going up, and that doesn't stop us.

Fruit Machine companies and the Gaming Board [is it Bacta?] use the same tactic. Preying on young people especially, and those that can't afford to play the bloody things with the allure of a jackpot that on most machines will cost you AT LEAST £50 to get out from normal gameplay.

That is why I don't want MPU5 to be emulated - it has no possible benefit, it could lead to the destruction of the scene itself if Barcrest pulled the plug on NOT suing us [because lets be honest - that writing on the machine.....


........means that they can effectively demand that all roms/artwork we hold be destroyed, and could sue or take other action against layout designers e.t.c.]

Is that what you want? I think having approx 500 machines available is a miracle as is and wouldn't jeopardise all that has been worked for just to play some flatly playing crap.

Now can we please have a notice up somewhere stating that people who are going to not donate in any way to the scene and who demand MPU5 and other unemulated techs be emulated have their accounts wiped?

The last thing we need is people with no real link to FME shooting their mouth of at Barcrest.


[every so often, I just have to make big, OTT posts :D ]
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#24 gingergod


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Posted 21 February 2004 - 10:20 PM

As you know I`ve been a campaigner for this for some time now. I still fail to see how Barcrest etc should have a problem. Like I`ve said many times if a machine is not ready to pay IT WONT DO. Trust me. No matter how well you know a certain machine or even if you think you know an emptier is still has to be ready. I think Barcrest etc should welcome their technology been released because you will get so many dumb people practising on the machines they think they will be able to do it for real. Hence they waste 50 quid on 1 machine so companies get richer.

But thats just my humble opinion!!!!!

#25 mrcashpot



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Posted 23 February 2004 - 12:02 PM

Well, MPU5 and Scorpion 4 cannot be used forever, you know. I am sure that MPU6 could be used sometime by Barcrest and Scorpion 5 by Bellfruit. Nothing lasts forever!

#26 raverpat


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Posted 23 February 2004 - 12:14 PM

Interesting points of view on the MPU5. I would love to see some of the machines that use MPU5 emulated; Club Dracula, Club Cash Beast etc. But I also agree with BarcrestBenito. We should be more than happy with what we have now and I urge people not to write to Barcrest regarding allowing us to emulate MPU5, this may only serve to piss them off and have dire consequences.
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#27 CoasterDesignerpro



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Posted 23 February 2004 - 01:13 PM

Diamond Mine (Bell Fruit Games) is Scorpion 5.

#28 george999



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Posted 23 February 2004 - 01:56 PM

temple of treasure (mpu5)

i just got demons delight flashing red and i collected it and i won £10

#29 mrcashpot



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Posted 23 February 2004 - 01:58 PM

Are you sure that Diamond Mine is Scorpion 5? If so then Scorpion 4 is not the latest technology after all! Could Scorpion 4 be emulated, say by 2005? I know that not all technologies have been emulated e.g System 5 by JPM but how difficult is it to emulate Scorpion 4? Are the ROMs encrypted? And can the Club Firecracker sound ROM for example be emulated? You do not have to use the correct technology to run sound ROMs - if you run an Impact sound ROM on MPU4, it will still work! I really liked the Firecracker sounds when it appeared at my club in 2000.

#30 CoasterDesignerpro



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Posted 23 February 2004 - 03:27 PM

Quick look at this link-


Look at the bottom

#31 Cuey


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Posted 23 February 2004 - 04:23 PM

Benefits of emulating MPU5...........
1. I don't have to go out to the arcade - Not a good reason.
2. I can save money by playing on the emu - Not a good reason.

2 F**king fantastic reasons if you ask me.....

I love playing machines, but gone are the days when i am willing to throw countless pounds down the drain just for the chance to win a couple of quid.

I play purely for the enjoyment of them now, and there are just too many good macines out there that people would love to play. (...those who cannot afford, or don't have the room for real machines.)

I just don't have the money like i used to, so £5 just to get a glimpse of the feature board is a bit of a waste. I agree that emulation is about bringing back games from the dead. But it's also about reproducing the experience you had way back when.

A Spice is Right is not the same in a kebab shop with a £5 JP as in the pub 2 years back with a £15 JP. I don't care about the brand spanking new ones, but Psycho Cash Beast, Spice is right and the likes??

If they're spending their days in manky takeaways anyway, then there's no harm surely.

Just my opinion. :D
[align=right:b3382a55b8][flash width=100 height=80:b3382a55b8][/flash:b3382a55b8][/align:b3382a55b8]

#32 Viking


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Posted 23 February 2004 - 04:48 PM

MPU 5 will probably be emulated when the Tech is no longer current. Until then, unfortunately in many respects, particularly as some of Crests from a few years ago were great machines.

It could be argued that by emulating them they are just being kept alive for nostalgia purposes etc, but more recent stuff (regardless of the fact that there are very few with any real playability) will also be emulated by someone because they can. In fact I would put money on it. Lots of money.

Everyone loses when Barcrest threaten legal action against all the sites with the downloads.

Leave the current tech alone. Emulate it when the machines have gone and the next generation are in. Lets be honest, nostalgia shouldn't be about what we played last week / year, rather about what we played some five, ten and fifteen years ago. Line up is still as good as it gets :)

Then when we get Club BB (prefered it to CPCB for the sound effects) and Club Drac - great stuff, we can all take well deserved trip down memory lane instead of trying to learn what would have made us the money last year or whatever.

~2p's worth even with inflation ;)

#33 Bencrest


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Posted 23 February 2004 - 06:45 PM

I think that MPU5 emulation could be a great thing [although you may not have gotten that impression from my previous post!] - but it is a case of being patient. If we wait until a new tech is released then Barcrest [who I am not affiliated with :)] will have less reason to complain. We basically have to play this by the book, according to their rules.

Wait for MPU5 to be superceded. Wait for the new tech to settle down. Only emulate those machines [for a start] which can no longer be found in their original form, such as the PCB which I agree is only on £5 - reason being is that it wouldn't be worth Barcrest reprogramming an old machine just to plonk a £25 jackpot on top, which in the case of PCB would probably render it unplayable.

It will happen one day - but lets just accept it won't be before the end of this year, and possibly not even next year.

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#34 Closed - Adam

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Posted 23 February 2004 - 07:21 PM

which can no longer be found in their original form.

WTF??? What about JPM Eachway nudger MK1 and Crystal's Frank 'n' Stein? No ones emulating these yet. Frank 'n' Stein ROMs are encrypted for one reason only. To stop emulation!

Please explain your post. :wink:

#35 Bencrest


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Posted 23 February 2004 - 07:33 PM

JPM Eachway nudger MK1

Probably wrong but I think thats a system85 machine which there may well be an emulator for in the near future. Therefore some people want to see it emulated and are trying their hardest to sort it out.

Crystal's Frank 'n' Stein

I didn't realise that these were encrypted - AFAIK it plays ok except for the fact that the reels don't spin [they do in reality, not on screen, hence it doesn't give a reel spin error] - it is possible to nudge in wins though, e.t.c.


P.S] This forum is not here for arguing but the MPU5 emulation debate keeps coming up and the basic fact is that it can't be done at the moment, end of story. It probably will be emulated in the future but not know so why are people like you starting arguments about something you don't really understand?!

Can we have this thread bunged into the Abyss or some other godforsaken place soon please :)
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#36 fruitymad2003


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Posted 23 February 2004 - 08:06 PM

Look Guys


Can we just accept please that this isnt emulated and probably isnt going to be until a newer tech has been released, FME is all about preserving the life of older machines that cannot be found in arcades or pubs,

Please can we accept the fact MPU5 no way for a while
I for one am far more happy with what we have emulated at the moment
So please dont post any more posts about "Can we have an MPU5 emulator please" etc, as they will just get dumped in the abbyss

#37 mrcashpot



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Posted 26 February 2004 - 01:34 PM

Yes, please do not ask about any machine made since 1997 or so if it can be emulated. Wait until Barcrest moves to another tech platform first. Also, do not ask yet if any BWB's are emulatable or not (after Ooh Aah Dracula and Squids In were made). Asking if an MPU5 machine could be emulated (any machine made since 1997) is now DUMB (in my experience).

#38 CoasterDesignerpro



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Posted 26 February 2004 - 09:43 PM

I think MPU5 can be emulated because Buccaneer by BWB is MPU5 and is on emulation. It was made in 10/09/1999.

Here is a link.


Click on re-builds then UK AWP then scroll down until Buccaneer shows up.

#39 mrcashpot



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Posted 28 February 2004 - 02:31 PM

Yes, Buccaneer by BWB is MPU5 but Buccaneer by Barcrest is MPU4. MPU4 and MPU5 are NOT the same. They are DIFFERENT to each other as in the F.A.Q. The MPU5 ROM's are encrypted as well! Buccaneer is come out ages ago as a Barcrest!

#40 ady


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Posted 28 February 2004 - 03:22 PM

Yeah, but someone stuffed up.

Empire........what exactly happened....can somone tell me?......cheers

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