Posted 20 March 2009 - 08:07 AM
I will say that a scene such as ours should be bustling with activity with many more websites than what we currently have. During the good times, I'm sure there were in excess of 10 English websites that were running at the same time with FME content. Add to that, the foreign sites and you realise how big the scene actually is. Or used to be.
Sure, whilst theres no advances with MFME or JPeMu or BFMulator, there is forward movement with FMFE so we are not entirely stagnant. Theres been the odd sentence here and there saying things are running low. Theres not much else to do layout wise. But to be fair, this isn't 'The End' catching up with us. Theres plenty of layouts that do the job but fall well short of the title 'perfection'. MPU4 on MFME was done and dusted some years ago and up until a year or 2 ago, when I still did a bit of layout designing, there was still a massive urge to go back and 'better' some of the layouts that I had done in the past, or even take other layouts and do my versions of them.
One thing that I've always been against on the scene is the old 'rom flood'. Although few and far between when they do happen, but when they do, theres a great deal of people being selective with what they grab from the flood to do. This is in no way indicated at any single individual, but simply pointing out human nature. Imagine if DOND was finally emulatable and the roms were just released as part of a flood. What tends to happen is many will grab these roms and we have a race to see who can get theirs out there first. This is what happens with popular and well known games. We have a handful of rushed efforts where the designer simply aims to be the first to do the said game. I'm sure I've seen in the past where a rom thats released as part of a flood is out there as a classic within a few hours. And the DX follows a few more hours later. The most eyecatching part of the layout being the nice pictorial layout designers name to the side that probably had more time and effort spent on it than the whole layout. Not oozing with quality but it does the job and the layout designer gets his accolade of being the first to do 'GAME X' or 'GAME Y'. Then once the game is out there, others fall away as the challenge now has a winner. What this leaves the scene in effect, is a game that plays well, but lacks in true quality.
I feel I can talk about this and not disrespect other designers as I'm guilty of this very same thing. But it does cost the scene as firstly, time and effort is wasted by designers on a challenge they were never going to win. Usually the layout, half done is binned. Secondly, the released game, as mentioned earlier lacks the time and effort thus the quality and we are left with a game that should have been far more pleasing to the eye.
I agree that the simple pat on the back thanks that are added to a layout release thread may serve to show appreciation, they don't necessarily indicate an endorsement that the quality is good.
Looking back over the last year or two, theres been some cracking layouts that deserve serious thanks. But theres been many time more layouts that with a bit more time and effort, could have been better.
DIF I believe, isn't about simple cheap shots at layout designers. Not a tool to 'bad-mouth' them or to favour some and dismiss others, it did serve a purpose that ultimately benefited the scene as a whole. Sure, the comments may sometimes be perceived as insulting and humiliating, but this is the 'entertainment factor' of DIF. I have to say, that with any of my efforts released over the years, I'd sooner be told that it's a 'bag of $&%#' rather than gain the false pretense that it's great, when it isn't.
Going back to my main ramblings though. Theres hundreds of layouts out there that can be bettered. There may be thousands lol. If DIF was here all through those times, firstly, we'd probably have seen a great deal less 'naff' layouts, and the quality of layouts we'd have on the scene would be far greater visually.
At the end of the day, accept the comments made. Take them with a pinch of salt. Firstly, you took the time and effort to make a layout. That in itself is a fantastic and worthy feat. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Once you are there, it's time to better yourself. DIF will tell you exactly what you need to know to improve matters. And remember, comments made there may knock the old self confidence. But you sure will feel good when you get your layout there and receive nothing but praise. And do remember this. There isn't a layout designer on this scene that didn't take a few knocks along the way. Those still here doing their stuff after the knocks will tell you they benefited from such knocks and became a better layout designer for not throwing in the towel.
There is of course an alternative. And thats simply to ignore DIF. After all, it's not the governing body of the scene. It's there to help you. But with anything, you don't have to listen and your layouts will still be warmly received on the scene. But wouldn't it be nice to be associated with one of those great layout designers both Classic and DX that we have here. People like Dad, Pook, Bugs 'n' Trouty, JohnnyAFC, Ady, Pandy, and maybe even myself lol. Far to many names to mention but all regarded (except me) as masters of the game.
This is just a hobby at the end of the game. We do it for fun, for fulfillment, for the banter and sometimes for the odd pat on the back. Once you start taking things to heart, and are effected emotionally by comments, it's time to sit it out for a month or two. I have a few semi-complete layouts that I haven't touched for months. I won't say I'm completely spent of enthusiasm. I don't even say much on the forums these days. But I'm around if anyone wants some advice or help.