I echo the points from many members in there posts as I was too more than affected by the illness of gambling.
A tad off topic my next points maybe but they are relevant.
I just find it so sad that we are the only country that allows children to gamble(under the age of 16) on fruit machines.
Where is the justification allowing a child to gamble on £5 jackpot machines??? There is none.
It is in this child status that the addiction develops and if we took this away and made all gambling 18+,I real think progress would be made in tackling gambling addictions.
I also believe that sites online do not help the illness either by showing people winning on gambling sites,slots etc-This false display does not show the true reflection of gambling and the deadly impact it has on people's life's -there families,finances and how it has destroyed people.
Every where you turn whether on the tv,pc or on the high street,advertising for gambling in some shape or form is in our faces.
It is time we woke up as a country to what is an epidemic which is spiraling beyond out of control.