Cash or Bust & Beat the banker
Started by DarrenHalliday, Nov 01 2008 09:10 PM
12 replies to this topic
Posted 01 November 2008 - 09:10 PM
Hi everyone i would just like to tell you all that im just about to start making these machines i have the photos of them so ill start by breaking the bits obn them up.
Posted 01 November 2008 - 09:32 PM
good luck... you will need it
Posted 01 November 2008 - 09:38 PM
Great, so you've coded an sc4/5 emulator that gets passed all the Pay Err's, well done.......
Posted 01 November 2008 - 09:45 PM
Why so many insults? The guy is trying to help. So give the guy a break. Sadly though Darren, no current emulator will run these machines as of yet. Don't let that stop you creating a layout though, because if an emulator does get created, least there will be a layout already done!
Posted 01 November 2008 - 09:52 PM
Why so many insults? The guy is trying to help. So give the guy a break. Sadly though Darren, no current emulator will run these machines as of yet. Don't let that stop you creating a layout though, because if an emulator does get created, least there will be a layout already done!
Well said.
Resources are scarce these days so some good quality layouts now will help before the machines become extinct
Posted 01 November 2008 - 10:17 PM
Why so many insults? The guy is trying to help. So give the guy a break. Sadly though Darren, no current emulator will run these machines as of yet. Don't let that stop you creating a layout though, because if an emulator does get created, least there will be a layout already done!
Fair enough.
Posted 01 November 2008 - 10:40 PM
my post wasnt intended to be am insult i meant it would be virtually impossible to get the game to run
Posted 01 November 2008 - 10:43 PM
my post wasnt intended to be am insult i meant it would be virtually impossible to get the game to run
Not an insult at all,a blatant fact.Dont think it was aimed at you mate
Posted 01 November 2008 - 11:03 PM
this cant be done?
Posted 01 November 2008 - 11:51 PM
Why so many insults? The guy is trying to help. So give the guy a break. Sadly though Darren, no current emulator will run these machines as of yet. Don't let that stop you creating a layout though, because if an emulator does get created, least there will be a layout already done!
Cause he's clearly another pro chav.
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Posted 02 November 2008 - 12:03 AM
Why so many insults? The guy is trying to help. So give the guy a break. Sadly though Darren, no current emulator will run these machines as of yet. Don't let that stop you creating a layout though, because if an emulator does get created, least there will be a layout already done!
Help what exactly? Sure many of us have pissed up rope for an emulator for some older stuff and still not got what we wanted BWB mpu4 anyone?
Now begs the question how does he make a layout? Does he sadly prepare art for an emulator that does not and may not ever exist?
Obsession is sad.
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