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VIP Releases.

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#41 curlywill



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Posted 09 February 2009 - 07:52 PM

Just posted some more publicly and erm quit :bigeyes09:

yeah just noticed. shocked me to say the least :bigeyes08:

#42 ady


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Posted 09 February 2009 - 07:53 PM

Come on guys..............please.....

We have all said our personal bits and opinions.....

Here and now isn't a good place to air them, after all its just going in circles isn't it....

Now this epee business :bigeyes06:

#43 cypresshillclan


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Posted 09 February 2009 - 07:59 PM

no offence but a donation of £10 is hardly a lot

im an unemployed 17 year old & have managed to pay it :)

Maybe if you had some responsibilities you would understand and appreciate just how far 10 quid goes mate
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#44 Matty.N



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Posted 09 February 2009 - 08:03 PM

Maybe if you had some responsibilities you would understand and appreciate just how far 10 quid goes mate

i do

i may be unemployed but i do work with my dad 4 or 5 days a week

but the £10 i donated is nothing copared to what would have gone in arcades when i was on holiday :)

#45 cypresshillclan


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Posted 09 February 2009 - 08:07 PM

Yeah but you dont have to go and work for your dad look im not getting into an argument about this
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#46 Matty.N



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Posted 09 February 2009 - 08:08 PM

who sdaid we were arguing?

and i do have to go cause if i don't i'd get kicked out

#47 letemspin


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Posted 09 February 2009 - 08:08 PM

What it does show (especially with some of the VIP layouts going public) is again this bloke is the thorn in the side of FME. How many more resources does he have hoarded that could go some way to help the scene he has arguably destroyed?
Contrary to your undoubted perception of the situation, it certainly doesn't cast you in a favourable light at all defending this bloke. When he has caused you or someone close to you so much personal problems that he has to me then you have some room to chip in and complain, until then you just do not know or appreciate the depth of it all. Join the rest of the 'Harry Half-a-Story' group... :(

I'm not defending anyone, albeit I am openly critical of your one-sided continuation of this in absentia feud, which is self evidently nonsensical given the long since departure of your reluctant protagonist from this board! The matter in hand is [supposedly] 'VIP layouts', which obviously has nothing whatsoever to do with AT or any of the things you (again) mention concerning his supposed grave misdeeds.

I realise this is hardly going to change anything, though. After all, I've not said anything here that many others haven't also said to you in one form or another, for almost as long as I can remember FME-wise. It's hardly a revelation.

Still, I note with sadness that Duplu has decided to call it a day. Perhaps as a general guide then, we should thank people more, complain less and be more forgiving of each other in general. Nuff said, I feel.


#48 letemspin


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Posted 09 February 2009 - 08:11 PM

Come on guys..............please.....

We have all said our personal bits and opinions.....

Here and now isn't a good place to air them, after all its just going in circles isn't it....

Now this epee business :bigeyes06:

OK fair enough, sorry adydb.

#49 Geddy



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Posted 09 February 2009 - 08:17 PM

The matter in hand is [supposedly] 'VIP layouts', which obviously has nothing whatsoever to do with AT

Whose hoarded DXs are they then?

Still, I note with sadness that Duplu has decided to call it a day. Perhaps as a general guide then, we should thank people more, complain less and be more forgiving of each other in general. Nuff said, I feel.

It is very sad and I agree with what you say but the problem is the respect has to come from all sides or it does not work... which is very sad.

#50 Nemmie


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Posted 09 February 2009 - 08:19 PM

Now this epee business :bigeyes06:

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#51 Guest_JimmyRiddle_*

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Posted 09 February 2009 - 08:41 PM

Hello and good evening.

Firstly and foremostly I shan't be posting here again and didn't intend to at all. so anyone who decides to quote, pull to bits, rub themselves over and whatever else over this post can do so. It won't get read because I don't care. I no longer care and haven't done for a long time.

Clarification - I no longer care for a bunch of greedy squeaky tight ****s who take take take and then claim poverty in return.

It has nothing to do with stupid fat people. But more to do with the fact I am too busy to go on providing people with everything for free.

To anyone who has complained about the V.I.P area of this site let me explain something to you.

Alan (aka Duplu) puts this site on basically totally free of charge. He hasn't forced anyone to pay for it, and to that ends noone really has. A few people have piped up donations but nowhere near enough.

To that ends people who are crying poverty and complaining over paying a tenner? you make me f*****g laugh. how can you afford a P.C and an internet connection? The only reason you are complaining is because you can't have everything on this site for free. So STFU.

It's this shit that has caused me to feel the way that I do about fme. And why I f*****g point blank refuse to go on giving shit away for absolutely nothing anymore. Quite simply noone wants to share. Noone wants to help unless it helps with their gains.

As for me hoarding resources?

Let me clarify a few things there too, for the people who really do sit there and dream all day.

First of all most of what Alan has is there, waiting for you to put together. Don't f*****g come it about you can't afford a tenner and then do LITTLE TO NOTHING ELSE. You could ask, people are here to help and you could make a layout or do something.

Second of all in the last year I have made and produced in my time using my knowledge more fruit machines than the entire cumalative scene has put together. That spans over about 5 forums and about 80,000 members.

The only difference is that this time I wasn't about to hand them out.

It's no secret that Alan and I have and will remain to be friends. Or, the respect that I have for him for setting up this place. That will never change.

Thus, when we were talking the other night I suggested to him that he take my layouts and put them in the V.I.P area to attempt to try and take back a little of what he has given to this scene.

FFS, people have been whining about him advertising for Union Jackpots (with other charging services coming soon, watch this space) yet theyre not prepared to tackle the issue at hand and what has caused that.

IE - You're tight selfish ****s, basically. If you f*****g paid your way and weren't so f*****g spoilt he wouldn't have to run the ads to pay for the costs of this place. Have you asked yourself that? Of course you haven't you're too f*****g selfish.

And that's why the scene is where it is today.

See that fat **** telling you all what you should think and feel? Don't even get me started.

His postings, his starting this fight and Duplu calling it a day are all his fault.

Know why? because this has nothing to do with Duplu, nothing to do with these layouts, nothing to do with FME and nothing to do with the price of condoms.

IT does however have everything to do with one stupid controlling obsessed **** hating my guts.

So much so that he couldn't even STFU and not rock the boat here, he had to cause a flame war over it.

I'm absolutely disgusted at the complaints people have said here. About how they can't afford a tenner. If its genuinely that bad get the internet cut off. you don't f*****g need it then, do you?

Seriously, I can't truly believe how f*****g greedy and selfish people are within this scene.

Maybe me GIVING those layouts to Alan was a bad thing to do? Maybe I shouldn't have given them to anyone at all. Simply as no **** wants to wait for them or pay a donation to keep this site running. f*** the lot of you tbh, you're f*****g blessed to have even had the chance.

It's not even like he said you HAD to pay for them or go without is it? All he was doing was giving you tight f*****g scrooges a poke and saying "here, these layouts that you wouldnt have ever gotten anyway can now be had if you help me out"

But as usual everyone expects everything to be free.

As for what I'm hoarding? LMFAO. I'm not about to do a f***in Bullseye on your asses because I'd be here all night, but you've lost an awful lot to talking to people who do all the spadework like that.

Let me say something.

When I get in my car, and I drive to an arcade, and I take photos and come back and do a DX. You don't deserve f*** all.

Every single DX Alan has now could have been done by any of you. You're either too lazy or too f*****g mean to do anything that might help the cause.

And don't tell me what I do in my spare time belongs to 'Joe Public' f*** you is the answer to that.

That's the problem. Over the years people have been fed, and fed, and fed and fed and now they just expect it all to be handed to them on a plate.

Every single time a thread like this happens the cost of the next emulator gets more and more and more. Simply as less people help leaving the person coding it to foot the bill for things like data analyzers, logic analyzers, reverse engineering chips, buying a machine to take apart from each manu that used the tech etc etc etc etc.

And what do you get? every **** thinking it is their god given right to have it for free and then complain.

Sorry, but,


f*** you.

Duplu. I deeply apologise for coming up with an idea that helps your site stay online and stay #1 in the world of fme. You have my number mate. If you want or need anything else then call. We'll just keep it away from this bunch of ungrateful #@#@#@#s.


#52 Matty.N



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Posted 09 February 2009 - 08:49 PM

cant fault ya

said it how it is

#53 stanmarsh14



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Posted 09 February 2009 - 08:49 PM

Ello Pandy :)

#54 Guest_JimmyRiddle_*

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Posted 09 February 2009 - 08:50 PM

BTW could someone please upload the new version of Project 64 please?

Oh hang on you cant because you have to pay for it.

#55 Guest_DAD_*

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Posted 09 February 2009 - 08:53 PM

Hello and good evening.

Firstly and foremostly I shan't be posting here again and didn't intend to at all. so anyone who decides to quote, pull to bits, rub themselves over and whatever else over this post can do so. It won't get read because I don't care. I no longer care and haven't done for a long time.

Clarification - I no longer care for a bunch of greedy squeaky tight ****s who take take take and then claim poverty in return.

It has nothing to do with stupid fat people. But more to do with the fact I am too busy to go on providing people with everything for free.

To anyone who has complained about the V.I.P area of this site let me explain something to you.

Alan (aka Duplu) puts this site on basically totally free of charge. He hasn't forced anyone to pay for it, and to that ends noone really has. A few people have piped up donations but nowhere near enough.

To that ends people who are crying poverty and complaining over paying a tenner? you make me f*****g laugh. how can you afford a P.C and an internet connection? The only reason you are complaining is because you can't have everything on this site for free. So STFU.

It's this shit that has caused me to feel the way that I do about fme. And why I f*****g point blank refuse to go on giving shit away for absolutely nothing anymore. Quite simply noone wants to share. Noone wants to help unless it helps with their gains.

As for me hoarding resources?

Let me clarify a few things there too, for the people who really do sit there and dream all day.

First of all most of what Alan has is there, waiting for you to put together. Don't f*****g come it about you can't afford a tenner and then do LITTLE TO NOTHING ELSE. You could ask, people are here to help and you could make a layout or do something.

Second of all in the last year I have made and produced in my time using my knowledge more fruit machines than the entire cumalative scene has put together. That spans over about 5 forums and about 80,000 members.

The only difference is that this time I wasn't about to hand them out.

It's no secret that Alan and I have and will remain to be friends. Or, the respect that I have for him for setting up this place. That will never change.

Thus, when we were talking the other night I suggested to him that he take my layouts and put them in the V.I.P area to attempt to try and take back a little of what he has given to this scene.

FFS, people have been whining about him advertising for Union Jackpots (with other charging services coming soon, watch this space) yet theyre not prepared to tackle the issue at hand and what has caused that.

IE - You're tight selfish ****s, basically. If you f*****g paid your way and weren't so f*****g spoilt he wouldn't have to run the ads to pay for the costs of this place. Have you asked yourself that? Of course you haven't you're too f*****g selfish.

And that's why the scene is where it is today.

See that fat **** telling you all what you should think and feel? Don't even get me started.

His postings, his starting this fight and Duplu calling it a day are all his fault.

Know why? because this has nothing to do with Duplu, nothing to do with these layouts, nothing to do with FME and nothing to do with the price of condoms.

IT does however have everything to do with one stupid controlling obsessed **** hating my guts.

So much so that he couldn't even STFU and not rock the boat here, he had to cause a flame war over it.

I'm absolutely disgusted at the complaints people have said here. About how they can't afford a tenner. If its genuinely that bad get the internet cut off. you don't f*****g need it then, do you?

Seriously, I can't truly believe how f*****g greedy and selfish people are within this scene.

Maybe me GIVING those layouts to Alan was a bad thing to do? Maybe I shouldn't have given them to anyone at all. Simply as no **** wants to wait for them or pay a donation to keep this site running. f*** the lot of you tbh, you're f*****g blessed to have even had the chance.

It's not even like he said you HAD to pay for them or go without is it? All he was doing was giving you tight f*****g scrooges a poke and saying "here, these layouts that you wouldnt have ever gotten anyway can now be had if you help me out"

But as usual everyone expects everything to be free.

As for what I'm hoarding? LMFAO. I'm not about to do a f***in Bullseye on your asses because I'd be here all night, but you've lost an awful lot to talking to people who do all the spadework like that.

Let me say something.

When I get in my car, and I drive to an arcade, and I take photos and come back and do a DX. You don't deserve f*** all.

Every single DX Alan has now could have been done by any of you. You're either too lazy or too f*****g mean to do anything that might help the cause.

And don't tell me what I do in my spare time belongs to 'Joe Public' f*** you is the answer to that.

That's the problem. Over the years people have been fed, and fed, and fed and fed and now they just expect it all to be handed to them on a plate.

Every single time a thread like this happens the cost of the next emulator gets more and more and more. Simply as less people help leaving the person coding it to foot the bill for things like data analyzers, logic analyzers, reverse engineering chips, buying a machine to take apart from each manu that used the tech etc etc etc etc.

And what do you get? every **** thinking it is their god given right to have it for free and then complain.

Sorry, but,


f*** you.

Duplu. I deeply apologise for coming up with an idea that helps your site stay online and stay #1 in the world of fme. You have my number mate. If you want or need anything else then call. We'll just keep it away from this bunch of ungrateful #@#@#@#s.


Ahhhhhhhhhhhh f*** OFF!!

#56 Guest_JimmyRiddle_*

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Posted 09 February 2009 - 09:05 PM

Oh do piss off you pointless old ****.

Shit DX BTW. And thanks for pointing out that you used my cabinet.


#57 Guest_DAD_*

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Posted 09 February 2009 - 09:13 PM

If that's directed at me, which DX and which cab?

#58 VampUK


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Posted 09 February 2009 - 09:28 PM

Every single DX Alan has now could have been done by any of you. You're either too lazy or too f*****g mean to do anything that might help the cause.

And don't tell me what I do in my spare time belongs to 'Joe Public' f*** you is the answer to that.

Could not agree more. Either put up or shut up.

Posted Image

#59 cypresshillclan


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Posted 09 February 2009 - 09:42 PM

[quote name='JimmyRiddle']Hello and good evening.

Firstly and foremostly I shan't be posting here again and didn't intend to at all. so anyone who decides to quote, pull to bits, rub themselves over and whatever else over this post can do so. It won't get read because I don't care. I no longer care and haven't done for a long time.

Thought you werent goin to post after that..........oh hang im doing what you want replying to you lol
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#60 Daryl


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Posted 09 February 2009 - 09:48 PM

As I have been mentioned in the beginning of this thread, I feel that I should put my point of view across for all it's worth.

Here you will find the thread and my posts: Union Jackpots? over at DAD's.

At the start of this UJ rumpus that has upset quite a few members here and on DADs as well, I had a post I made here 'post-mortemed' by Duplu against my doubts about UJ. I felt at that time that I took the brunt of the critiscism for all the members (which I can take) because as members here, we had a reasonable request of what was happening with the site, and UJ in particular because of their delays and their advertising banner here.

Duplu replied to my post in DADs, which I accepted in part, except i still do have my doubts about UJ, which I have made known to Duplu through a PM over at DADs.

It was after I had made this post that I found out that a VIP section had been created for contributors towards this site. I found that I couldn't download from that section, or post there either, but that in the past I had donated to the site (only Bronze I know, but it is still donations). I added that I thought that my money wasn't good enough or not enough to access this VIP section, but found out later, through a PM from Duplu, that only the silver and gold contributors had been given access and that bronze supporters hadn't been given the access, but that this was a mistake, and would be rectified. I accepted this, and was later allowed to download the layouts although wasn't able to post in that section.

After a PM with Duplu we managed to come to some consensus over the UJ fiasco which has caused some upset here, and as I stated to him too there was no ill-will made directly to him in general... it's just that this forum, for a time seemed to be running rudderless through situations that have occurred, ie UJ, changeover etc.

I do believe that the VIP was a thank-you by Duplu (although perhaps misguided) to all those who have supported the site one way or another, but it does go against the grain of FME of all members not being able to share from the FME community as a whole.

We have a great site here, with great members to boot, and we need to pull together to keep the site on track. I understand that Duplu has decided to call it a day, which is a great shame, but because (I think stanmarsh has mentioned this on a post on this thread) some mistakes have been made on this site over the last few days, lessons need to be learned for the future, and we ALL need to pull together.

Admin should now all be informed of any decisions and decisions that affect members of FE should be notified of any changes that will take place in the future (there is a section on this forums especially for that) ... after all a majority of members do donate to this site and it is a courtesy to keep us informed of any major decisions that affetc these forums.

Peace and goodwill to all. :)

Edited by Daryl, 09 February 2009 - 10:08 PM.

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