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#1 chris303


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Posted 25 March 2009 - 07:03 PM

hi all, i have just downloaded mfmev9.4 and the only fruit machine i can see in full is temple of treasure, all the others i have downloaded (about 10) are twice the size therefore cannot see the bottom half of the machines, i have tried changing the resolution but that doesnt work!
i am using a laptop if that makes any difference?
can anyone help?

#2 hitthesix


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Posted 25 March 2009 - 07:09 PM

You will have to download the machines that are 1o24 or/and possibly 1280. resolution. as the others are way too big for your screen.
most machines will have the size listed.

#3 curlywill



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Posted 25 March 2009 - 07:15 PM

on most laptops the only layouts you will be able to see properly are 1024DX's because that is most laptops highest resolution.

however if the layout runs in MFME 3.2 you can use the resize feature and you'll be able to see it. MFME 3.2 is the only version that has the resize feature. only problem is nearly all new releases are MFME 9.4/10.1

hope this helps :)

#4 Dougsta



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Posted 25 March 2009 - 07:26 PM

Yeah, for any machines that are pre around 1998 then you can use MFME3.1 and they will all fit fine on your screen. For after 1998 then only 9.4 or 10.1 will be able to run the machine.

Look out for 1024 DX layouts for 9.4 and 10.1 as these will fit fine.

You may be able to squeeze 1280 DX layouts in by minimising the task bar and moving the emualtor window as high on the screen as possible (moving the blue bar out of view at the top of your monitor). As long as you can see the winline, then the machine will be playable.

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