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Does this streak??

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#1 chav666


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Posted 17 November 2008 - 09:10 AM

Hi Guy's,
I've spend about 5 hours playing the 777 heaven £6 JP token version. Never played this in the wild, but did play the £4.80 version to death. As yet I have not had an obvious streak. Does this version follow the same streak pattern as the 4.80 - ie JP hold then a short nudge hold run for a total of around £25??

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


#2 Deano



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Posted 17 November 2008 - 09:52 AM

Yes this machine does streak, not on the same par as the £4.80 versions but will go for £30+ at times, mostly jackpots. Can be a long waiting game tho lol

#3 hitthesix


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Posted 17 November 2008 - 11:06 AM

Hi Guy's,
I've spend about 5 hours playing the 777 heaven £6 JP token version. Never played this in the wild, but did play the £4.80 version to death. As yet I have not had an obvious streak. Does this version follow the same streak pattern as the 4.80 - ie JP hold then a short nudge hold run for a total of around £25??

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


You could try the force method, i.e refuse all wins, ittakes around £80/90,then goes bonkers lol.

#4 chav666


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Posted 17 November 2008 - 11:22 AM

Thanks guy's. I'll keep at it a little longer then.

One more thing - does this ROM have hidden hold? As yet I've not had a win hold and get the feeling it's not going to happen!


#5 hitthesix


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Posted 17 November 2008 - 12:00 PM

Thanks guy's. I'll keep at it a little longer then.

One more thing - does this ROM have hidden hold? As yet I've not had a win hold and get the feeling it's not going to happen!


Yeah i'm pretty sure it does

#6 Zoltar


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Posted 17 November 2008 - 12:08 PM

It does do the odd 'secret hold' on jackpot but not in the same was as say Sevens and Melons does. I'm sort of sure that it will do the 'secret hold' thing on lower wins rarely.
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#7 saynowt


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Posted 17 November 2008 - 02:28 PM

just curious does it have the original sound, if it has then it will streak.if its the other rom then it wont and you will not get secret holdsforgive me if im wrong

#8 Zoltar


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Posted 17 November 2008 - 06:19 PM

just curious does it have the original sound, if it has then it will streak.if its the other rom then it wont and you will not get secret holdsforgive me if im wrong

You're almost right. So close :) . The one with the 'unoriginal' sounds, was what we call a 'hybrid DX'. In that it looks like 777 Heaven, using the real machine's artwark, but has the roms from another machine in the layout. Namely 'Double-Up' roms.

This was before 'Project' games were emulated. Or rather the 'Proconn' tech those games run on, prior to MFME3.x and was as close as we were going to get to 777 Heaven. When MFME3.x was released, Project Coin's tech 'Proconn' was emulated so we could then actually play the real 777 Heaven.
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#9 superbank



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Posted 17 November 2008 - 07:23 PM

As with all machines that I can think of, the £6 version never played as well as the £4.80 version.

A real shame too because there were some fantastic machines on £4.80 that were DESTROYED by the move up to £6

This was one of them, as was Cloud 999 and Open The Box.

#10 saynowt


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Posted 17 November 2008 - 07:24 PM

ok cheers for correcting me knew it was along them lines the machines didnt play the same though did they with different roms.. still was good at the time..had many an hour on them lol

#11 money-maker


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Posted 17 November 2008 - 07:48 PM

i put many a wage packet in 777 heaven lol pls pls pls tell me about this cheat after a hold on the jacky????? correct me if im wrong but is that with red sevens boxed?

#12 Zoltar


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Posted 17 November 2008 - 08:32 PM

As with all machines that I can think of, the £6 version never played as well as the £4.80 version.

A real shame too because there were some fantastic machines on £4.80 that were DESTROYED by the move up to £6

This was one of them, as was Cloud 999 and Open The Box.

There were of course, sneaky changes with the £4.80 versions of a great many games before the £6 came in. Again, Open the Box which we have a set of £4.80 version roms. The bank maxes out at £30 (£50 when it first came out), and the gameplay was messed with to the point that the Band Aid became just a nice flashing effect. Very early roms would 'hold after nudges' on jackpot symbols sometimes too. This is almost unheard of on later £4.80 versions.
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#13 Zoltar


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Posted 17 November 2008 - 08:36 PM

i put many a wage packet in 777 heaven lol pls pls pls tell me about this cheat after a hold on the jacky????? correct me if im wrong but is that with red sevens boxed?

Not so much a cheat. But sometimes, if a win came in, usually jackpot, there was a chance of a free hold on the JP symbols. The hold buttons wouldn't flash, but if you pressed them, you'd hear the HOLD noise, maybe get a very quick flash as you pressed each button, and the jackpot would hold.

Sevens and Melons, emulated and available here on Fruit EMU, in the wild, could 'free' hold on the jackpot symbols many many times. Some reported 10 or more. In the emulator, some have reported 5 or 6 subsequent 'free' holds. But you'd never know they were holding unless you press the HOLD buttons as they don't flash like a normal hold.
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#14 superbank



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Posted 17 November 2008 - 09:03 PM

There were of course, sneaky changes with the £4.80 versions of a great many games before the £6 came in. Again, Open the Box which we have a set of £4.80 version roms. The bank maxes out at £30 (£50 when it first came out), and the gameplay was messed with to the point that the Band Aid became just a nice flashing effect. Very early roms would 'hold after nudges' on jackpot symbols sometimes too. This is almost unheard of on later £4.80 versions.

I believe there was a "cheat" with the band aid so that you could play 'it' rather than the game - and win big.

This may have been the early revision ROMs that you mention - the £50 bank version.

Have you heard of this before??

#15 chav666


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Posted 17 November 2008 - 11:23 PM

I seem to remember the band aid wins were free - or some of them. You would refuse all wins and play for the band aid only. These ACE machines were incapable of spinning a win straight in - so it was quite easy to force out the line wins.

777 heaven - the cheat here was not the sevens / melons thing. On the early version (this played a differnet £2.40 win tune) you could force the hidden holds by playing 1 credit a time and getting the JP on the winline. Then insert 10p and see if the holds flash - if not, collect the 10p and try again. Believe me, this DID work and I've had a few pockets of tokens doing it. Apparently it would work on cash too. I think one of the 777 roms on this site is set up so that it can be tried out...

#16 Zoltar


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Posted 18 November 2008 - 07:44 AM

I believe there was a "cheat" with the band aid so that you could play 'it' rather than the game - and win big.

This may have been the early revision ROMs that you mention - the £50 bank version.

Have you heard of this before??

Yup. Heard about this one although re-chipped when I found out. There was also another 'cheat' mentioned a few years ago by someone at FF. Can't remember who it was. Not sure if it was DangerousDave. But this involved playing for the £2.00 win, exchanging for the 'Find The Pea/Find The Cash Prize type feature as this was also a free win. Grab as much as you could on this, the machine would get happy, then go nuts and throw a streak of some sort.

I seem to remember the band aid wins were free - or some of them. You would refuse all wins and play for the band aid only. These ACE machines were incapable of spinning a win straight in - so it was quite easy to force out the line wins.

777 heaven - the cheat here was not the sevens / melons thing. On the early version (this played a differnet £2.40 win tune) you could force the hidden holds by playing 1 credit a time and getting the JP on the winline. Then insert 10p and see if the holds flash - if not, collect the 10p and try again. Believe me, this DID work and I've had a few pockets of tokens doing it. Apparently it would work on cash too. I think one of the 777 roms on this site is set up so that it can be tried out...

The 10p cheat was apparently common also. Again, chipped out when I learnt of it. The machines were simply updated so you couldn't collect half credits. That single 10p that was half a credit, was where the cheat was. Stick in 10p, if the holds momentarily flashed, stick in another for a guaranteed hold. If not, collect that single 10p, insert it again until you did get tha brief flash. Not sure if Spa or Ploggy mentioned one of our emulated Project machines has this cheat still included.
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