The next one for Beta once Mad Money Monster gets released.
Outback Gaming has nothing to do with the new venture and I have no desire to drag them into this.
Erm their logo is on the Cops n Robbers picture hehe...
Posted 13 February 2009 - 08:44 PM
The next one for Beta once Mad Money Monster gets released.
Outback Gaming has nothing to do with the new venture and I have no desire to drag them into this.
Posted 13 February 2009 - 09:19 PM
Posted 13 February 2009 - 11:56 PM
Sorry, what else can we say about the slightly arsing up of the initial launch.
Virtually everything at our end is done and emails will be going out this week or next depending on a couple of things I can't really go into at this stage. We are genuinely thankful of the support we have received and understand that we have not covered ourselves with glory by letting people down on the launch.
When we started this we had, to be honest, no idea as to the scale of the task we were faced with. We're talking well over 6 figures on backing what started as an idea in a pub and quickly turned into something massive even for a far bigger team than we have.
The idea was to be the only site in the world where you could play real feature packed fruit machines with a gambling option, or free play, as no one else had provided this. We now know why. The scale of the job has been enormous and we have been working flat out to get this delivered.
We apologise for the lack of communication but when things go down, boy do they go down with some style. Over the last few months we have had to develop a completely new gaming engine from scratch, a payment system that will link into reputable systems like NetBanx for example, a communication's port, age verification systems, number generators testing to gaming commission standards and before we forget, the games themselves.
We are pretty much ready to go but can't because of a legislation loophole that has only come to light despite being in close touch with the various governing bodies over some months. It took them by surprise too and we are working through it so the delays are actually out of our hands and in the lap of the Gods. It could be next week it could be 3 months no one is saying and they can't be pushed. Equally we don't want to be seen to be pushing those very, very, very nice people who can grant the final license.
All personal licenses have been granted without a problem but the operator's license has recently become the sticking point. Not because we are doing something we shouldn't or for any irregularities but because legislation can change and the knock on effect (which I can't go into) has caught a lot of people out.
The site you are seeing is being replaced entirely and I understand some people's security concerns. But the site was never the real thing, just the holding / advertising page that would herald the actual site on launch which is incredibly secure, independently tested and bullet proof in terms of security.
All money is ring fenced for those who choose to gamble and is held by reputable banks and payment systems, more of which we can reveal later once the actual secure site goes up.
I have to say, developing the games has been the easy part, it really has. The testing and the legislation has been the bugger and truthfully, when we set out to muck about with machines we underestimated the task in hand.
However, we stuck with it rather than give up and hopefully we'll be a little forgiven for our pig headed attitude when others might have ran for the hills a long time before we would.
We will see this through, we will let you know over the next few days what is happening and we will get a machine up so you can try to break it into small pieces but we have really tried to get it right before any of you pros go to it with your hammers and you have to bear in mind you are the toughest audience by far to release a game to.
Again, I can only apologise for the delay and the lack of communication and my only excuse is that we are working around the clock to deliver this, even if we were a little naive with the timeframe required to get all of this done.
Would we have done it if we had any idea as to the level of investment and work required? Probably not. But now we are in it we are in it for good. If anyone still has doubts as to what we are trying to achieve we did attend ATE recently and the interest it generated (stuff you guys haven't seen) was phenomenal, sincere and accepted with a good deal of surprise that a few guys could actually do something of this scale to this standard. It was good to get the thumbs up from what we would call the leaders in the industry and they would not have done that unless we could prove that we were here to stay, had shown them things that we can't quite reveal yet and talked to them without knowing what we are doing.
We're just sorry we let you guys down and we should have come to you sooner to tell you what was going on. Finding time to scratch our own arses has been the problem but we accept we have to prioritise who we tell what to and when.
Beta is not far away, real play may, possibly, be a while. But those people in authority are very, very, very nice if they didn't catch that first time round.
We will get back to you this time, promise.
Posted 14 February 2009 - 10:27 AM
The first time this was asked it was in connection with people backing the business, Outback Gaming has nothing to do with the business in any respect but we are free to choose who we want as suppliers like any company.
Posted 14 February 2009 - 11:15 AM
Yeah but they're not exactly going to advertise on a porn site, althoughhh..... hmmm
Posted 14 February 2009 - 11:43 AM
Advertising in the form of a banner fair enough (not in my eyes though) but NOT to advertise on any other FME site and to spam threads is a bit suss really.
Posted 14 February 2009 - 11:59 AM
Well maybe we should ask for them to put a banner for fruit-emu on their site then.
And the argument about them choosing this site as it's full of recovered addicts, so what! shall we just get a petition to ban every arcade you walk past then.
I'm not starting an argument or anything but it's exactly the same as the v.i.p layouts, it doesn't hurt or cause a problem for anyone(yeah it may piss people off) but there's no need to make a big ass bitch fight about it.
Posted 14 February 2009 - 12:40 PM
Yes you are going to mention there are 'software' that stops the kids signing up which I am sure will be 100% safe
Fruit-Emu <--- the clue is in the name.
it's exactly the same as the v.i.p layouts, it doesn't hurt or cause a problem for anyone(yeah it may piss people off) but there's no need to make a big ass bitch fight about it.
Posted 14 February 2009 - 12:44 PM
I got to go now, gotta tell bebo that they are out of order to have an ebay banner on their site and i'll let you in on a little secret - bebo is not an auction site
Posted 14 February 2009 - 12:50 PM
Posted 14 February 2009 - 01:03 PM
Edited by impersonator, 14 February 2009 - 01:09 PM.
Posted 14 February 2009 - 01:08 PM
Geddy.... U really need 2 take a very very very big step back from the Edge, coz ur 1 man who is standing way 2 near.....
Peter and co, have clearly spent alot of time investigating the in's and out's of setting up their venture, also the large amount of money each have had 2 invest, the licences which the have to obtain, the extremely strick laws and guide lines which they must meet etc, all covered by the groups below.
UK Gambling Commision | Gamble Aware
Geddy... if u had spent some time reading all the posts which Peter has gone in2 some gr8 detail and trouble explaining all that has been involved, then u might just understand and realise that all the 'Fruit Machines' such as the 2 which Peter provided images of can be played either for 'REAL' or just pure 'Emulation FUN'... in my eye.. as these are machines which do not exist in pubs etc with similarites 2 machines I have played in the past or recently, to me they are just simulations (emulations) in away, hence (I feel) that this was the reason for Peter to post on Fruit-Emu as he knew people here would b in some way interested...
I praise Peter and Co. 4 taking on such a venture, where others in the past have bottled out, coz of all the legal issues etc that is involved. I 4-1 will b using there site once live purely 4 fun... and that's all I will b doin... I gambled in my mid teens and learnt the hard way... but will power stopped me goin beyond breakin point, I now play 4 fun....
Geddy, u have the rite 2 ur opinion as I and many others do, but it seems that u grabbed the wrong end of the stick, Peter can choose 2 advertise or post on any site, (as 4 Spamming other threads on the Fruit-Emu forum), well now..!!! letting every1 know 'Union Jackpots' is on the way is not wrong, u see this happening anywhere, wen a new store or night club opens, 4 weeks on end all u see is posters, fliers etc..., so all Peter is doing is makin Fruit-Emu forum users aware that they are on their way in the hopes that people will check it out.... There is nothing wrong in what Peter has been doing...
So I will end as I started...
Geddy off yur high horse...
and lets give Peter & Co ('Union Jackpots') all the support they need.....
Posted 14 February 2009 - 01:17 PM
Posted 14 February 2009 - 03:05 PM
There's nothing on the forum rules that states that I must write in a particular way...
u might just understand and realise that all the 'Fruit Machines' such as the 2 which Peter provided images of can be played either for 'REAL' or just pure 'Emulation FUN'
so all Peter is doing is makin Fruit-Emu forum users aware that they are on their way in the hopes that people will check it out
Posted 14 February 2009 - 03:48 PM
You don't reason with anyone by the looks of things. You make a statement and whoever disagrees with it, they MUST be wrong.
Posted 14 February 2009 - 03:57 PM
Sorry to quote just this One....but its better than doing the whole thread..
DAD correctly said we are 'going around in circles'....and yeah we are, Geddy does have valid points...logo's for One...
But, and a big BUT...only time will tell as to what UJ is all about...I hope then there will be no "I told you so's" posts either way....when the situation arises I will say now that any posts on those lines will be deleted as we have enough ribbing pre knowing anything.
As has been said numerious times this is an FME site....and yes there is a banner for real life gambling, we are fully aware though that gambling isn't the issue...its the fact that UJ is so unknown--and of course the strange ways of promoting itself prior to (the now proven non-existant) countdown?
A sales ploy?...A genuine mistake?...dare I say no UJ at all?....who knows???
In the meantime please gents lets not row between ourselves and enjoy the reasons we are here on Fruit-Emu
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