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Inexpensive way to speed up my laptop please

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#21 fruitcrazy


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Posted 29 December 2008 - 10:26 PM


vista is effing evil

its sooo retarded

i click firefox, it loads but says unable to connect, keep trying, a few mins later i get a pop up

"this program you are using is trying to access the internet, as a safety procedure we have disabled its access"

wth lol, isnt firefox a web browser then? :p

Also, vista moans if you open a program that writes files to HDD, it keeps complaining about DEP (Data Execution Prevention) and then it closes the program, even if you turn DEP off it will find some excuse to close that program again -.-

id reccomend staying on xp as it isnt retarded like vista :)

P.s yes its a rant deal with it, i hate vista that much, no idea how ive put up with it for 7 months :bigeyes12:

I know lol but you just cant find new pc these days with xp on them. if you can then please point me in the direction lol

#22 Deano



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Posted 30 December 2008 - 12:24 PM

Thanks for everones help on this.Did a full defrag which took 5 hrs lol and am running CCleaner now.Changed the startup to a minimum and down to 5 mins boot up time which I am happy with.
May buy some more ram in the near future but not a priority at the moment but thanks Dr for your generous offer.
I'll back everything up in the new year and,ahem,accidently spill something on my lappy and get a new one through house insurance,hopefully get better spec model this time.
Thanks to all that took time to assist me on this matter,cheers:bigeyes04:

#23 Zoltar


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Posted 30 December 2008 - 12:24 PM

24 hours and no Deano. I'm wondering if he's messed up his lappy.

Speaking of messing up, I had the dreaded 'The file 'SYSTEM32/config/SYSTEM is missing or corrupt' a week or so ago. Like a fool, I hadn't backed up my C Drive so after hours of messing about, trying to copy the same file from elsewhere and using the repair console to copy/paste/delete, I messed up Windows completely.

I'm still trying to install all the stuff I had. Luckily, most of the important programs I had, I saved the 'set-up' files on a separate partition and didn't have to search for them and download them again. But I lost all my addresses, contacts, and all the usual stuff that makes stuff installed elsewhere on my computer, no longer work.
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#24 Zoltar


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Posted 30 December 2008 - 12:25 PM

LOL. speak of the devil
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#25 Deano



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Posted 30 December 2008 - 12:27 PM

Lol Zoltar,posted same time.
I am still here although my voice has gone.:bigeyes04:

#26 Zoltar


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Posted 30 December 2008 - 12:47 PM

Lol Zoltar,posted same time.
I am still here although my voice has gone.:bigeyes04:

I think half the membership is down with the cold/flu at the moment.
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