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Alarm help please

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#1 phoenix1987


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Posted 22 December 2008 - 11:56 PM

Hi Im new I have just purchased a Jackpot gems machine and I have been fiddling with it to find out why it was on free play and to fit the locks so I took a reel off but put it back on after, and put the lock on the bottom half, while it was turned on and I rattled the bottom door to make sure it was locked properly and an alarm went off so I unplugged it and then plugged it back ina minute or so later and the alarm went off again and I dont want to turn it on now but i havent seen wethere there was an alarm code. What do you think I shoud do?

Thanks for any input :)

#2 fruitcrazy


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Posted 23 December 2008 - 12:29 AM

Hi welcome to Fruit-Emu. i suggest that you turn it back on and see if there is a code because i very much doubt that anyone will know what the problem is without it.

it could be a sensore thing as you bashed it about but im far from an expert and dont even know what sort of things thay have on that part of the machine lol.

#3 cardie


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Posted 23 December 2008 - 12:39 AM

Hi Im new I have just purchased a Jackpot gems machine and I have been fiddling with it to find out why it was on free play and to fit the locks so I took a reel off but put it back on after, and put the lock on the bottom half, while it was turned on and I rattled the bottom door to make sure it was locked properly and an alarm went off so I unplugged it and then plugged it back ina minute or so later and the alarm went off again and I dont want to turn it on now but i havent seen wethere there was an alarm code. What do you think I shoud do?

Thanks for any input :)


You say you have fiddled with a reel band.

Depending on wether you have put the reel back on properly it could be on the wrong way or you have moved or damaged the sensor tab on the reel. Check the sensor tab ( black thing with 2 parts that stick out ) and make sure the black tab on the reel passes through them neatly

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#4 phoenix1987


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Posted 23 December 2008 - 12:21 PM

Thanks for your quick help im going to have a look at it now i just dont want the alarm going off at me again lol, Ill keep you posted

#5 phoenix1987


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Posted 23 December 2008 - 01:31 PM

Ok so I plugged it back in and the alarm went off and it flashes on/off alarm 48 and I left it to go off untill it stopped and its fine now but am I ok to turn it off or will i keep getting the same thing? also how do turn the volume down? thanks for your help

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