I've come up with several poll options, and believe they cover the most probable reasons for people gambling. I've put this in the 'Real Fruit Machines' section, because presumably most of us are / were 'machine' gamblers, as well as other forms (manual roulette, sports betting, e.t.c.).
Honesty is key, don't lie to yourself - if you can't be honest here, there really isn't any hope for you

[edit] Apologies for the typos on at least one poll option, I was thinking about the options while I was setting the poll up, made some changes, and didn't think about correcting mistakes. Nothing major.
Poll option 4 - I either gamble for a different reason - the word 'either' is no longer needed. It should read : I gamble for a different reason.
Edited by Closed Loop, 12 March 2009 - 11:56 PM.