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Technical standard of £70jp streaks

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#21 gambogaz1



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Posted 20 May 2009 - 07:48 PM

Thing is, no machine with a £35+rpt chance has EVER repeated for me, so whats the chance of a £70 machine repeating?!


Well your playing bellfruits then as they very very rarely repeat.

Red gaming 80% of the time do at least £70 tops or back to back £35 tops.
Games media will virtually always do a £70 top from a red top streak
If an actual £35 jackpot repeat is what you want then Jailbirds/Happy Campers or Star Wars empire strikes back is what you want.

£105 is a very regular occurance on the newest Red Gaming.

#22 nffcfan



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Posted 20 May 2009 - 08:08 PM

Imagine asking the bloke behind the bar to change you a few coins for notes then spreading £210 of pound coins all over his bar! :rolleyes:

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