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Fake £20 What Do I Do

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#1 Guest_robinhood75_*

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Posted 11 January 2009 - 12:13 AM

Rite after Christmas me and the girl friend are pretty hard up so decided to go to cash converters and get a cash advance till we got paid. So made out a cheque for £99.99 and handed it over and we got £84.76 in cash. Everything was fine until about an hour ago when we went to buy something from a shop and was told that the £20 note we had just given them was fake. It took me 20 minutes to try and explain that we did not know it was a fake and that we had got it from a shop and for them not to call the police.

Luckily we had the piece of paper that we got from cash converters to say we had cashed a cheque with them, and the shop owner did not call the police. My question is this? What do we do now to try and get our money back from cash converters? Do I call the police or do I just go in and explain that they gave me a fake (which I can't see them believing) or do I just forget about it and try and spend it in another shop and hope not to get caught.

We cashed the cheque on Thursday 8th Jan. Any advice would be great guys as we need this money as times are hard.

Tell u what tho it's a bloody dam good fake, I worked in retail for years and was able to spot one but this one had me.

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#2 diskmandave


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Posted 11 January 2009 - 12:19 AM

Post your thread at Consumer Action Group.

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Good luck with it, Dave.

#3 Guest_robinhood75_*

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Posted 11 January 2009 - 12:26 AM

Post your thread at Consumer Action Group.

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Good luck with it, Dave.

diskmandave? the second link said "You are not logged in or you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:" so if u post it hear i will add it as im filling in the reg now. :)

#4 diskmandave


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Posted 11 January 2009 - 12:33 AM

You need to register first, as you do here!

If you put my username into a Google search....
It might just show what a colourful character I can be... LOL!

I'm a long time lurker here, only just registered tonight! :bigeyes04:

#5 ady


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Posted 11 January 2009 - 12:35 AM

Rite after Christmas me and the girl friend are pretty hard up so decided to go to cash converters and get a cash advance till we got paid. So made out a cheque for £99.99 and handed it over and we got £84.76 in cash. Everything was fine until about an hour ago when we went to buy something from a shop and was told that the £20 note we had just given them was fake. It took me 20 minutes to try and explain that we did not know it was a fake and that we had got it from a shop and for them not to call the police.

Luckily we had the piece of paper that we got from cash converters to say we had cashed a cheque with them, and the shop owner did not call the police. My question is this? What do we do now to try and get our money back from cash converters? Do I call the police or do I just go in and explain that they gave me a fake (which I can't see them believing) or do I just forget about it and try and spend it in another shop and hope not to get caught.

We cashed the cheque on Thursday 8th Jan. Any advice would be great guys as we need this money as times are hard.

Tell u what tho it's a bloody dam good fake, I worked in retail for years and was able to spot one but this one had me.

Bad news really Rob...you have lost £20 basically :(

Take it to the police and they will just confiscate it, likewise with a bank.

You try spending it 'knowingly' having a fake and you commit a crime, bilking was the usual we used....though if you had a git of a copper it could be more serious.

There are thousands of these 20's around...especially in the South...

I'd say treat it as a lesson learned unfortunatly.

Post your thread at Consumer Action Group.

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Good luck with it, Dave.

Erm, sorry I can't see how a consumer group could be in the slightest bit useful here?

#6 diskmandave


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Posted 11 January 2009 - 12:42 AM

Erm, sorry I can't see how a consumer group could be in the slightest bit useful here?

Rather than a Fruit Machine Emulator Group U mean??

Go and get your money back from Barcrest or JPM, rather than
get targeted advice from the largest consumer group in the UK...

Listen to the Moderator here and have it confiscated,
rather than get proper advise.

But then again, as you can prove it... You could of course take
legal action from whence it came...

#7 ady


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Posted 11 January 2009 - 12:47 AM


I was a copper for 10 years and know the law....the money is lost and you could never prove it came from CC.

All that group could legally do is advise to hand it over....correct?....if not they break the law!

#8 nails


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Posted 11 January 2009 - 12:55 AM

Over £220 in fake 20`s were handed over at the stadium tonight by the same guy. the police were called and, after watching security footage, he was arrestet for fraud and many more notes were found on him.

He`s most probably looking at 7 years tops if he get charged for it.

basically, youve been passed a forge and now your £20 down, either destroy it or waste your time and go back to the shop and ask for another or take it to the police.

#9 ady


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Posted 11 January 2009 - 01:06 AM

Rather than a Fruit Machine Emulator Group U mean??

No mate not because its FME.....Any Topic is as it reads lol

Seriously though, all a group can do is create stats as to where they are being passed etc.....and appart from going to the Police (who if this is a One-off (unlike Nails's case above due to circumstances)) will do nothing.

I used to pick up the odd note....get a big rubber stamp saying FORGERY and cancel it...the submitter lost the cash and was asked where it was given to them.....theres no pieces of a puzzle then its 'forgotten'.

So mabey the Mods advise wasn't so wasted after all really.....all the forum will say is the same as you will read here.

#10 nffcfan



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Posted 11 January 2009 - 01:35 AM

Could be worth finding out a little more on this. If its someone dodgy working behind the counter they might be passing them off to everyone who goes in there. Not many places give you cash really your normally handing it over to them so it could be a nice little sideline for the employe slip a few fakes into peoples cash and exchange them for nice crisp new ones out the safe.

#11 todd1970


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Posted 11 January 2009 - 01:41 AM

Could be worth finding out a little more on this. If its someone dodgy working behind the counter they might be passing them off to everyone who goes in there. Not many places give you cash really your normally handing it over to them so it could be a nice little sideline for the employe slip a few fakes into peoples cash and exchange them for nice crisp new ones out the safe.

The mans got a point there.
Mmmmmm...Sandy ive 'ad her ye know. :)

#12 voodoomau5



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Posted 11 January 2009 - 02:28 AM

How did the shopkeeper who said it was fake know it was fake, they could just be an awkward so and soo..oooo i love conspiraces.

Agreee with the guys point about a dodgy cash converters guy though or even dodgy management.

#13 Guest_robinhood75_*

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Posted 11 January 2009 - 02:51 AM

How did the shopkeeper who said it was fake know it was fake, they could just be an awkward so and soo..oooo i love conspiraces.

Agreee with the guys point about a dodgy cash converters guy though or even dodgy management.

He put it under one of them uv light detectors. It was the gf that had the notes from cash converters and she went to pay with it too. When i got it back i could see it was a fake too. It didnt feel right and the silver strip was painted on.

#14 fruitman69


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Posted 11 January 2009 - 06:39 AM

I guess theres a good case for not using cash....

Unlucky bud but your looking at a right off realisticly :(
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Posted 11 January 2009 - 07:27 AM

It's bloody annoying, but not much you can do as adydb said.

One of my best mates is a copper and agrees

Happened to me once in a snooker club. Cashed up some winnings from a fruitie. Went to spend one of tenners behind their bar later that night which was fake and they accused me of trying to pass fake notes and barred me...WTF

#16 Deano



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Posted 11 January 2009 - 09:05 AM

shitty world mate.First new fake £20 I've seen.We had a spate of fake £10 notes in Doncaster just before Xmas and our snooker club passes shit loads of fake £1 coins.
Just unfortunate and more annoying in the fact that your £100 cheque is now worth little over £60.:bigeyes03:

#17 gambogaz1



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Posted 11 January 2009 - 09:18 AM

I'd go back to cash converters and buy something from them with it, Preferably when the same bloke who gave you the forgery is on the till. If he spots it's a fake then you know he's had your pants down.

#18 hornynick



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Posted 11 January 2009 - 09:31 AM

I obviously have less morals than others here, either that or Im just the 1st one to say what everyone else thinks, but just get rid of it somewhere else. Taxi drivers are your best bet: no UVs, dark(ish) cars, in a rush to get to the next job etc....

#19 ady


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Posted 11 January 2009 - 09:45 AM

I obviously have less morals than others here, either that or Im just the 1st one to say what everyone else thinks, but just get rid of it somewhere else. Taxi drivers are your best bet: no UVs, dark(ish) cars, in a rush to get to the next job etc....

No I don't think your morals are less than anyone......robs a normal family man to whom £20 means a lot i'm sure.

I agree with what you are saying but rather than a Taxi driver etc (who work 25 hours a day to make ends meet) i'd try a big multi store place where it wouldn't affect anyone....though as you said theres a chance it would be found.

#20 Zoltar


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Posted 11 January 2009 - 09:49 AM

I used to work for a small business many years ago and an episode with forged money turned my life upside down.

I used to be paid monthly in cash and this particular month, I opened my wage packet to find 10 x fake £10 notes. £100 in dodgy money. Although I won't elaborate, as it will take ages to explain, I was pretty much 100% sure my boss was trying it on. Several things happened that week that pointed to this being the case.

I took the money to the police, who in turn, took the money off me and gave me a reciept for it. I gave a statement about what I knew was fact, about how I came to have the cash, but it was my brother-in-law, who also worked at the same company, who saw the 'shady dealings' involving my bass a few days beforehand.

OK. I will elaborate. I was breaking off from work for a weeks holiday. I had asked my boss if I could be paid early. I was employed by an Alarm Installation company of all things. I fitted the alarms, collected the cash/cheque and did the customer paperwork. Oh, and only I was installing. The boss lived off the company earnings, his partner worked, and he had been declared bankrupt some years beforehand.

An incident a year earlier, where I crashed the company vehicle, only to find out he hadn't insured me should of been enough for me to chuck in the towel, but I had known the boss, I'd say, as a good mate, for almost 10 years. A little bit of good fortune and a fake signature, totally against my better judgement, and the police accepted I was someone else. That was probably the worst thing I have ever done in my life. I regret it even now. It's amazing how others can deliberately make you commit an offence without you having no idea. After all, you drive a company vehicle, providing you have a licence, and the vehicle is roadworthy, taxed and MOT'd, you presume you are driving quite legally. Last thing on my mind was to ask my boss if I could check everything was legal. I was just an employee.

Back to the fake money....
For the month prior to the incident, I fitted an alarm a day. We had a finance deal on where the customer paid £100 and got 5 x £20 installments. £200 the full price of the alarm. Strangely, the deal was lapped up by customers and everyone went for it. All the £100 part payments were paid by cheque which were banked. No cash collected. Well, all except 1 customer who lived a few doors away from the ex-wife, who I sort of knew. All though the month, my boss was asking if anyone had paid cash and if they did, I had to go to Beverley to give him the money. Only this 1 customer all month paid any cash and it was all in £20 notes.

3 days before I got paid, my brother-in-law, was getting a lift home from my boss and they called in at Craven Park. Hull KR's ground. He said my boss counted out £100 in the van, disappeared for 10 minutes, came back, and counted £1000 on his return. Ironically, my bro-in-law mentioned this to me later that evening. He was quite sure that this was the exchange of real money for bogus money.

The day I finished for my holidays.....
I had to take my vehicle to Beverley, and I was given a lift home. I asked about my wages and was told it was in hand. It wasn't until I had arrived at home, and got out of the vehicle when he gave me my wages, istantly driving away as I walked through my garden, opening my wage packet. I gave it to my then wife, who realised straight away that £100 in tenners were fakes. I rang my boss, and 5 minutes later, he came back.

First, he pretended to be shocked, that his speedbank must have chucked them out, then trying to pass the blame, said I couldn't prove they were from him. Then he suggested I try to spend them. I couldn't believe what I was hearing and was pretty numb. I was best man for the guy just 6 weeks earlier at his wedding and here he was, pretty much shitting on me. This made me angry and off I trotted to the citizens advice bureau.

What I wanted to know from them, was wether I would be protected if I quit working for him because of him paying me fake money. An hour or two later and it was still a question they couldn't answer. It was unprecidented they told me. Either way, I wasn't gonna be working for this guy anymore.

I left and went into town to hand the money to the police. They issued my a reciept, and I went to the dole office to ask advice. I was told to come back monday. Monday arrived, and I filled out the application for dole money. Handing them my police reciept as proof of my predicament, and was told everything would be OK.

I returned home to find my boss had been camped out awaiting my return. He began to confront me, with his brother there now. Trying to tell me how good he had been to me. Getting me out of the crashed van predicament, best man at his wedding ect... and told me he would put into place something so it would never happen again. All he did was make me more resolute. I began to realise that he probably needed me more than I needed him. I told him that I had had enough. He asked what did he need to do to fix things, I said I just wanted my money that I had worked for. Ofcourse, that was never going to happen.
Incidentally, the following week, normal payday week, my brother-in-law left also. Leaving my boss with no one to work for him. Ironically, he has an advert in the paper advertising his alarms and he has 'police accreditation'.

The dole decided to dock me 30% of my giro for almost 3 months over the incident. So much for helping the victim and punishing the criminal. They sent my boss a letter asking for his side of the arguement. He had 30 days to reply, which he didn't. Then the DHSS sent him a second letter, then a third, each giving him 30 days to reply. Only after the time had expired on the third letter, did the DHSS re-instate my dole and back pay my deductions.

The police investigation went on for a couple of months. 2 detectives came round one evening and we had a chat. They were very sympathetic towards my predicament and what I had gone through, but due to time, costs, and my bosses word against mine, they could go no further with the case. They pretty much told me that he, my ex-boss was indeed a criminal but they could do nothing more.

I'm not sure if theres a moral to this story likes. It apparently pays to pay someone in counterfeit money as it's the reciever of the money who has to not only do all the leg work, but accept the hardship to do the right thing. The system literally forces a victim to accept this sort of shite from people. I think what is worse about all of this, is that a criminal is fitting intruder alarms in peoples houses, and the customers have no idea.
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