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back up battery ?

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#1 maverick159


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Posted 21 November 2008 - 07:48 PM

hi just brought a barcrest viva las vagas and got it working, (see other post). got my self a refill key but it wont refill!! the door is shut and key is turned the message says "cash refill", but i will not accept any money, the coins just go straight through. not a major problem but annoying. also i have cleared the meters using the refill key (back door open) but now every time the machine is off for a while the memory is cleared, so i was wondering if there is a battery somewhere which needs replacing, but cant find anything. its running on a mpu4 board if thats any help. thanks in advance


#2 Taylor525


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Posted 23 November 2008 - 05:48 PM

hi just brought a barcrest viva las vagas and got it working, (see other post). got my self a refill key but it wont refill!! the door is shut and key is turned the message says "cash refill", but i will not accept any money, the coins just go straight through. not a major problem but annoying. also i have cleared the meters using the refill key (back door open) but now every time the machine is off for a while the memory is cleared, so i was wondering if there is a battery somewhere which needs replacing, but cant find anything. its running on a mpu4 board if thats any help. thanks in advance


when it says 'Refil cash', does it tell you how much is in the machine already? if you got above the balance, then it wont let you put anymore coins in (ie, Normal machines hold £125 in the hopper, but if the was already 125 in, then the coins will just come straight back out. IF you want to refill the machine, then best just openin the machine a puttin them in urself really :) )

#3 ForYouToEnvy


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Posted 23 November 2008 - 07:14 PM

Yes there is a battery on the mpu that sounds like it needs replacing, if you see any signs that the battery is leaking remove asap

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