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#121 Nemmie


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Posted 10 February 2009 - 07:29 PM

See, I told you it doesn't sink in.

If AT hadn't have come along with his hoarded layouts, non of this would have happened and we'd all be getting along fine.

I don't believe for a second that his layouts were intended to generate revenue for this site. All Duplu had to do was to stick a post up asking for contributions and the 'faithful' would have responded. It was simply another dick waving attempt by AT, something we've seen all to often and are sick and tired of.

You are in denial of the actual facts of the matter.

Twisting things to suit your point of view. Nothing new there.

#122 Nemmie


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Posted 10 February 2009 - 07:31 PM

One sided?

Why would anyone be so nasty and bitter towards you Nemmie? Yes, theres 2 sides to this arguement but one says that it don't give a hoot for FME. Yet is concerned enough when people speak out against him. My one sidedness as you call it, was pointing out how the argument was pretty much won when a stupid post brought it all collapsing down.

My personal stance with the two sides is as follows. I take Geddy as a good mate. I have no reason to not trust him. In fact, if he told be the Queens turds are blue, I'd believe him. Ironically, I have seen or met neither, but I do take people at face value and have a small achilles heel in the trust department. That being I pretty much trust anyone unless they give me cause to think otherwise. Geddy does hold a bit more than simple 'aquaintance trust' as I've always been convinced that what he does, is for the general good of the scene. But I'm not in league with him. I'm sure even Geddy can't make up his mind which side I am with. Well, I'm on my side. Whilst Mr. T, I have no gripes against him, over the years, I've learnt to take things he says with a very large pinch of salt. But once, Mr. T was blessed with the same trust as Mr G. I made my own mind up by lifes experiences. And whilst I think that Mr T is having a bad time of it, although I will not say it's well deserved, I will say that he should have anticipated it. Expected it. Trust is so easy to destroy. That doesn't mean that I'm beyond giving him a pat on the back when he does something for the good of the scene. Or even one day accepting his argument. Like it was almost the case in this instance until that post.

Whilst I'll say for the record that I hate it when Geddy gets his teeth into something, you cannot deny the guys passion and emotion for what goes on in our scene. I'd be just as passionate and air my opinions a great deal more if it wasn't for the fact that I'd be simply dismissed as Geddy's lap dog.

There. you have my orientation. My allegiance in this whole episode. I'm affraid I see whats right, and whats wrong, then make a decision and if push comes to shove, and my hand is forced, I show my allegiance. But my words are mine. Not Geddy's. Nobody elses. The thing is, theres been enough posted over the years for people to make an informative decision on what is good and what is not. I have made that informative decision. But it seems in your eyes theres only two ways this whole thing goes. Either you are with Geddy, or you are with Mr. T. I make a post about Mr T and his behaviour, and i'm a 'Geddite'. I cannot support Mr T here so what are my choices? It appears that saying nothing is the winner for me. Good old Compost is the waivering voter if he says nothing. But even I have the tendency to speak up. Say my piece. It may be favourable, it may not be.

No I would never consider you to be a lapdog. He has enough of those already but I am glad you admitted that your posts are now motivated by friendship for Geddy and a dislike for Mr T.

At least one of you is being honest.

I cannot see how somebody with your intelligence is unable to see that Mr Ts intentions were nothing but good and I believe that Duplus were similarly honourable but they have been twisted and thrown back in their faces due to a personal vendetta that has been ongoing for years. I say personal because Trouty's lapdogs just follow in his wake barking and whimpering occasionally.

Edited by Nemmie, 10 February 2009 - 07:37 PM.

#123 Zoltar


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Posted 10 February 2009 - 08:33 PM

I cannot see how somebody with your intelligence is unable to see that Mr Ts intentions were nothing but good and I believe that Duplus were similarly honourable but they have been twisted and thrown back in their faces due to a personal vendetta that has been ongoing for years. I say personal because Trouty's lapdogs just follow in his wake barking and whimpering occasionally.

Thats where things are being mixed up. Until that post of his, I saw what was happening and thought that it was motivated out of good. At least with good intentions anyways. Then that post appeared and everything just collapsed into that 'same old same old' scenario. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't have been trying to be Mr. T's best buddy but I would have embraced the good intentions and supported them at least from my take on things. How I saw it..

That post was the killer. I wasn't waiting for things to go tits up. Not waiting with my hammer to join in with the bashing. At worst, I'd have watched silently from the sidelines. At best, I would have posted something at least of appreciation for the gesture. My very first post in this matter mentions about the high ground collapsing after the membership slagging post. That wasn't just words to fill the space. It was me pointing out how things disintegrated when if that post hadn't appeared, Mr. T had indeed captured the high ground for the situation at hand. My further posts were probably futile efforts are pointing out how things went wrong and how things could have been handled differently. Maybe I was wrong to presume in those instances.

Remember that I haven't even questioned your stance on things. Wether you side with side A or side B makes no difference to me. We certainly don't fight over our opinions. Where some may say you are blind to whats going on, I simply say that you are just as passionate about how you have interpreted things as I am. I guess you and me have one thing in common. Although we are by no means drinking buddies, we respect one another, respect each others opinions and even when we disagree, we have never decended to petty insults and other badness. Even agreeing to disagree is something we have never had to endure between the pair of us. I guess that shows that your opinion is yours, just as mine is mine, with us both tolerating each others opinions, and doesn't get in the way of us existing together as pleasant aquaintances on a scene that has let the pair of us down.
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#124 niallquinn



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Posted 10 February 2009 - 08:47 PM

Are we all invited then? To the wedding?


#125 Geddy



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Posted 10 February 2009 - 09:26 PM

The post he slapped up made me quite angry to be honest. The self pity and personal reward, thats the only reason I can think for his post.

I find it astonishing that he preaches about donating to this site financially with his history of begging. Also I notice his Mythicos account is not a Gold member, nor silver or even bronze - I guess that means he has not financially contributed to this site - hypocritical does not even come close.

Also can we get rid of his dupe account... :bigeyes19:

#126 Geddy



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Posted 10 February 2009 - 09:34 PM

NEWSFLASH - The Queen's turds are blue! :bigeyes27:

#127 Daryl


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Posted 10 February 2009 - 09:59 PM

NEWSFLASH - The Queen's turds are blue! :bigeyes27:

I thought it was their blood? Unless it's blood in her turds...

Back on topic...

As for having my post scrutinised, I expected it to be, but not by the person who did.

He seems to know a great deal of what is happeneing on this site (does he know more than the admin or mods?... Let us know DAD ;)) and as I have contributed to the site, and he hasn't, and has he seems to be great friends with Duplu and I am not, I hope Andy can let the rest of us 'lesser mortals' know what he means instead of talking in riddles.

You see this is what I mean about FME. People say things, people then ask what is meant by what has been said, then nothing is backed up.

Well I think as a person who has contributed to help running the site (only bronze I know, but more than some accounts have paid ;)) and even if I hadn't, then as I mentioned, as a courtesy (I didn't say a right) we should in future be kept abreast of what is happening with the site.

My posts seem to be dissected recently by quite a few members, so I await with baited breath for this to be post-mortemed. I am only stating my own personal opinion, not anyone else's or represent anyone else's. If you disagree with it I haven't a problem about it - but everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Edited by Daryl, 10 February 2009 - 10:11 PM.

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#128 Mr House

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Posted 10 February 2009 - 10:38 PM

Just wondering, was there this type of outrage when people like Harvey or m1adness used to lock the roms so that nobody else could make remakes of their work?

Enjoy a history lesson...

Roms were only "locked" on DT's emulator and that was because they needed to be "encoded" via a seperate program to control releases. That emulator would only run encoded roms during its initial release. This was to ensure that no new games were released as the technology was still active.

The locked layouts was a seperate issue and it was far more people then Harvey or m1adness that used to do this. Plenty of hours were put in on sorting lamps, back in those days on MPU3 and MPU4 there was no fancy test mode. People back then did not like to have their work abused by others who took five minutes f*****g up layouts that back then took many hours to make, espeically if you had to do the CHR file.

Was there an uproar yes.

Nicky "Die In A Chemical Fire" Special changed a lot of layouts once to the fury of some authors.

But back then, they were different times...

#129 Nemmie


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Posted 11 February 2009 - 08:11 AM

I find it astonishing that he preaches about donating to this site financially with his history of begging. Also I notice his Mythicos account is not a Gold member, nor silver or even bronze - I guess that means he has not financially contributed to this site - hypocritical does not even come close.

Also can we get rid of his dupe account... :bigeyes19:

Yeah keep goading. He isn't coming you had your entertainment at his expense. I hope you enjoyed it.

I willl now withdraw from FME discussions with people who are essentially unimportant to me as I have more constructive things to do.

I will return to point and laugh at your expense when the time is right to do so :)

#130 Nemmie


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Posted 11 February 2009 - 08:20 AM

Thats where things are being mixed up. Until that post of his, I saw what was happening and thought that it was motivated out of good. At least with good intentions anyways. Then that post appeared and everything just collapsed into that 'same old same old' scenario. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't have been trying to be Mr. T's best buddy but I would have embraced the good intentions and supported them at least from my take on things. How I saw it..

That post was the killer. I wasn't waiting for things to go tits up. Not waiting with my hammer to join in with the bashing. At worst, I'd have watched silently from the sidelines. At best, I would have posted something at least of appreciation for the gesture. My very first post in this matter mentions about the high ground collapsing after the membership slagging post. That wasn't just words to fill the space. It was me pointing out how things disintegrated when if that post hadn't appeared, Mr. T had indeed captured the high ground for the situation at hand. My further posts were probably futile efforts are pointing out how things went wrong and how things could have been handled differently. Maybe I was wrong to presume in those instances.

Remember that I haven't even questioned your stance on things. Wether you side with side A or side B makes no difference to me. We certainly don't fight over our opinions. Where some may say you are blind to whats going on, I simply say that you are just as passionate about how you have interpreted things as I am. I guess you and me have one thing in common. Although we are by no means drinking buddies, we respect one another, respect each others opinions and even when we disagree, we have never decended to petty insults and other badness. Even agreeing to disagree is something we have never had to endure between the pair of us. I guess that shows that your opinion is yours, just as mine is mine, with us both tolerating each others opinions, and doesn't get in the way of us existing together as pleasant aquaintances on a scene that has let the pair of us down.

Yes, I have always respected your opinion and I never resort to personal insults . I understand what you are saying but I don't personally think that one heated post outweighs over a year of sustained and calculated abuse.

So once again it seems we will have to agree to disagree as I mentioned in my previous post I shall now withdraw from FME discussions completely and let you all agree with each other. I have already expended too much effort in trying to balance things and I have said all I have to say on this particular matter.

#131 jamespir



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Posted 11 February 2009 - 09:46 AM

are you girls still arguing

#132 Geddy



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Posted 11 February 2009 - 09:47 AM

He seems to know a great deal of what is happeneing on this site (does he know more than the admin or mods?... Let us know DAD ;)) and as I have contributed to the site, and he hasn't, and has he seems to be great friends with Duplu and I am not, I hope Andy can let the rest of us 'lesser mortals' know what he means instead of talking in riddles.

You see this is what I mean about FME. People say things, people then ask what is meant by what has been said, then nothing is backed up.

I could not agree more. That is the issue we have a man preaching high and mighty on how this site should be run and how us lesser mortals should contribute even though proof suggests he never has. What right does he have to know more about the running of this site (going from his post) than actual contributors or even worse staff members?

Well I think as a person who has contributed to help running the site (only bronze I know, but more than some accounts have paid ;)) and even if I hadn't, then as I mentioned, as a courtesy (I didn't say a right) we should in future be kept abreast of what is happening with the site.

Of course you should, there is a forum section for it after all.

Yeah keep goading. He isn't coming you had your entertainment at his expense. I hope you enjoyed it.

Pointing out the truth is not goading, I'm sure various on line dictionaries will help ascertain the difference.

I willl now withdraw from FME discussions with people who are essentially unimportant to me as I have more constructive things to do.

I will return to point and laugh at your expense when the time is right to do so :)

Oh next post, you were not away long.:bigeyes05: Nemmie listen and I must be frank here because it does not appear to have sunk in. It is obvious to most you are EXACTLY what you claim others to be in respect to me but for Andy. You cannot see the hypocrisy in telling people they are my lap dog when in fact all they do is share the same love of the scene and concern for what Andy has done to try and control it for his own ends when you constantly run around trying to defend Andy's appauling actions. Do you realise how stupid it makes you look?
You even admit it with your last remark above - what you really mean is the next time someone dares to post against Andy you will pipe up, you do all the time and it is so sad it is comical.

Yes, I have always respected your opinion and I never resort to personal insults . I understand what you are saying but I don't personally think that one heated post outweighs over a year of sustained and calculated abuse.

OVER A YEAR OF SUSTAINED AND CALCULATED ABUSE? You know what I love it when you come out with exagerated claims like that becuause like your other recent claims (roms) you actually NEVER provide any evidence and tbh no body takes your word at face value.
Even if I did manage a year of sustained abuse towards Andy it would pale into insignificance to what he has done to damage me and this scene.


So once again it seems we will have to agree to disagree as I mentioned in my previous post I shall now withdraw from FME discussions completely and let you all agree with each other. I have already expended too much effort in trying to balance things and I have said all I have to say on this particular matter.

You mean you lost..... fair enough. :bigeyes04:

#133 Nemmie


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Posted 11 February 2009 - 10:17 AM

The next post was purely for Zoltar. I thought he deserved a reply of his own as he has only ever acted in an adult and rational fashion.

This ones for you :-

You sir are a child and the above post just proves how infantile you are. You have won nothing and lost a lot.

Which is pretty much the story of your life in FME. And yet you continue to play the same old tired tune. I will leave it to the forum readers to come to their own conclusions. I have stated the case in a reasonable manner and you have made yourself look silly again. Well done.


#134 jamespir



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Posted 11 February 2009 - 10:20 AM

The next post was purely for Zoltar. I thought he deserved a reply of his own as he has only ever acted in an adult and rational fashion.

This ones for you :-

You sir are a child and the above post just proves how infantile you are. You have won nothing and lost a lot.

Which is pretty much the story of your life in FME. And yet you continue to play the same old tired tune. I will leave it to the forum readers to come to their own conclusions. I have stated the case in a reasonable manner and you have made yourself look silly again. Well done.


i think you geddy and zoltar should go stand in a seperate corner of the room with your noses to the wall and think about what youve said and done

#135 Geddy



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Posted 11 February 2009 - 10:57 AM

You sir are a child and the above post just proves how infantile you are. You have won nothing and lost a lot.

What because I dare go against the mighty AT? Hahaha. If I have 'lost' anything which I doubt I have it has been because I do not want it on AT's terms pure and simple. EPEE and all those conditions... do me a favour.

Which is pretty much the story of your life in FME. And yet you continue to play the same old tired tune. I will leave it to the forum readers to come to their own conclusions. I have stated the case in a reasonable manner and you have made yourself look silly again. Well done.

Oh shit still no evidence to back up your claims and you are still 'trying' to run away... hehe pathetic. Is that same tune the same one you pander too? You know the one... it goes anyone posts against AT you pipe in with some non proven accusations? It is a shame the man is too great to stand up for himself and needs his flunkies to do it for him. How much does he pay you for this service?

i think you geddy and zoltar should go stand in a seperate corner of the room with your noses to the wall and think about what youve said and done

And what exactly have we said and done that is so corner standing bad???

#136 Daryl


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Posted 11 February 2009 - 03:18 PM

You''ve got to forgive jamespir for not understanding the whole history of FME [even I don't and I have been a member of the FME community for 7-years!] and he just sees our arguments as petty squabbles, which to anyone new to FME I can't blame them.

After only two years as a member he won't have heard and read all that has happened in the past, not just here recently, but on other forums throughout the years.

He just sees individuals fighting over the same passion - Fruit Machine Emulation! But there is a lot more to it than that, which is really a shame, because we all care about FME in general, just differences of opinions about it all.
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#137 Deano



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Posted 11 February 2009 - 03:36 PM

I know nothing of the history of FME,although the story is slowly coming to light now.As a regular forum member I see so called "Big Men" of the past scene, who are never involved in anything here(ie low post count) except to stir the big spoon and escalate trouble.
Words can easily cause wars!:bigeyes25:

#138 graf



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Posted 11 February 2009 - 03:55 PM

All I see are peeps having a go at each other. I do not know the background, but hate to see anyone getting so het up like this. Can everyone not agree to disagree and let Duplu run a good site they way he feels he needs to?
Go on - blow it up. You know you want to

#139 todd1970


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Posted 11 February 2009 - 04:30 PM

Time to put this one to bed once and for all i think.

Im with Daryl on this one...been a member here for about 6 years ? and i havent got a clue whats going on with any of it.

Thing is..everyone has had thier say..and got a few things off thier chest..but its going round and round in circles not going anywhere..allegation and counter allegation..accusation and counter accusation its all becoming boring and monotonous.

Ill probably be called every w****r under the sun but im only doing what i think is right for the good of the site.

Whats in the past should stay in the past..its not what the spirit of the FME community is about and certainly not what FE is about.
Mmmmmm...Sandy ive 'ad her ye know. :)

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