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The Pint Problem!

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#1 Sandoran



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Posted 19 February 2004 - 07:30 PM

Hi all, first post so I thought i'd dive in and see what you all think of this....

I play fruit machines a fair bit (I was going to post in the thread about addiction I saw but then decided that my first post should not be such a depressing one!) and I think i'm wise to the harsh reality.

Is it just me that thinks you get what it wants you to get? I mean how random are they? Not at all...right? It makes me laugh personally when I see people putting their pints down so they can really concentrate on hitting bonuses or "Land and even number" kind of things, you know what I mean. Stuff thats supposedly random. Am I alone in thinking when it gives you such a thing it already knows what you're going home with! eg If when you land a bonus and get 'Boost' does it really matter if you ponced about putting your pint down or taking deep breaths? You were gonna get a boost anyway, right?

A lot of people disagree with my "Just press the bloody button" tactics, but I can't see how TRYING would make a difference!

Please feel free to disagree! Anyway thats a little rant style point that I think about most nights I see people playing these games.

I suppose the bottom line is KEEP HOLD OF YOUR PINT! (It's more important! lol)

#2 Bencrest


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Posted 19 February 2004 - 07:54 PM

Only thing even worth considering on such a thing [i.e yes/no continue] is the CANCEL or similar button, often slows down even though the button isn't lit.

I think its funny when you get 3 blokes round a machine, on a supposedly random Mystery square....and they think they can see the sequence, and it lands on Game Over, and one of the blokes says 'told ya it would do that!'

Normally results in glasses being thrown, e.t.c :D

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#3 Sandoran



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Posted 19 February 2004 - 08:03 PM

Yeah that's the kinda thing I meant.

As for the cancel button I had an incident with that recently where I pressed it and it collected the prize pot I had. (Was on a Monopoly game) It was a random bonus and I decided to gamble on not hitting Game Over and it just collected, didn't even land on the Collect Prize pot square. I pressed it just to check for slow down and readied myself to hit the start button when I saw myself collectiing £7.40, "What's going on" (I thought in not so polite terms). This had never happened before in identical cicumstances.

I even played a bit longer to check that the bulb wasn't broken somewhere (Or so went my excuse).

Damned technology!

#4 Bencrest


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Posted 19 February 2004 - 08:07 PM

...On modern BellFruits [such as New Monopoly, New Cops N Robbers, New Lord of the Rings, e.t.c], modern Mazoomas [Big Blaster, Cash Explosion, Count Yer Cash], and also QPS machines [which I haven't seen in any pubs around here!]..
....you can collect prizes on ? squares...which means that if you have a ? and you want to slow down, you need to check to see if the cancel and collect buttons are seperate. If not, it could end up collecting prize.

Only way to find out is to try :)

Hopefully recovering from years of compulsive gambling and wanting to be gamble free forever.
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#5 Sandoran



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Posted 19 February 2004 - 08:16 PM

Yeah that's exactly it mate, it's a new Monopoly and yes you can collect on gamble squares. (Sorry I should have made that more obvious when I mentioned I decided to go for it, as opposed to just collecting the 8 quid)

It has seperate cancel/collect and that's what made it so damn annoying! I know for a fact I pressed cancel because I kept hold of it in disbelief and looked at my friend with bumb expression saying "What the..." you get it.

I suppose I should be happy it gave me something back at all!

#6 raverpat


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Posted 20 February 2004 - 01:08 PM

Unfortunatly, now that you can collect on ? squares on the new BFM's etc most people collect as soon as they land on one and in effect play petty. This causes these machines to play incredibly flat, as if machines nowadays were not bad enough as it is. I watched my mate do his nuts in the new monopoly with the money dropping. He went shit or bust before it finally gave up a jackpot after a mere £100. It did repeat but that was it, there was no run or after play only a £50 loss.
Let's smash Partytime.

#7 Bencrest


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Posted 20 February 2004 - 03:21 PM

I know that they play a little flatly but it is a good way of finding out what a machine does before going bloody mad on it :)

Also it means that if it has recently paid a streak, you would have some money in the bank when you realise that it took £75 to get the machine backing :)

I'll stick with the old collecting on ? routine - I've heard some BFM/Mazooma/QPS horror stories when peoploe force them :)

Hopefully recovering from years of compulsive gambling and wanting to be gamble free forever.
Recommended reading - http://www.gamblersaloud.com/ (yes, I bought the book, very happy with it!)

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