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Reel humming Noise

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#1 ford


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Posted 13 April 2009 - 08:12 AM

Hi just thought I would ask as im new to owning a fruit machine if its usual for the reels to make a huming noise (can be herd over the sound of machine when machine is set to 5) Its the 3 reels at the front and the higher and lower wheel. (seems to be more humming coming from the higher and lower one)

Also I am running my machine without a stake key inside and it comes up with no key found then sets its selft to default is it fine to keep it playing like this.

Thankd in advance.

#2 stanmarsh14



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Posted 13 April 2009 - 08:25 AM

Would help if we knew the machine name and manu, so we can get an idea what we are looking at.

#3 ford


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Posted 13 April 2009 - 08:57 AM

Thanks for the reply the machine name is vivid connect 4 made by barcrest and i believe its a mpu5. The machine seems to be playing fine but the reels seem to make alot of humming noise just wondered if this was usual.

#4 stanmarsh14



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Posted 13 April 2009 - 09:18 AM

OK, some reels do make a fair bit of noise when running (Certanaly does in my JPM Give Us A Break), but it can also be a sign some parts are wearing or being loose.

First thing to do, is make sure the reel assembly is firmaly bolted down in side, and that the reel bands are firmaly pushed in.

As for the stake / prize key, did not know some mpu5's could run without one, but in any case, they are not massvaly expensive to get from the likes of e-bay (One for a fiver delivered here, which is also switchable too, offering much more flexability for whatever settings you want, unlike a fixed prize key)

Stakes and Prizes Switchable Key for Fruit Machine on eBay, also Machine Parts Accessories, Fruit Machines, Coin-Operated, Video Games (end time 16-Apr-09 16:35:24 BST)

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