He seems to know a great deal of what is happeneing on this site (does he know more than the admin or mods?... Let us know DAD
) and as I have contributed to the site, and he hasn't, and has he seems to be great friends with Duplu and I am not, I hope Andy can let the rest of us 'lesser mortals' know what he means instead of talking in riddles.
You see this is what I mean about FME. People say things, people then ask what is meant by what has been said, then nothing is backed up.
I could not agree more. That is the issue we have a man preaching high and mighty on how this site should be run and how us lesser mortals should contribute even though proof suggests he never has. What right does he have to know more about the running of this site (going from his post) than actual contributors or even worse staff members?
Well I think as a person who has contributed to help running the site (only bronze I know, but more than some accounts have paid
) and even if I hadn't, then as I mentioned, as a courtesy (I didn't say a right) we should in future be kept abreast of what is happening with the site.
Of course you should, there is a forum section for it after all.
Yeah keep goading. He isn't coming you had your entertainment at his expense. I hope you enjoyed it.
Pointing out the truth is not goading, I'm sure various on line dictionaries will help ascertain the difference.
I willl now withdraw from FME discussions with people who are essentially unimportant to me as I have more constructive things to do.
I will return to point and laugh at your expense when the time is right to do so 
Oh next post, you were not away long.

Nemmie listen and I must be frank here because it does not appear to have sunk in. It is obvious to most you are EXACTLY what you claim others to be in respect to me but for Andy. You cannot see the hypocrisy in telling people they are my lap dog when in fact all they do is share the same love of the scene and concern for what Andy has done to try and control it for his own ends when you constantly run around trying to defend Andy's appauling actions. Do you realise how stupid it makes you look?
You even admit it with your last remark above - what you really mean is the next time someone dares to post against Andy you will pipe up, you do all the time and it is so sad it is comical.
Yes, I have always respected your opinion and I never resort to personal insults . I understand what you are saying but I don't personally think that one heated post outweighs over a year of sustained and calculated abuse.
OVER A YEAR OF SUSTAINED AND CALCULATED ABUSE? You know what I love it when you come out with exagerated claims like that becuause like your other recent claims (roms) you actually NEVER provide any evidence and tbh no body takes your word at face value.
Even if I did manage a year of sustained abuse towards Andy it would pale into insignificance to what he has done to damage me and this scene.
So once again it seems we will have to agree to disagree as I mentioned in my previous post I shall now withdraw from FME discussions completely and let you all agree with each other. I have already expended too much effort in trying to balance things and I have said all I have to say on this particular matter.
You mean you lost..... fair enough.