VIP Releases.
Started by
, Feb 09 2009 04:58 PM
138 replies to this topic
Posted 10 February 2009 - 04:19 PM
how about we stop quoting long threads
Posted 10 February 2009 - 04:24 PM
Hang on....just let me get me cock out........there we go........
Cyberpunk:- alienated loner who lives on the edge of society in generally dystopic future where daily life is impacted by rapid technological change, an ubiquitous datasphere of computerized information, and invasive modification of the human body.....Hmmmmm
Posted 10 February 2009 - 04:27 PM
Hang on....just let me get me cock out........there we go........
Not very big is it

Hello, mother. I come bearing a gift. I'll give you a hint. It's in my diaper and it's not a toaster.
Think your big enough to take on a bar of chocolate. http://yorkie7808.mybrute.com
Think your big enough to take on a bar of chocolate. http://yorkie7808.mybrute.com

Posted 10 February 2009 - 04:29 PM
Seems we have gone full circle here... same arguments etc etc but at least the community are talking again!!! As people over there will know i have mainly used FF on this and my last username, but more recently spent more time here as it seems its where the masses are atm. Just to add my angle to all of this.... If I was requested to pay for layouts and site hosting etc and it was made perfectly transparent I would do it no worries. I would have paid for the emulator and any layouts, tbh it would have made them more valuable and probably made me use and appreciate them more. In the beginning a new release spelt a hefty part of a weekend getting some revenge on a bandit that once robbed me, nowadays with so many available im sorry to admit it has become far less of an event. Over at FF if the coffers are low then a message would be put up that that is the case and people more often than not stick the odd 5 or 10 quid in to help out, I am convinced that that would have happened here also. I am also 100% convinced if this site was pulled tomorrow then everyone who uses it would split amongst the others and they would get big again. Another unsung hero here is cliff who's repro has always been available for free and at his cost. Its silly all arguing again lets try to move on together, make some group buys etc, pool resources and make FME great again...
2 other points... (one a prediction!)..
If the site traffic Andy mentions is accurate i can easily get a far better deal than has been quoted and can supply details at request...
I bet we will see a large number of DX's either for free or on a buy to play basis from andy this year and perhaps even a new emu... Quote me when it arrives!!!
2 other points... (one a prediction!)..
If the site traffic Andy mentions is accurate i can easily get a far better deal than has been quoted and can supply details at request...
I bet we will see a large number of DX's either for free or on a buy to play basis from andy this year and perhaps even a new emu... Quote me when it arrives!!!
Posted 10 February 2009 - 04:29 PM
Well I love you all very much xxxx
J<br /><br /><br /><br />A man
Posted 10 February 2009 - 04:32 PM
Well I love you all very much xxxx
Even the men ohhhh you poof (kidding by the way before anyone complains to the BBC)
Hello, mother. I come bearing a gift. I'll give you a hint. It's in my diaper and it's not a toaster.
Think your big enough to take on a bar of chocolate. http://yorkie7808.mybrute.com
Think your big enough to take on a bar of chocolate. http://yorkie7808.mybrute.com

Posted 10 February 2009 - 04:34 PM
especially the men :-)
J<br /><br /><br /><br />A man
Posted 10 February 2009 - 04:42 PM
Not very big is it
You were the only one that noticed....
Cyberpunk:- alienated loner who lives on the edge of society in generally dystopic future where daily life is impacted by rapid technological change, an ubiquitous datasphere of computerized information, and invasive modification of the human body.....Hmmmmm
Posted 10 February 2009 - 04:51 PM
Not very big is it
Bet you were the only one looking

Posted 10 February 2009 - 04:53 PM
Bet you were the only one looking
So what if i was RB shouldn't be getting his tackle out in a public forum especially one that small and shriveled

Hello, mother. I come bearing a gift. I'll give you a hint. It's in my diaper and it's not a toaster.
Think your big enough to take on a bar of chocolate. http://yorkie7808.mybrute.com
Think your big enough to take on a bar of chocolate. http://yorkie7808.mybrute.com

Posted 10 February 2009 - 05:01 PM
Hang on....just let me get me cock out........there we go........
Do we have to pay for that as well?

Posted 10 February 2009 - 06:05 PM
As always very eloquent but I think you will find that Mr T remained silent whilst everyone continued to attack him for the last year. I think perhaps he thought naively that people would let the past live in the past but unfortunately this has proved impossible for some.
I take it your last paragraph refers also to Mr T but I do not see any self pity in his post or any personal reward in him once again getting attacked by the normal people in their normal spiteful manner. Even when he releases his layouts by proxy and in a manner that was aimed to help this forum and therefore the scene in general.
I find it quite comical that he has produced more layouts than the rest of the FME community combined in his absence. Perhaps if people put their minds to more constructive matters they could do the same.
The post he slapped up made me quite angry to be honest. The self pity and personal reward, thats the only reason I can think for his post. Why did he go off on one with such a virile and demeaning post towards pretty much everyone? He's laid low, he's made some layouts, he releases layouts, if that was it all in a nutshell, I'm, sure things wouldn't be anywhere near as heated as it has become. Yes, things are never simple on this scene. People post speculation, which often turns into reality. but it only turns to reality if enough ammunition is provided to bend peoples opinions. Say nothing and let people believe what they want. At the end of the day, who gives a fig.
I've seen before where things are done with ulterior motives, nicely hidden by good intentions. I'm sure we've all been duped by stuff over the years. Theres no denying that over the years, we have had a few who have used the scene for their own glory and self determination. Even if this was the case here, people will speak out. But surely ignoring what people say is the best course of action. So many people have decided that biting ones tongue is an impossible thing to do. If FME was a pub, the place would have been closed down within hours on the first night due to the fighting spreading to the nearby areas, then the burbs and eventually well into the countryside. Within the week, we'd be fighting on the continent. We have some great talent here on this scene. but the one talent it lacks, is the one that can stop it from tottering over the brink.
As for Mr T taking exception at attacks. He has 2 options. bite back or turn his back. It's simple really. And even if he bites back, he could have done so with a great deal more refinement and dignity. All that post did was to show himself up. Yes, theres people who have gripes with him. I have no personal problem with him myself except his present attitude. But I could take exception to his post and post how it directly refers to me and people like me. I'm sure if he reads this, he'd probably be thinking to himself that he doesn't give a toss. That Compost is a complete twat. Now that would be great. Especially if he had that attitude with everything else thats been posted here. Including those passages that he finds offending.
It still rattles me that if he can't be bothered with the scene, why the hell get caught up in all this dialogue? To defend himself? Thats almost always the answer. But why defend himself on a scene he says he couldn't care less about?
Posted 10 February 2009 - 06:16 PM
Zoltar speaks words of wisdom as usual.......Jeeze where have you been that past few days!
I read your reply, and as normal its totally unbias and so well written.
Hopefully that will be read and digested, then we can all 'sit-back' and wait for those concerned to give their replies in a civil manner and not (as has been said) in a tit-for-tat attitude.
Knowing the history I can see how this has escallated to this level....hopefully your post will help calm the situation a little.
I read your reply, and as normal its totally unbias and so well written.
Hopefully that will be read and digested, then we can all 'sit-back' and wait for those concerned to give their replies in a civil manner and not (as has been said) in a tit-for-tat attitude.
Knowing the history I can see how this has escallated to this level....hopefully your post will help calm the situation a little.
Posted 10 February 2009 - 06:23 PM
Oh hi did not expect you back at 'Kiddyland.' Like previously mentioned if Duplu asked for donations then he would have got them, it is no ones fault he did not ask.
You see thats half your problem, you get stuck on one point and repeatedly make it. Yes I referred to this place as kiddyland and it is true I think you will agree that the population is younger than at FF or DADs. I can only guess that you are hoping that the forum population will turn on me if you say it enough but it seems that tactic doesn't work so try a new one.
I was actually replying to a post by Stan if you start replying for him that will confuse matters even more than at present. Already some people are having trouble discerning the difference between you.

Regardless of his intentions and I agree with you his motives I just think he made a poor judgement call. Once you mix layouts with money you cause issues. Is selling them on ebay any different in essence? Again all he had to do was ask for donations then the usual crowd would have helped him out. We have never heard that the site was in difficulties.
He was not offering them exclusively to donators, in time they would have been available to all so it was his way of both thanking donators and perhaps persuading a few more people to contribute. I don't see anything unfair in this on reflection and neither do a large proportion of the membership. I believe you reacted in the way you did solely because of the person who created the layouts not because of the way they were being released.
To CC.
Yes I agree Mr Ts response was heated and over the top but I would perhaps react in the same way if someone had been criticizing me at every opportunity for a period of over a year when I had not even involved in the scene, so I can't personally knock him too much for it.
I also agree that it would be better for them to shake hands and get over it but the resentment is too deep seated and I realistically this will never happen. If people could let the past be the past that would be a good start but even this seems beyond them.
To JamesB
You are a very good judge of character. I salute you

Posted 10 February 2009 - 06:26 PM
The post he slapped up made me quite angry to be honest. The self pity and personal reward, thats the only reason I can think for his post. Why did he go off on one with such a virile and demeaning post towards pretty much everyone? He's laid low, he's made some layouts, he releases layouts, if that was it all in a nutshell, I'm, sure things wouldn't be anywhere near as heated as it has become. Yes, things are never simple on this scene. People post speculation, which often turns into reality. but it only turns to reality if enough ammunition is provided to bend peoples opinions. Say nothing and let people believe what they want. At the end of the day, who gives a fig.
I've seen before where things are done with ulterior motives, nicely hidden by good intentions. I'm sure we've all been duped by stuff over the years. Theres no denying that over the years, we have had a few who have used the scene for their own glory and self determination. Even if this was the case here, people will speak out. But surely ignoring what people say is the best course of action. So many people have decided that biting ones tongue is an impossible thing to do. If FME was a pub, the place would have been closed down within hours on the first night due to the fighting spreading to the nearby areas, then the burbs and eventually well into the countryside. Within the week, we'd be fighting on the continent. We have some great talent here on this scene. but the one talent it lacks, is the one that can stop it from tottering over the brink.
As for Mr T taking exception at attacks. He has 2 options. bite back or turn his back. It's simple really. And even if he bites back, he could have done so with a great deal more refinement and dignity. All that post did was to show himself up. Yes, theres people who have gripes with him. I have no personal problem with him myself except his present attitude. But I could take exception to his post and post how it directly refers to me and people like me. I'm sure if he reads this, he'd probably be thinking to himself that he doesn't give a toss. That Compost is a complete twat. Now that would be great. Especially if he had that attitude with everything else thats been posted here. Including those passages that he finds offending.
It still rattles me that if he can't be bothered with the scene, why the hell get caught up in all this dialogue? To defend himself? Thats almost always the answer. But why defend himself on a scene he says he couldn't care less about?
Well the constant digs aimed at him and the general nastiness whenever he does anything rattles me. In fact I find it disturbing and I would have reacted in the same way but with less anglo saxon if I had been treated in that manner.
Your posts seem to be very one sided so it would seem you have lost your impartiality which is a shame but whatever floats your boat.
Posted 10 February 2009 - 06:31 PM
Zoltar speaks words of wisdom as usual.......Jeeze where have you been that past few days!
I read your reply, and as normal its totally unbias and so well written.
Hopefully that will be read and digested, then we can all 'sit-back' and wait for those concerned to give their replies in a civil manner and not (as has been said) in a tit-for-tat attitude.
Knowing the history I can see how this has escallated to this level....hopefully your post will help calm the situation a little.
Unbiased? It seems to be a lets point out Mr Ts faults essay to me, with nothing about the other side of the coin.
CaptainCs posts are the only unbiased ones in this thread and yes that includes me because I happen to like Mr T.
Posted 10 February 2009 - 06:42 PM
Christ and don't we know it?I happen to like Mr T.
I can't be bothered writing a full reply but can't you see that wherever A.T. goes, he leaves a trail of destruction behind him, buggers off for a while then repeats the whole process over and over again.
If it wasn't for him we'd most likely be enjoying regular MFME updates and new techs.
Yeah I know you've heard it all before, trouble is IT DOESN'T SEEM TO SINK IN!!
Posted 10 February 2009 - 06:56 PM
Christ and don't we know it?
I can't be bothered writing a full reply but can't you see that wherever A.T. goes, he leaves a trail of destruction behind him, buggers off for a while then repeats the whole process over and over again.
If it wasn't for him we'd most likely be enjoying regular MFME updates and new techs.
Yeah I know you've heard it all before, trouble is IT DOESN'T SEEM TO SINK IN!!
Who caused this latest "trail of destruction" though?
I hardly think you can lay the blame at Mr Ts door no matter how hard you try. I think if a finger is to be pointed it has to be at your mate Geddy.
Mr T posted after an Admin had quit.
Posted 10 February 2009 - 07:04 PM
See, I told you it doesn't sink in.Who caused this latest "trail of destruction" though?
I hardly think you can lay the blame at Mr Ts door no matter how hard you try. I think if a finger is to be pointed it has to be at your mate Geddy.
Mr T posted after an Admin had quit.
If AT hadn't have come along with his hoarded layouts, non of this would have happened and we'd all be getting along fine.
I don't believe for a second that his layouts were intended to generate revenue for this site. All Duplu had to do was to stick a post up asking for contributions and the 'faithful' would have responded. It was simply another dick waving attempt by AT, something we've seen all to often and are sick and tired of.
Posted 10 February 2009 - 07:08 PM
Well the constant digs aimed at him and the general nastiness whenever he does anything rattles me. In fact I find it disturbing and I would have reacted in the same way but with less anglo saxon if I had been treated in that manner.
Your posts seem to be very one sided so it would seem you have lost your impartiality which is a shame but whatever floats your boat.
One sided?
Why would anyone be so nasty and bitter towards you Nemmie? Yes, theres 2 sides to this arguement but one says that it don't give a hoot for FME. Yet is concerned enough when people speak out against him. My one sidedness as you call it, was pointing out how the argument was pretty much won when a stupid post brought it all collapsing down.
My personal stance with the two sides is as follows. I take Geddy as a good mate. I have no reason to not trust him. In fact, if he told be the Queens turds are blue, I'd believe him. Ironically, I have seen or met neither, but I do take people at face value and have a small achilles heel in the trust department. That being I pretty much trust anyone unless they give me cause to think otherwise. Geddy does hold a bit more than simple 'aquaintance trust' as I've always been convinced that what he does, is for the general good of the scene. But I'm not in league with him. I'm sure even Geddy can't make up his mind which side I am with. Well, I'm on my side. Whilst Mr. T, I have no gripes against him, over the years, I've learnt to take things he says with a very large pinch of salt. But once, Mr. T was blessed with the same trust as Mr G. I made my own mind up by lifes experiences. And whilst I think that Mr T is having a bad time of it, although I will not say it's well deserved, I will say that he should have anticipated it. Expected it. Trust is so easy to destroy. That doesn't mean that I'm beyond giving him a pat on the back when he does something for the good of the scene. Or even one day accepting his argument. Like it was almost the case in this instance until that post.
Whilst I'll say for the record that I hate it when Geddy gets his teeth into something, you cannot deny the guys passion and emotion for what goes on in our scene. I'd be just as passionate and air my opinions a great deal more if it wasn't for the fact that I'd be simply dismissed as Geddy's lap dog.
There. you have my orientation. My allegiance in this whole episode. I'm affraid I see whats right, and whats wrong, then make a decision and if push comes to shove, and my hand is forced, I show my allegiance. But my words are mine. Not Geddy's. Nobody elses. The thing is, theres been enough posted over the years for people to make an informative decision on what is good and what is not. I have made that informative decision. But it seems in your eyes theres only two ways this whole thing goes. Either you are with Geddy, or you are with Mr. T. I make a post about Mr T and his behaviour, and i'm a 'Geddite'. I cannot support Mr T here so what are my choices? It appears that saying nothing is the winner for me. Good old Compost is the waivering voter if he says nothing. But even I have the tendency to speak up. Say my piece. It may be favourable, it may not be.
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