So either you do not know what that means OR you are saying that I hoard layouts? Mmmm 
Actually just an observation but predictably you have jumped to the wrong conclusion with your T u t t o n Coloured Specs on..
It's the end of the scene as we know it actually 
Thank you.. 
... Oh man, how many
more years do we have to suffer this same old crap as a collective? Yes, Andy T offered to 'sell' those layouts for £500 about four years ago or whenever it was. Ill advised and unethical certainly, but nothing to say, lying to your missus about where that last £50 went (i.e. spunked down the back of some service station AWP on the way home). Maybe you've never done stuff like that but most here have in the past, myself included. So, according to your 'standards' then, we all should all be castigated on a continuous basis, just so you can indulge your righteous spleen.
Anyway, I could take or leave 'paying' Andy for some layouts but I and pretty much everyone else in the Scene
couldn't avoid the 5 years worth of continuous, unending barage of shite splashed across perhaps half a dozen FME forums, pissing and whining about it, 'FUAT' layouts, DIF and all the rest of it. Seriously, how many interesting posters and contributors have turned away from FME over the years as a direct result of this abject, childish tedium?
It's all very well asking in all seriousness 'where are we now with MFME, forget the politics' in one place and actually expecting an answer, but not whilst gleefully indulging in said politics elsewhere. It's a ridiculous Double Standard, something you apparently abhor? Apart from anything else, your supposed hapless 'adversary' isn't even here and furthermore hasn't been for yonks.
I've got no problem with you being critical of this VIP system, I share your core concerns for that matter - but don't use this as yet another vehicle for your AT hate-fest. Contrary to your undoubted perception of the situation, it certainly doesn't cast you in a favourable light at all.
Edited by letemspin, 09 February 2009 - 07:08 PM.