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#41 aaamusements



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Posted 02 November 2008 - 12:52 PM

Ahhhh...okay out of 48,000 odd members on this site dont have a problem with the way things are dealt with here..apart from you that is.

Wonder why that could be....

Or perhaps people do have a problem with the way things are dealt with... but don't bother complaining because they have no confidence that any appropriate action will be taken?

Right, back in my bunker; probably never to emerge again on here.

#42 jamesb99_1999


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Posted 02 November 2008 - 12:52 PM

Here we go the gang have started to arrive :-) I can take it boys :-) I speak my mind even in the face of abuse as I always will do.

Stan: You claim I am a bully and my home is FF - I log on to FF/ FE at the same time everytime I log on to either - and ever since I said I didn't like you because of your bullying you have longed to say that so kudos :-)

Altharic - you might "claim" there were more reasons than that for your banning, but it was simple drunk abuse as was stated at the time.

I also expect responses off 3 other people in your favour now the gang has arrived :-)

We have Stan and Tod with the cheerleader Altharic downing pints in the background come on - we all know you are masters of attacking people -- :-)
J<br /><br /><br /><br />A man

#43 jamesb99_1999


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Posted 02 November 2008 - 12:53 PM

Or perhaps people do have a problem with the way things are dealt with... but don't bother complaining because they have no confidence that any appropriate action will be taken?

Right, back in my bunker; probably never to emerge again on here.

I was waiting for the first person to have the guts to say that!!!
J<br /><br /><br /><br />A man

#44 Guest_DAD_*

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Posted 02 November 2008 - 12:57 PM

Come on jamesb99_1999, you've been know to stick the boot in on numerous occasions. Some of your post concerning Reels of Fun spring to mind. I almost contacted you via PM over some of the things you were saying until I saw one post at FF where you appeared to have a change of heart (I was delighted to see that BTW).

We're all capable of spitting the dummy out from time to time and as Moderators we could easily ban on the spot when we see such posts. What we have to do instead is look at the picture as a whole and then take appropriate action if deemed necessary. Its a tough job sometimes and not all decisions are welcomed by the membership but you can bet that whatever decisions ARE made are done for the common good wherever possible.

#45 Guest_altharic_*

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Posted 02 November 2008 - 12:58 PM

Here we go the gang have started to arrive :-) I can take it boys :-) I speak my mind even in the face of abuse as I always will do.

Stan: You claim I am a bully and my home is FF - I log on to FF/ FE at the same time everytime I log on to either - and ever since I said I didn't like you because of your bullying you have longed to say that so kudos :-)

Altharic - you might "claim" there were more reasons than that for your banning, but it was simple drunk abuse as was stated at the time.

I also expect responses off 3 other people in your favour now the gang has arrived :-)

We have Stan and Tod with the cheerleader Altharic downing pints in the background come on - we all know you are masters of attacking people -- :-)

And you are the master at shit stirring, posting paraniod bullshit and wondering why it is pointed out to you, you get f***ed off and called a #@#@#@#. Then you think you have some great victory to run back to your mates you have on the internet, what a sad sad life you have.

#46 Zoltar


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Posted 02 November 2008 - 01:00 PM

What problems do people have? Who deems it folly to complain?
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#47 jamesb99_1999


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Posted 02 November 2008 - 01:00 PM

Come on jamesb99_1999, you've been know to stick the boot in on numerous occasions. Some of your post concerning Reels of Fun spring to mind. I almost contacted you via PM over some of the things you were saying until I saw one post at FF where you appeared to have a change of heart (I was delighted to see that BTW).

We're all capable of spitting the dummy out from time to time and as Moderators we could easily ban on the spot when we see such posts. What we have to do instead is look at the picture as a whole and then take appropriate action if deemed necessary. Its a tough job sometimes and not all decisions are welcomed by the membership but you can bet that whatever decisions ARE made are done for the common good wherever possible.

I absolutely over-reacted about reelsoffun and apologised - I make a lot of mistakes and change my mind frequently, and appreciate the as usual measured response from you (and as always Compost). I am not talking about moderators in general - I am just talking about the fact there is a small gang who attack together - I am not saying this is peculiar to this particular site - as it happens at FF and almost any other forum site you can mention - It does not mean I find it easy to ignore; bullying is something I can never turn a blind eye to.
J<br /><br /><br /><br />A man

#48 Guest_altharic_*

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Posted 02 November 2008 - 01:00 PM

Or perhaps people do have a problem with the way things are dealt with... but don't bother complaining because they have no confidence that any appropriate action will be taken?

Right, back in my bunker; probably never to emerge again on here.

You mean when people f*** you off for practically giving people the V sign in your replies and generally rubbing salt into the wounds of folks that have lost money in machines.

Quite justified IMO.

#49 jamesb99_1999


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Posted 02 November 2008 - 01:03 PM

I'm willing to admit I "lost" and close this thread if you want- I didn't want this to turn in to an argument "again"... I just wanted to point out what I see as group attacking.
J<br /><br /><br /><br />A man

#50 exibizarep



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Posted 02 November 2008 - 01:06 PM

Has anyone played these yet? I made 130 on one today cost £10 for a board so i ecided to force it but next board after that it started flashing so i got mega streak which gave me £140 woohoo!!!

lol bloody brilliant, did make me laugh. your first few posts are quite amusing as well. The DOND one got me giggling, but if you are telling the truth good luck to you. might give it a bash in about 5 years when the software finally is available.

#51 stanmarsh14



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Posted 02 November 2008 - 01:09 PM

Stan: You claim I am a bully and my home is FF - I log on to FF/ FE at the same time everytime I log on to either - and ever since I said I didn't like you because of your bullying you have longed to say that so kudos :-)

This is the problem with yourself...... you do not give a shit about opinon other than your own, and heckle everyone down who does not tow your line of thought.

Yet another EG of POT KETTLE BLACK from yourself, and it is only YOU in this case that is to blame, hence why you have several users here, not all have an affliation with one another, bound together like a trade union to fight one cause..... YOU!

It is YOU who needs to back down, not everyone else.

Now, I have more important things to do today, like sort shit out for my kiddies arrival in the new year (Dam kids are so dam expensive!:()

One last thing.... seams this thread is some what in the wrong forum section and probs needs moving.... mods, if you could look into this.....

#52 Guest_altharic_*

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Posted 02 November 2008 - 01:14 PM

I'm willing to admit I "lost" and close this thread if you want- I didn't want this to turn in to an argument "again"... I just wanted to point out what I see as group attacking.

I wanted to point out you are a damn hypocrite think I did more than that.

#53 jamesb99_1999


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Posted 02 November 2008 - 01:15 PM

This is the problem with yourself...... you do not give a shit about opinon other than your own, and heckle everyone down who does not tow your line of thought.

Yet another EG of POT KETTLE BLACK from yourself, and it is only YOU in this case that is to blame, hence why you have several users here, not all have an affliation with one another, bound together like a trade union to fight one cause..... YOU!

It is YOU who needs to back down, not everyone else.

Now, I have more important things to do today, like sort shit out for my kiddies arrival in the new year (Dam kids are so dam expensive!:()

Whether we like each other or not good luck with the kid as I know they are very expensive - but 100 times worth it!! :-)

When you say everyone like a trade union -- wait a second the two I was saying were attacking together were Todd and Altharic - although it could have equally been you or another in the group - so the trade union now is you/ Altharic and Todd -- erm that's a suprise --- disparate group?? You and Alatharic are joined at the hip..

I actually do care about other peoples opinions and will always change my mind if convinced by people which I have done in the past - however one person can be accused of heckling -- your trade unions are just a group of bullies!! :-) --- Plus unions are equally as corrupt.... Unions in America for example are run by the mob....
J<br /><br /><br /><br />A man

#54 Guest_DAD_*

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Posted 02 November 2008 - 01:16 PM

Its in the right section Stan as the original post was about a 'real' machine - although I agree its gone off the rails a tad ;)

#55 voodoomau5



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Posted 02 November 2008 - 01:22 PM

with all due respect learn a bit more about the scene not even 60 posts yet, so your still relatively a newbie, i know we can get quite arsey on here but people just need to remember we were all newbies one day. I think you have find out what gets peoples goat up so you will know in future mate.


#56 Zoltar


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Posted 02 November 2008 - 01:24 PM

Now, I have more important things to do today, like sort shit out for my kiddies arrival in the new year (Dam kids are so dam expensive!:()

Let me get this straight......

No1. You and yours are having twins yes? If this is right, then congratulations matey and all the best. You're in for one heck of an exciting ride fella.

No2. All your ex's have found out where you live from the electoral register and are bringing all their 'mini-stans' round for new year? If this is right, bad luck you dirty old bugger!
Posted Image

#57 stanmarsh14



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Posted 02 November 2008 - 01:34 PM

Let me get this straight......

No1. You and yours are having twins yes? If this is right, then congratulations matey and all the best. You're in for one heck of an exciting ride fella.

No2. All your ex's have found out where you live from the electoral register and are bringing all their 'mini-stans' round for new year? If this is right, bad luck you dirty old bugger!


Just the one, according to the earlier scan we had. Due a 20 week scan in the next two weeks, and also HOPFULLY find out then what sex it is likley to be.... probs a mutant ;)

Also another reg in #mpu34 is expecting any day now, so fingers crossed :)

#58 Guest_altharic_*

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Posted 02 November 2008 - 01:47 PM

Whether we like each other or not good luck with the kid as I know they are very expensive - but 100 times worth it!! :-)

When you say everyone like a trade union -- wait a second the two I was saying were attacking together were Todd and Altharic - although it could have equally been you or another in the group - so the trade union now is you/ Altharic and Todd -- erm that's a suprise --- disparate group?? You and Alatharic are joined at the hip..

I actually do care about other peoples opinions and will always change my mind if convinced by people which I have done in the past - however one person can be accused of heckling -- your trade unions are just a group of bullies!! :-) --- Plus unions are equally as corrupt.... Unions in America for example are run by the mob....

You know what james you really are paraniod I have not been at a PC properly for almost a month this is about the most I have been online in that time now how the f*** can I be joined at the hip with anyone I think you have issues mate I really do.

#59 CrAzYbAr


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Posted 02 November 2008 - 04:41 PM

Is this still here....?
Right I'm going to split it.

This is a site for EMULATION purposes of older machines. Not playing strategies.
If you are more interested in playing modern machines,
visit Jackpottyforums

(DOND is around now on this site..... How long was this sig out of date...!)

#60 GaryChandler



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Posted 04 November 2008 - 10:01 PM


Post was a 'baiting' post.

Edited by Zoltar, 05 November 2008 - 07:38 AM.

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