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Negative comments on youtube vids

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#1 dtrmad2004



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Posted 05 November 2008 - 10:49 PM

Im getting really pissed off with all the negative comments I seem to be getting on my youtube channel. TBH thinking about deleting them all.

Had to delete a few comments but the most recent one goes something like I know f-all about gambling ect ect ones telling me im shit...

I never claimed to be a pro player :lol:

If only people read the side comments more often....
<a class='bbc_url' href='<a class='bbc_url' href='http://profile.mygam...trmad2004'></a>Posted Image</a><br /><br />Don't gamble with the Recession!

#2 fruitmachineemu



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Posted 05 November 2008 - 11:00 PM

dtr ive allways made nice comments about you :)

#3 cardie


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Posted 05 November 2008 - 11:04 PM

Im getting really pissed off with all the negative comments I seem to be getting on my youtube channel. TBH thinking about deleting them all.

Had to delete a few comments but the most recent one goes something like I know f-all about gambling ect ect ones telling me im shit...

I never claimed to be a pro player :lol:

If only people read the side comments more often....

I get it alot mate


seriously i have put videos on like helping people to win and all i get back is

OMG ppl alrdy no this dik ed stop puttin bollocks up u cnt gamble you spoon and sooo on

just deleted them thats the only thing you can do really

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Rest in peace Barcrest !

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#4 Guest_altharic_*

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Posted 05 November 2008 - 11:19 PM

Posting such videos means you drop into the realm of the sad, when they comment they drop further, much further than you do, its like, well imagine, I can do that better (when they lost and take it out on you) its really a sad way of making themselves feel good when they are falling from the moon and will be claiming a crisis loan from the dole in a few days seen it happen and its quite sad.

#5 pleasejules


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Posted 05 November 2008 - 11:26 PM

Im getting really pissed off with all the negative comments I seem to be getting on my youtube channel. TBH thinking about deleting them all.

Had to delete a few comments but the most recent one goes something like I know f-all about gambling ect ect ones telling me im shit...

I never claimed to be a pro player :lol:

If only people read the side comments more often....

You have to remember that as a rule, people just dont think first! They see something easy to make a quick jibe at when they have had a few drinks and trying to show off to their friends. You might find also if you have a group of people critisizing you, follow the links to see who else they have taken the mickey out of. I have no doubt you will see the same people and usernames, then all you have to do is leave some "Subtle" comments on that persons homepage! Think first though, You are better than they are, do the research first!
Good Luck.

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#6 Chris_010292



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Posted 05 November 2008 - 11:43 PM

Don't go deleting your own videos from your own youtube mate. Unfortunately the world is full of low life idiots like this who spend their time on the interent 24/7 finding stuff to do to not make themselves bored, and in their case it is to try to piss you off about your own youtube videos - LOL how sad can some people actually get??!!

Just go on their channel and post insulting comments to them about anything you like;). Spread the word around to other users that this is what they are like etc, just low life pieces of scum LOL. They will get bored soon, everyone gets comments like this, there are just too many idiots out there.


#7 todd1970


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Posted 06 November 2008 - 08:00 AM

My take on this would be...do i really give 2 f**ks what other people think..i put my vid up there im happy with it so....

All the negative comments from these "pro" players make me laugh...they really do..at the end of the day whos being made to look the bigger twat..them or you ?
Mmmmmm...Sandy ive 'ad her ye know. :)

#8 Zoltar


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Posted 06 November 2008 - 05:50 PM

I had a couple of people give me hassle when I posted a vid on YouTUBE earlier in the year. All the vid was, was when we had that earthquake. When I upped the vid to YouTUBE, it was resized and cropped and this resulted in the time and date on the video being cut off. All of the bad comments were people saying it was a fake and I was sad for making it.

I just laughed to be honest. The comments didn't bother me. At the end of the day, I work in CCTV. It's straight forward for me to burn off video when I'm visiting a site to do a routine maintenance visit, and after the quake, I deliberately burnt off the images from this time.

Yeah, like I'd go to the lengths of going into a scrap yard on a night, and start shaking the walls. It was funny seeing the negative comments. I think there were only a hand full.

Here. Check em out lol..... :- YouTube - UK Earthquake CCTV Footage
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#9 ady


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Posted 06 November 2008 - 06:01 PM

bloody hell that would freak me right out!

#10 todd1970


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Posted 06 November 2008 - 07:37 PM

I had a couple of people give me hassle when I posted a vid on YouTUBE earlier in the year. All the vid was, was when we had that earthquake. When I upped the vid to YouTUBE, it was resized and cropped and this resulted in the time and date on the video being cut off. All of the bad comments were people saying it was a fake and I was sad for making it.

I just laughed to be honest. The comments didn't bother me. At the end of the day, I work in CCTV. It's straight forward for me to burn off video when I'm visiting a site to do a routine maintenance visit, and after the quake, I deliberately burnt off the images from this time.

Yeah, like I'd go to the lengths of going into a scrap yard on a night, and start shaking the walls. It was funny seeing the negative comments. I think there were only a hand full.

Here. Check em out lol..... :- YouTube - UK Earthquake CCTV Footage

Awww naw...how fake !!! youve obviously went into a scrapyard at night and started shaking the walls.

Pfftttt pull the other one m8. ;)
Mmmmmm...Sandy ive 'ad her ye know. :)

#11 spa


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Posted 06 November 2008 - 08:28 PM

I'll always have a dig back. Have had some huge 'debates' over the messaging service with a few 'people'.

Funny really, I befriend about 50% of them in the end lol.

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