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*** Spiker The Biker ***

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#21 Geddy



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Posted 23 April 2009 - 07:17 PM

geddy thanks mate look forward to playin it :cool:

Not mine but rather a new version....

Wild Thing - Old Layout

#22 Bencrest


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Posted 23 April 2009 - 07:20 PM

This is getting bloody ridiculous.

I've just downloaded this layout, and as someone who both owned the machine, and used to play it quite a bit, I can't see anything wrong with it?

The number reel has been done pretty well, it's not as 'edgy' a font as the original, but it's a good photoshop version of the original.

I've not noticed any 'froggy' lamps. Lets just be clear - froggy lamps are when the off/on image aren't aligned, so you get the impression of a lamp changing positions when it lights? I can't spot any of that going on here.

I just see a pretty good layout. There's only a couple of changes I'd make - to my eyes Spiker (the character) is a bit too bright on the bottom glass, and I think the same is true of the coin entry bezel lights at the top right of the machine, which should be a bit softer on the eye.

Otherwise, thumbs up from me.

Actually it fucking isn't troll boy, this DX is frankly shite, not even the correct reels are used but I guess you ain't arsed about that... :p

... sorry, as said above, I've owned it and am quite the fan, and I disagree.

As for not having the correct reels? They (the bottom fruit reels) are just as I remember them, and as I said, the number reel is a very good attempt.

Really have issues with this release.

From someone that claims to be the best in FME there are many horrid things with this layout that stand out a mile as soon as its loaded.

Since when did he claim to be the best? He's sometimes a bit OTT, but I don't recall him ever saying he was the best.

Could you please clarify what these things are?

Edited by Closed Loop, 23 April 2009 - 07:26 PM.

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#23 Geddy



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Posted 23 April 2009 - 07:37 PM

I've just downloaded this layout, and as someone who both owned the machine, and used to play it quite a bit, I can't see anything wrong with it?

Then with all due respect you need to go to Specsavers or the like...

I've not noticed any 'froggy' lamps. Lets just be clear - froggy lamps are when the off/on image aren't aligned, so you get the impression of a lamp changing positions when it lights? I can't spot any of that going on here.

Have a look at the '15' on the top note..... when it goes from red to blue. Also I am certain the whole note should change colour not just the value but I could be wrong.

I just see a pretty good layout. There's only a couple of changes I'd make - to my eyes Spiker (the character) is a bit too bright on the bottom glass, and I think the same is true of the coin entry bezel lights at the top right of the machine, which should be a bit softer on the eye.

Well the Spiker name is horribly lamped..... looks like very poor transparency efforts to me. Coin slot is just the usual copy n paste effort from a real machine which when plonked in this art looks stupid. No effort has been made to make it fit in.

As for not having the correct reels? They (the bottom fruit reels) are just as I remember them, and as I said, the number reel is a very good attempt.

Spiker logo? Cut n pasted on reel?

Since when did he claim to be the best? He's sometimes a bit OTT, but I don't recall him ever saying he was the best.

Sometimes? Hehe..... well he did slate DADs which IMO is far superior, he must lose those brick backgrounds they are awful, and the hype he slaps on the layouts is a bit well how did you put it OTT.

Could you please clarify what these things are?

Done.... and I am sure I can find more if I tried, you know the edges of the coins, the unreadable text, the coloured in lamps etc etc.... :yes: However how you can not spot the frogger lamps is amazing tbh.

#24 Bencrest


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Posted 23 April 2009 - 08:09 PM

Apologies all, but I may as well multi-quote his reply...

Then with all due respect you need to go to Specsavers or the like...

I did go to Specsavers actually, thanks for asking.

Have a look at the '15' on the top note..... when it goes from red to blue. Also I am certain the whole note should change colour not just the value but I could be wrong.

C'mon, the text barely moves. I've had to look at layouts with 30 or 40 misplaced lamps before without dual-lamping.

Yes, the whole note on the original machine did change colour, but only to to a certain degree. Pretty sure that the decals were solid white apart from the black corners, and the black centres, which showed the values. I quite like this interpretation but it's not 100% accurate as there would be some red/blue bleeding through the decal. Still, pleasing to the eye for me at least.

Well the Spiker name is horribly lamped..... looks like very poor transparency efforts to me. Coin slot is just the usual copy n paste effort from a real machine which when plonked in this art looks stupid. No effort has been made to make it fit in.

I'm not normally a fan of the lamping that's been used on the title when any author uses it, but I think it works quite well here, as long as the machine is running at full speed, it captures the 'sweeping' lamp effect pretty well.

Isn't that the coin slot off the original flyer? Pretty sure it is. IMHO it's suffered from having the same contrast/brightness applied to it as the machine glass itself. Something I try and avoid when I do layouts, but disagree it looks 'plonked on'.

Spiker logo? Cut n pasted on reel?

Have you ever played Spiker the Biker? That is how the symbols looked on my version, although my actual working machine, for which I still have the glass, had an MPU4 reel assembly which I thought was weird. Fact is though, the symbols did look pretty much the same as that. Again, I think that's a bloody good attempt without having the actual reels to hand.

Sometimes? Hehe..... well he did slate DADs which IMO is far superior, he must lose those brick backgrounds they are awful, and the hype he slaps on the layouts is a bit well how did you put it OTT.

I don't recall him slating DAD's layout, but you've no reason to lie - so if you can show me the original comment that would be awesome. I'm not really a fan of the sideart on *any* releases, so I can't really comment. Just don't see the point in sideart, unless it contains something useful (a size-increased version of some hard-to-read lamps from the layout, some technical information, keyboard shortcuts, e.t.c.). The majority of sideart seems like a waste.

However, that's my opinion, and I guess one of the differences between emulation on here, and on consoles, is that people are welcome to put their own 'spin' on the artwork, that's their right to do, and if I don't like it (as you clearly don't), you also have the right to drag your window inwards and remove it.

The only problem with that is obviously the sideart must add quite a bit to filesize, it's a decent chunk of BMP.

Done.... and I am sure I can find more if I tried, you know the edges of the coins, the unreadable text, the coloured in lamps etc etc.... :yes: However how you can not spot the frogger lamps is amazing tbh.

I quite like the edges of the coins. The actual machine did have quite thick, clear (lit up as white when the lamps were on) borders around the coins. I like the sharpness of it. Obviously it not to everyone's taste though?

Unreadable text occurs on practially all WDX form factor layouts (especially those based on flyers), it's a side effect of the way the layout is made. Having said that, I find a lot less unreadable text on this layout than I've seen on others...

So you are mocking me for not being able to spot a single frogger lamp? That's possibly because the background of the lamp is black, so to be fair, it's barely noticable, and I don't feel it ruins the layout in the slightest.

I honestly don't see why this layout is attracting so much criticism and almost outright derision?

Edited by Closed Loop, 23 April 2009 - 08:16 PM.

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#25 Toddyuk


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Posted 23 April 2009 - 09:20 PM

He has issues
Posted Image

#26 Bencrest


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Posted 24 April 2009 - 11:52 PM

Here is a completely honest request.

Please would all those who have taken the time to negatively comment on this layout (Spiker the Biker by Fruitworkz), take a look at this layout :


... and post an honest review of that layout, *using the same yardstick*? Obviously if you decide not to review it, that's fine (although a reason why would be appreciated), I just think that it's in the interests of the community to openly and honestly review all layouts using the same criteria, so that those downloading know what to expect. I would review the Cops N Robbers layout myself, but I, according to some, need new glasses, from a certain high-street optician.


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#27 Guest_tommy c_*

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Posted 24 April 2009 - 11:56 PM

Here is a completely honest request.

Please would all those who have taken the time to negatively comment on this layout, take a look at this layout :


... and post an honest review, *using the same yardstick*? Obviously if you decide not to review it, that's fine, I just think that it's in the interests of the community to openly and honestly review all layouts using the same criteria, so that those downloading know what to expect.



Why the f**k have you picked mine and trying to f**ing compare it with somebody who has been doing it years:mad::mad: That just takes the f***in piss cheers!

#28 Bencrest


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Posted 25 April 2009 - 12:01 AM

Why the f**k have you picked mine and trying to f**ing compare it with somebody who has been doing it years:mad::mad: That just takes the f***in piss cheers!

No, not at all, you seem to misunderstand, but if that's how you want to take it - that's fine.

All I've requested is that those who reviewed this layout, also take the time to review yours.

Sorry if you are reading between lines which aren't actually there.

To be fair, as a layout designer, I think it's only right people review and give honest comments on layouts, as reviews can be a valuable source of pointers. I had no end of complaints about my early layouts (and all of my recent ones too!), which actually help improve the layouts you create.
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#29 Guest_tommy c_*

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Posted 25 April 2009 - 12:05 AM

No, not at all, you seem to misunderstand, but if that's how you want to take it - that's fine.

All I've requested is that those who reviewed this layout, also take the time to review yours.

Sorry if you are reading between lines which aren't actually there.

To be fair, as a layout designer, I think it's only right people review and give honest comments on layouts, as reviews can be a valuable source of pointers. I had no end of complaints about my early layouts (and all of my recent ones too!), which actually help improve the layouts you create.

I can see that point but i have't said anything about the layout and i dont see how they can compare mine to his when his are done in first class fashion and im still picking things up. Also i dont mind people slagging my layouts off if they have problems with em the thing i have a problem with is it being crossed over in to this thread.

#30 Matty.N



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Posted 25 April 2009 - 12:10 AM

No, not at all, you seem to misunderstand, but if that's how you want to take it - that's fine.

All I've requested is that those who reviewed this layout, also take the time to review yours.

Sorry if you are reading between lines which aren't actually there.

To be fair, as a layout designer, I think it's only right people review and give honest comments on layouts, as reviews can be a valuable source of pointers. I had no end of complaints about my early layouts (and all of my recent ones too!), which actually help improve the layouts you create.

Leave the reviewing to mr house lol

hes the "expert"

#31 Bencrest


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Posted 25 April 2009 - 12:13 AM

Leave the reviewing to mr house lol

hes the "expert"

He was, but he's getting so far behind now I don't think he'll ever catch up :)

Those who posted negatively in this thread seemed to be well equipped to take his place, so I thought it would be cool if they've review the Cops N Robbers layout for us all :)
Hopefully recovering from years of compulsive gambling and wanting to be gamble free forever.
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#32 Guest_tommy c_*

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Posted 25 April 2009 - 12:18 AM

well bring it on i suppose if there gonna pick all the faults out with it they can instruct me what i' doing wrong and that seems fair but not just to slag it off because of some long feud.:)

#33 Bencrest


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Posted 25 April 2009 - 12:25 AM

well bring it on i suppose if there gonna pick all the faults out with it they can instruct me what i' doing wrong and that seems fair but not just to slag it off because of some long feud.:)

Feud? I just want someone who has better vision than myself to review it. I'm -6.00 and -5.50 in my L/R eye with some astigmatism, I thought it would be cool if someone with great vision could review it for me :)

Good on you for being open to criticism though, I hope that if they find any faults with your layout that you receive them in a fair manner and learn from anything you receive.
Hopefully recovering from years of compulsive gambling and wanting to be gamble free forever.
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#34 Guest_tommy c_*

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Posted 25 April 2009 - 12:31 AM

Feud? I just want someone who has better vision than myself to review it. I'm -6.00 and -5.50 in my L/R eye with some astigmatism, I thought it would be cool if someone with great vision could review it for me :)

Good on you for being open to criticism though, I hope that if they find any faults with your layout that you receive them in a fair manner and learn from anything you receive.

What i meant with feud is there must be some negativity between the releaser and the people reviewing it cos personally i think the lyaouts great but i'm not that experienced at spotting faults anyway .But as for the criticism i would rather have the bad comments aswell if there gonna help me become a better designer not just to be funny if you get what i mean.

#35 Nemmie


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Posted 25 April 2009 - 09:46 AM

Trouty is still claiming Bug's work as his own.

Nothing new there and still attacking someone who actually produces his own work.

I have also noticed that whenever you are asked to put your money where your mouth is and produce a dx from the same source as Andy you avoid the subject or leave the thread.

All you have actually done is Rom floods that damage the scene and pissed off every emu author past and present with your holier than thou attitude. Yeah nice one. You rock :)

Dad, I am not the one slating peoples DX's because I appreciate them. So I think that negates your tired old point.

You have more right than Trouty but it still makes you look bitter and spiteful, if you are happy with that then fair enough.

Edited by Nemmie, 25 April 2009 - 09:51 AM.

#36 Geddy



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Posted 25 April 2009 - 10:52 AM

Here we go again... trying to educate the numpties... :biglaugh:

Trouty is still claiming Bug's work as his own.

FYI Bugs had no input on any DX 'we' produced. Of course you are not bothered in the facts just what your deluded mates tell you is true or the little voices in your head.

Nothing new there and still attacking someone who actually produces his own work.

Attacking? Criticising maybe, however I am not the only one here am I, but your OBSESSION means you have to single me out..... LMAO.

I have also noticed that whenever you are asked to put your money where your mouth is and produce a dx from the same source as Andy you avoid the subject or leave the thread.

I cannot remember being asked that Q. However I do not really have the time to do DXs anymore. I stopped doing them ages ago. What do yours look like?

All you have actually done is Rom floods that damage the scene and pissed off every emu author past and present with your holier than thou attitude. Yeah nice one. You rock :)

Just rom floods? Do you actually have the knowledge to know what a rom flood is or how long ago I did the last one? Or indeed how many I have done? Course you do not and likewise you have NO evidence what so ever to back up your claims that they have damaged the scene. Just because AT or DT says so does not make it true.... in fact probably makes it the opposite. C on a B you are one deluded individual... you need help. Now a good time to mention in your 'ALL' hundreds of DVD sets? DATs? £££ on roms and machines/flyers? No best not mention all of that eh? You sick prick.

Dad, I am not the one slating peoples DX's because I appreciate them. So I think that negates your tired old point.

You have more right than Trouty but it still makes you look bitter and spiteful, if you are happy with that then fair enough.

More right? More right? So you are saying you have no right at all to reply to ANY FME thread because you have done FUCK ALL, and I mean FUCK ALL for FME EVER!!!!!
Funny though I have never been a Premiership Footballer but I am sure as hell I can comment when X Y or Z are playing shite. Really Nemmie you need to just fuck off you are just a forum troll and not a very good one at that. You need help..... go get it. :wacko:

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