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rainbow riches taken the piss

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#1 wullie


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Posted 24 March 2009 - 02:49 PM

local bingo hall in hamilton, a women i know was playing it on sunday she put in £1500 which i witnessed a few small wins no pots nothing. next day he comes back in and puts £2000 plus still no pots i was there .this is a f***lin joke, can someone shed some light on this??????????????????????????

#2 Balar


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Posted 24 March 2009 - 02:52 PM

wullie said

local bingo hall in hamilton, a women i know was playing it on sunday she put in £1500 which i witnessed a few small wins no pots nothing. next day he comes back in and puts £2000 plus still no pots i was there .this is a f***lin joke, can someone shed some light on this??????????????????????????

Sex change overnight??

They are RANDOM machines - if you need to understand that concept i suggest you take advantage of local adult education centres

#3 ady


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Posted 24 March 2009 - 03:02 PM

wullie said

local bingo hall in hamilton, a women i know was playing it on sunday she put in £1500 which i witnessed a few small wins no pots nothing. next day he comes back in and puts £2000 plus still no pots i was there .this is a fucklin joke, can someone shed some light on this??????????????????????????

Yeah you need to play bingo rather than sit there like a muppet watching someone play machines all night...........

How boring!

#4 stevedude2


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Posted 24 March 2009 - 03:12 PM

balar said

sex change overnight??


Was it an original converted to B3, or was it on the Triple 777 cabinet where you can gamble your wins?
Watch out! There's a SIG thief about...

#5 theabbey



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Posted 24 March 2009 - 03:13 PM

ady said

Yeah you need to play bingo rather than sit there like a muppet watching someone play machines all night...........

How boring!

Or watching daisy ;)

#6 todd1970


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Posted 24 March 2009 - 03:29 PM

Stonners that put that kinda cash into a machine deserve everything they get.
Mmmmmm...Sandy ive 'ad her ye know. :)

#7 jamespir



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Posted 24 March 2009 - 04:12 PM

wullie said

local bingo hall in hamilton, a women i know was playing it on sunday she put in £1500 which i witnessed a few small wins no pots nothing. next day he comes back in and puts £2000 plus still no pots i was there .this is a f***lin joke, can someone shed some light on this??????????????????????????

what a prat and get a job dear then you wouldnt spend all day watching

#8 hitthesix


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Posted 25 March 2009 - 08:10 AM

wullie said

local bingo hall in hamilton, a women i know was playing it on sunday she put in £1500 which i witnessed a few small wins no pots nothing. next day he comes back in and puts £2000 plus still no pots i was there .this is a f***lin joke, can someone shed some light on this??????????????????????????

Why does it bother " YOU " ? unless of course it was you that lost all that cash, Posted Image as all your posts are about the same bloody thing, and that is losing.

i take it you never went to ga then.
wake up and smell the coffee.

#9 chattmatt4


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Posted 25 March 2009 - 08:23 AM

Ordinary Rainbow Riches,Grand Casino,Elvis top 20 and Triple 777 with Cashino,Pots of Gold,Monty Python and some of those have taken thousands without any pots,cash wheels etc but like someone said already as its random you cant really gripe. Although I had 5 guitars on Elvis and only paid £90 which is bad considering someone got £125 from 4. but then its just the way the cookie crumbles. It happens you just gotta get on with it. I prefer the gamble feature on Triple 777 as its better than having 50p to keep collecting.

#10 todd1970


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Posted 25 March 2009 - 08:26 AM

Stupidity just sheer fkin stupidity IMO.

Can understand from a gamblers point of view as ill be the first to stand up and say im an addict..but 2 fkin grand ?? c'mon ye need serious help there.
Mmmmmm...Sandy ive 'ad her ye know. :)

#11 chattmatt4


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Posted 25 March 2009 - 08:32 AM

I guess if its not paying out then the need to keep putting more in to "Try" and get a big win helps but well I never spend more than about £20 in them. Although got £300 on 3 leppys before from £1 :)

#12 Guest_tommy c_*

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Posted 25 March 2009 - 09:03 AM

Theres one simple answer here if you dont like losing don't play simple:bigeyes29:

#13 chattmatt4


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Posted 25 March 2009 - 12:25 PM

so very true.

#14 joebee1966



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Posted 25 March 2009 - 01:01 PM

did'nt no one tell you that it paid the jackpot out twice on thursday and last sunday and monday.i know the person that won it twice

#15 cardie


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Posted 25 March 2009 - 02:27 PM

Balar said

Sex change overnight??

They are RANDOM machines - if you need to understand that concept i suggest you take advantage of local adult education centres

They are not randum otherwise they wouldnt have a percentage to meet

My Youtube

Posted Image

Rest in peace Barcrest !

Quit Gambling as of 3rd of March 2012

#16 ady


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Posted 25 March 2009 - 02:44 PM

cardie1 said

They are not randum otherwise they wouldnt have a percentage to meet

Depends how we perceive the word random really cardie I think mate.

I see your point totally, but I think the word random applies only to the fact that what is 'spun-in' isn't predetermined....it's selected at random and that may be a loser or a winner.

I think of each spin as a ball in the RNG, if the %age falls low it either adds more winning balls or takes out some losers...

Therefore a %age is achievable and I suppose in a way it does remain random....again though as normal we are all mugs trying to beat it :(

#17 Balar


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Posted 25 March 2009 - 03:33 PM

cardie1 said

They are not randum otherwise they wouldnt have a percentage to meet

Toss of a coin is random, however you have a 50% change each time of being right - err so that's a RANDOM event with a % - hey i'm sure i've seen that kinda thing somewhere before......

#18 Pgamblin


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Posted 25 March 2009 - 03:49 PM

I was in before and after she was, doing the old 24button emptier.. i was laughing. cost me £10 and i took well over £1000 over the two days.. :)




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Posted 25 March 2009 - 04:22 PM

You can have a theoretical percentage payout on a random machine.

If a machine had 1 reel with 10 characters, 9 were o's and 1 was an x where an x paid £10, then the percentage would be 90% if it were £1 a go. You could in theory lose £100 before the x came in in, but over the course of many thousands of goes, it would eventually hit percentage.

It's the same on a "random" machine. It is a mathematical equation that works out the percentage but on a bigger scale.

These £500 machine's pay lots of small wins which is why they can take ages to pay a jackpot.

It would be interesting for an arcade owner to publish figures from one of his b3's, ie) money in / money out

#20 Guitar


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Posted 25 March 2009 - 05:38 PM

ady said

Depends how we perceive the word random really cardie I think mate.

I see your point totally, but I think the word random applies only to the fact that what is 'spun-in' isn't predetermined....it's selected at random and that may be a loser or a winner.

I think of each spin as a ball in the RNG, if the %age falls low it either adds more winning balls or takes out some losers...

Therefore a %age is achievable and I suppose in a way it does remain random....again though as normal we are all mugs trying to beat it :(

Afaik the whole lot is predetermined. As random on computers (or any other electronic device) is never really true random. The way they do it is to put in the RNG. This takes (for instance) the numbers 1 to 512,000. What it will do is jumble up the numbers 1 to 512,000 and store them in order, so each number only ever appears once. Then what they do is give each number a value of prize. This bit gets quite complicated mathematically. But something like numbers 1 to 256,000 will win nothing. 256,001 to 492,000 win 50p and so on. The percentage is worked out over the fact that once it has paid every number once (in random sequence) it will have paid out 92% (or whatver it is) When it uses all the numbers it jumbles the sequence again.

To alter the profile what you can do is increase the number of numbers that result in big wins, but reduce the number of small wins accordingly. Giving you control of the percentage and the profile in a random enviroment.

Edit: To add, the keen eyed of you will notice that 1 cycle in this situation will cost more than half a million pounds. So no wins for a few k is more than likely in some situations.

The odds of winning the top 5 prizes in any order, consecutively would be 1 in 35,183,684,898,762,247,372,812,288,000

Assuming 512,000 numbers in sequence. thats 512,000 * 511,999 * 511,998 * 511,997 * 511,996.

Good Luck :)

Edited by guitar, 25 March 2009 - 05:50 PM.

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