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Thats it for me.......

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#1 funy


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Posted 13 February 2004 - 11:39 PM


my names ben... im a fruitmachine addict....

(that was easy)

And ive decided to call it a day.

Since xmas my addiction has gotten worse and worse, shortly before xmas i got a £50 win out of Extremes Jack and the Beanstreak (my first jackpot/large win). This then forced me up a notch on addiction.

then xmas eve for just £5 i pulled a jackpot on hellraiser (barcrest i think or somthing)

Then all was quiet for a few weeks

Then it started

6 weeks of jackpots between me and me mate..

Week 1. Doh and arrow (qms i think) £35 then £25 (in 10 mins)
Week 2. Doh and arrow again £35
Week 3. Beaver Las Vegas £25
Week 4. Hellrasier £77 and same night £25 doh and arrow
Week 5. beaver las vegas £24 doh and arrow £25
Week 6. hellraiser £25 nearest win.

£296 totaled... and at most over that 6 weeks we probably put in about £30 each which is quite some profit.

But then over that 6 weeks ive realised my addiction is getting out of hand I am am even taking cashback on credit card at end of month to feed it (BAD!).

So after our lucky steak me and mate are calling it quits.

It was fun while is lasted, but at least i have the emus to fall back on.

My only libation might be the odd 10p ones when im at the social.

By my reckoning i must spend a good £40-60 a month on machines and i could really do with saving that money.

Good luck to you guys (and gals?) still playing but im gonna join the ex-addcits crowd now.

Id be interested to hear any similar stories from anyone, im sure im not the only one suffering from this.
"You don't think there's anything amiss? I'm sitting here wearing a red and white checked gingham dress and army boots and you think that's un-amiss? "

#2 funy


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Posted 13 February 2004 - 11:48 PM

So after our lucky steak me and mate are calling it quits.

erm streak lol. many appologies im rather hammered
"You don't think there's anything amiss? I'm sitting here wearing a red and white checked gingham dress and army boots and you think that's un-amiss? "

#3 todd1970


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Posted 13 February 2004 - 11:58 PM

Glad youve decided to call it a day funy...i realised a long time ago that spunking all yer cash into a machine isnt worth the grief...going back 14 or 15 years ago..the fruitys in them days had a jackpot of £4.80 in tokens..i was on the dole at the time and used to put my £83.50 a fortnight into them...of course if a machine streaked then the most you would win is about £20-£25 most of which was in tokens..im the first to admit im still addicted to the real fruitys..but with 2 young kids...i cant go back to the way i was....id stand to lose everything...lets hope this great site keeps up the great work of realising you can still have the fun but without the cost :wink:  
Mmmmmm...Sandy ive 'ad her ye know. :)

#4 Scmooster


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Posted 14 February 2004 - 03:31 AM

By my reckoning i must spend a good £40-60 a month on machines and i could really do with saving that money.

You had a problem get out of hand, but you're not addicted. I had a similar 'crazy phase' when I was about 14, (me too with a mate) I sold the contents of my bedroom (tv, stereo, computer, keyboard etc) forged cheques from my mothers cheque book, stole money from my Fathers pockets, bunked off school, I spent every penny I could find for about 3-4 months until eventually breaking down infront of my old man claiming addiction. It was just a mad phase though, the cycle too easily broken by coming back to reality for it to be an addiction. If you were addicted you wouldn't be able to give it up just like that, count yourself lucky though, it could have been a lot worse for you. :)

#5 pash


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Posted 14 February 2004 - 06:44 AM

Quit while you can! My addiction has been going for nearly 8 years and i couldnt afford it then and i certainly cant affford it now. When i try to give up all goes well for a few weeks i may have the odd moment of weakness but the pride i feel when i walk out after only having put a tenner in is great.
Then it happens.
Your idly awalking past the pub or arcade and think stuff it ill stick a tenner in. You walk in and not matter what you do you cant seem to lose you end up about £50 up and pleased as punch. You leave with a good few extra quid in your pocket and your pleased that you "won for a change". Unfortunately the high for me lasts for days and no matter how hard i try i cant keep away this little voice in my head telling me "its just your winnings from the other day it doesnt matter if you lose them" and you end up piling it back in thinking you will win again, maybe its greed driving me i dont know. Then i dont stop until i am truly down usually one of these exploits costs me £50-£100 and thats NOT counting the "winnings from the first day. Then on my way home my stomach knots up i realise truly how stupid i have been and for the millionth time i say to myself "no more".............................................

#6 funy


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Posted 14 February 2004 - 08:43 AM

By my reckoning i must spend a good £40-60 a month on machines and i could really do with saving that money.

You had a problem get out of hand, but you're not addicted. I had a similar 'crazy phase' when I was about 14, (me too with a mate) I sold the contents of my bedroom (tv, stereo, computer, keyboard etc) forged cheques from my mothers cheque book, stole money from my Fathers pockets, bunked off school, I spent every penny I could find for about 3-4 months until eventually breaking down infront of my old man claiming addiction. It was just a mad phase though, the cycle too easily broken by coming back to reality for it to be an addiction. If you were addicted you wouldn't be able to give it up just like that, count yourself lucky though, it could have been a lot worse for you. :)

in my terms i feel im addicted or at least i an feel it growing on me, ive read many stories of people loosing thouands every year and i just didnt want to see myself end up like that.
"You don't think there's anything amiss? I'm sitting here wearing a red and white checked gingham dress and army boots and you think that's un-amiss? "

#7 mufcmufc


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Posted 14 February 2004 - 03:44 PM

Always good to quit mate, the machines just ain't worth it

#8 RB


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Posted 14 February 2004 - 10:34 PM

nothing better than really kicking the habit...it will be hard, so dont think the hard parts over....but it does get easier, believe me..it does. :twisted:

if you ever get the urge wait until your back home...wack in a pook dx and hammer the shit outta the fruity...12 pack by your side... :twisted:

RB (Ex Addict)
Cyberpunk:- alienated loner who lives on the edge of society in generally dystopic future where daily life is impacted by rapid technological change, an ubiquitous datasphere of computerized information, and invasive modification of the human body.....Hmmmmm


#9 Bencrest


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Posted 14 February 2004 - 10:45 PM

'my names ben... im a fruitmachine addict.... '

Same name, same problem!!

Buy a bandit! I've had my Spiker for 1 week and it has £170 ish in it :)

Also, when you won a machine, you can see that while they do reach target percentage, if you stake £100 on a £25 JP and it has recently paid out a streak it will pay out about 15% :)

Nice to see someone else quit, the first thing I did was ban myself from playing bandits in pubs, I then rejoined a darts team and bought a bandit meself. That way I play darts in pubs and bandits at home!


edit] additional!

I realised I had to quit when a mate of mine picked up his McDonalds wages - totalling about £90 for a weeks work - and lost it in about 20 mins in Mazooma Stir Crazy - you can't help but think 'bugger me, that was 45 pints I just chucked away for some lucky c*** to put 1 in and drop a streak!]

My worst loss was on a particularly nasty Pie Factory, where I was the only player in a 48 hour period, all cash went round the back, and I lost £65 day one, and then took £60 out of my bandit to get my revenge - another £60 in [round the back], and the boards would REFULE to go above £2 LITERALLY, even after Hi-Lo ing up the cash ladder, and the nudge gambles all lost without a win. May have been a refill - who knows.

Not worth the risk :)
Hopefully recovering from years of compulsive gambling and wanting to be gamble free forever.
Recommended reading - http://www.gamblersaloud.com/ (yes, I bought the book, very happy with it!)

#10 Kouryou


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Posted 19 February 2004 - 01:31 PM

Hi all, first post so be nice!!

Long(ish) story so hope you're sitting comfortably!

When growing up I've always enjoyed playing on the 'pressing buttons' but my parents would never let me have the money to play them 'properly' :(

Then I started working at our local bowling alley when I was 18 and I used to watch the kids come and play the £5 machines and spend nearly all day on them only to come away with tokens (which we accepted for food and drink), I used to watch my mates regularly pump their wages in the machines and lose regularly to and while I played the arcade machines I swore to myself I would never start gambling...

Fast forward to last year and the bar I then worked in has a few 'club' machines, feeling bored and stupid I put a couple of quid I had found on the floor into the machine and incredibly won £50 (with help as I had never played a machine before) but since then I started putting money aside each month as 'gambling fund' to try and see if I can get those bigger wins. I've one many £5 jackpot machines in pier arcades and such, but I've lost count how much money I've spent chasing the elusive £25 and £200 jackpots, and I too know that cold grip once you've left somewhere and realised what a mug you've been...

A few times I've said 'that's it no more' but when you work watching them the temptation is so much greater plus when new machines come out, there's always that little voice saying 'this one will be easier to play'. Anyway cutting long story short I found this website http://www.fairplay-...gn.co.uk/fruit/ and after reading made me realise how stupid it all is, and hey now I can play them for free on this site!

Thanks for listening...

#11 livethedream2004


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Posted 19 February 2004 - 01:42 PM

Wanted to reply after reading this page.The fruits on this site are great,however its not like the thrill of winning real money!!

I myself brought a club machine (Tropical or something) crap features.But its not the same as winning real cash.What ive noticed about the new 25 machines is you can easily put in 40 quid without a jackpot.

Does anyone in here just go straight for the jackpot when you play the fruits on here?? I dont even take the features i keep gambling i know i wont lose real money!!!

#12 Kouryou


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Posted 19 February 2004 - 01:46 PM

If I play the machines on here, I try and play for all the features and bonuses, it's nice to see what some of the really lame ones actually give you, plus you now have the excellent opporunity to see everything a machine has to offer for free!

#13 Guest_LekyUK_*

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Posted 19 February 2004 - 03:35 PM

Not that I'm a shrink but...

As i understand addiction is something thats uncontrollable and many addicts biggest problem is admitting they have a problem.

From the context of the original post blowing £20-£30 a week is only a problem if you feel guilt, can't afford it and don't have control over it. If its not gettiing you in dept, effecting relationships and meaning you can't eat or pay your mortgage i wouldnt worry about it. I just enjoy the odd gamble, I'm 26 and probably gample £20 a month or so...so what? If I looked at how I spent on booze I keel over and die along with most of population. It cost me £20 to park in Manchester City Centre evrey week..now theres a total waste I could get the train for half the price!!!

I guarantee the older you get the less you'll gamble onFruit Machines anyway...trick is to stay away from the Gee Gee's aswell.

Be cool.

#14 Kouryou


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Posted 19 February 2004 - 04:04 PM

Very true, but everything has a slippery slope, some people (like yourself) are more controlled and have stronger willpower, others have less willpower so will slide further down the slope and gamble more and more looking for that elusive win. I knew it was getting like that for me which is why I've stopped, I may still play every now and then but that makes us gamblers, not addicts...

#15 Jez_Shaw



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Posted 19 February 2004 - 04:22 PM

Yep - I can truly say I was once addicted. Whilst at university (Early 80's) I used to go round Plymouth town centre. In one pub buy a pint, blow the rest of a tenner on the bandit, off to next pub and so on. As it got later in the evening, I would then start changing notes, would quite easily get through £100, and this was the time when the cost of a play was 10p! Most of my grant would go in the machines, and as a result I never developed what you would call a proper social life.

Anyway, once I left and got a job, I realised this couldn't continue, but I just couldn't stop and then ended up in shit street with massive debts. However I was able to come to agreements with my creditors through the assistance of a Debt Counselling Service and cleared off what I owed.

Through sheer will power, I decided I had to give up the bandits - next time I might not be so lucky, so I stopped going out on my own. It was easier to avoid the bandits whilst I was talking to friends or family, and I can honestly say I have managed to get myself out of it.

I am no longer an addict, but I still play them for the entertainment value (although with the current crop of machines, I find very little entertainment), but do not chase the 'big wins' and do not spend every penny I've got. I normally spend £10 to £20 a week on fruities now, but if I am a bit short, I can quite easily leave them alone. The enjoyment and challenge is seeing how long your money lasts. If I hit a streak, and walk away in profit I consider this a bonus.

There is nothing wrong with playing the fruities, and certainly nothing to feel guilty about so long as it is in moderation. I used to have a regular falling out with my parents because they couldn't understand, but I always used to point out that it was just as easy for me to give up the fruities as it was for them to give up smoking!

Apart from alcohol, fruities are my only vice and for that I am grateful. When I see what smoking and betting can do to people I shudder.

Apologies for the 'Lord of the Rings' epic, but It appears that this thread is going to be susceptible to essays.

#16 malx


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Posted 21 February 2004 - 01:14 AM

I hate these damn machines but also love them. I was very adicted a few years ago which just about ruined my entire life. I would put a pound or two in the machines when at college for something to do when my mates were playing them. Never really thought much of it until later in the year college started to go bad and i became quite depressed.
I got a credit card and started to play bandits more and more for something to do. Within 9 months i was £12000 in debt to the bank. Each time i got a new credit card i would promise myself it was to pay of the previous ones but no, i would lose another £1000.
The amount of time i would leave the amusements having lost £150 and head straight for the nearest bank makes me feel sick.
Once my parents found out about the debt they were very supportive and remortgaged their house to pay off all my debt.
I can feel myself wanting to play more and more but hen i come on here and download a ROM and i am content.

#17 funy


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Posted 21 February 2004 - 09:14 AM

haveing listened to some of the stories here it has put my experience into perspective.

My main reason is really cant afford the money that i was putting in.

It'll be nice to see how much money i have at the end of the month if i dont whack a load of money in the fruit machines.
"You don't think there's anything amiss? I'm sitting here wearing a red and white checked gingham dress and army boots and you think that's un-amiss? "

#18 mrmystery83


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Posted 21 February 2004 - 11:12 AM

Well a few months ago i told my mate i was addicted to fruitys but to be honest i don't play them as much as i used to. I reckon i lose on average about £40 a week but i know people that lose that in one day. I never overspend or sponge off me mates down the pub for a drink cos i'm broke. I know there's only one winner in the long term and it ain't me!!

As long as you don't delude yourself otherwise you'll be just fine. To people who criticise me down the pub when i play the machines i say to them well it's my money and i'll spend it how i like. I've go no bird or family to support so i've no worries. It's when ya have and ya still play them loads that the problems can start. They can't argue with that. But have you noticed they don't mind watching ya play even though they think fruitys are 'bad'. If ya need professional help then get it before it gets out of hand. I'm no where near that stage yet but ya never know what the future holds.

I'm buying a machine soon. Hoping to get me hands on a JPM Casino Crazy £200 club jobbie off me mate. It will save me moeny in the long term. But one of me mates reckons it'll just make me more addicted to them. I know my own mind anyroad.

Me bro used to play fruitys but he ain't be on one for 2 years and says it's the best thing he ever did. Each to their own i suppose.

Just though i'd put my 2 penny worth in lol
Ey Up!

More vids to be added soon:

"I don't care if the fans rip the shirt from my back. They put it there"


#19 Guest_LekyUK_*

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Posted 21 February 2004 - 04:12 PM

Without being patronising, all i can say is well done to you Jez and Kouyah (I know I got your name wrong).

I've been in debt to the sum of 5k on Credit cards at the end of uni. As of this month I no longer owe anything, no credit cards (WOOOHOOO) and its given me a real free sense of being. I'm not worried any more and Im free to get a Mortgage and start all over again, Bugger.

Point being, in debt is not a nice place to be. It limits your life and if it gets bad will effect you for the rest of your life with finance that most people rely on to buy a house. If you look at it like that, the fact your chasing a Jackpot is pretty insignificant. I know its easier said than done but well worth remembering. I've got plenty of pals with 10-15k on their cards. I'd be suicidal.

If it sounds a little smug i apologise but I'm shaking myself by the hand for getting to a point where everything is laid out for the taking. Whilst I'm not loaded by any stretch, not oweing is a good place to start all the serious stuff.

Credit sucks and blowing it sucks even more.

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