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BWB Madhouse - Dip-switches

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#1 civilwar


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Posted 05 May 2009 - 03:03 PM

Hi everyone,

I have a BWB Madhouse 5p/£5 and made the mistake of adjusting the dip-switches without making a note of the original position! Yes a complete Noob.

Anyway, before my adjustments, the bank would payout after every win and only in 20p's. Now the bank accumulates until credit runs out before having to be collected with the 'collect' button - and wins over £1, such as £1.40 for example are paid out as 2x20p and then it tries to pay the £1 from a token hopper (which is empty - the slot is disabled). The 20p and £1 tubes are about half full each.

Would anyone be kind enough to supply a list of the dip-switch settings on the two banks of eight to sort this problem?

Thank you.

Edited by civilwar, 05 May 2009 - 03:12 PM.

#2 lincs1


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Posted 05 May 2009 - 03:12 PM

Hi everyone,

I have a BWB Madhouse 5p/£5 and made the mistake of adjusting the dip-switches without making a note of the original position! Yes a complete Noob.

Anyway, before my adjustments, the bank would payout after every win and only in 20p's. Now the bank accumulates until credit runs out before having to be collected with the 'collect' button - and wins over £1, such as £1.40 for example are paid out as 2x20p and then it tries to pay the £1 from a token hopper (which is empty - the slot is disabled). The 20p and £1 tubes are about half full each.

Would anyone be kind enough to supply a list of the dip-switch settings on the two banks of eight to sort this problem?

Thank you.

all the dips are normally in the off position if that helps

#3 lincs1


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Posted 05 May 2009 - 03:19 PM

hope this helps

mpu4 dip switch settings

Attached Files

#4 civilwar


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Posted 06 May 2009 - 12:29 PM

Hi Lincs1 - thanks for your help.

I will check the picture against how my switches are set.

As a matter of interest, i see you have copied a excerpt from a larger document. Would it be rude of me to ask where u got this document from and where I could get one from?

Thanks again.

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