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£25 Fruitys found in a Tattoo parlour !

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#1 ziggy



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Posted 23 February 2004 - 01:16 AM

Getting bad isnt it when you spy TWO in a tattoo parlour of all places.

Whatever next ? Go down the butchers for a slot ? Or maybe they will start installing puggy's in the post office wilst waiting on a giro ?

Or how about a couple in Sainsbuys next to the checkouts ? nice and handy for all the kiddies waiting !!!! :twisted:


#2 Protocol


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Posted 23 February 2004 - 02:17 AM

People should post the weirdest place they saw a (working) fruity...should have some good replies....images should be encouraged too lol..

#3 ziggy



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Posted 23 February 2004 - 02:22 AM

There used to be a Showtime spectacular in a local newsagents untill a couple of years ago.It was there for a good 12 months.

Bit of an odd location i suppose.

#4 tracey2


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Posted 23 February 2004 - 08:26 AM

The taxi offices are popular places where i live, machines like £25 jp Supercharged, Big Cheese, Spiker the Biker, Arcadia and a £250 jp global machine (imagine catching that after a night out on the piss). Hunted down a Red Alert in a remote B&B nothing nothing usual about that. The chippy less than 200yrds up the road has got a Golden Dragon and a KK, been band for over a year (supprising how i lost the weight only a size 10 now) from the time they had a Pie Factory which streaked for a ton then two pound in Big Brother next to it for jp repeat. A showtime in a newsagents :eh: did they have a license? seems strange. :) . The strangest place i know for a fruit machine is my kitchen lol.

#5 buzzin_nutta



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Posted 23 February 2004 - 08:57 AM

I went on holiday somewhere near Somerset, and there was a Cafe that had about 3 tables and...


I apologise for my awful username and previous posts from 13 years ago. I was a misguided chav.

#6 Sandoran



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Posted 23 February 2004 - 11:09 AM

Pizza place I stagger into after a night on the town has one. Not overly unusual but I like the fact it's and old £15 Excalibur (ie The ones emulated on here) and it plays like a dream.

Often pays for my pizza.
I'm back! yay!

#7 livethedream2004


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Posted 23 February 2004 - 11:41 AM

I once spotted a fake plastic Bandit in my local police station.Uno the ones that are about 20quid from Argus.

Saw one copper put 10 quid straight through it.

#8 tracey2


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Posted 23 February 2004 - 11:56 AM

Did you see anybody put any coppers in it? lol. Come on i know you were all thinking it

#9 martinmeu



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Posted 23 February 2004 - 03:43 PM

a friend once told me he went on holiday to spain. and stayed in a villa walked into one room and there was 6 english fruit machines there and a note changer. he told me he blew about £300.00 in the two weeks he was there.

#10 ady


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Posted 23 February 2004 - 04:18 PM

Did you see anybody put any coppers in it? lol. Come on i know you were all thinking it

Tracey.......That is just such a bad joke......lol

#11 nails


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Posted 23 February 2004 - 04:24 PM

i can top the lot -

£250 jackpot cops and robbers in a kebab house!

top of preston street, Brighton.

(not there now, but played it, got in the middle and took a swift £30 from nudges)

#12 ziggy



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Posted 25 February 2004 - 12:37 AM

Every single location above ( apart from Traceys kitchen of course ) are siting their machine illegally.I am suprised they have the balls to risk a potentially massive fine.Just goes to show they dont give a damn, as long as its making them the coin.

That ccnr in a kebab house just takes the piss though.

#13 mortalwombat



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Posted 25 February 2004 - 12:48 AM

Theres a machine at the undertakers, tis called corpse and robbers :lol:

#14 tracey2


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Posted 25 February 2004 - 08:42 AM

Well it was better than my joke :lol:

#15 buzzin_nutta



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Posted 25 February 2004 - 09:11 AM

Yeah there's one in my local sex advice centre, Flops n Rubbers

I apologise for my awful username and previous posts from 13 years ago. I was a misguided chav.

#16 nails


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Posted 25 February 2004 - 10:11 AM

(remove the index.html)

sorry m8, worst music i ever heard (orient.mpg) however, its not my type of music and i bet it took you ages to finish it.. so well done.

try the rolf harris "stlyophone", and work up from there. 8)

#17 Bencrest


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Posted 25 February 2004 - 12:10 PM

Heres a question for some of you betting office gamblers :

I've noticed that several of the Red Gaming machines, and I think several more recent Barcrest machines have a piece of glass where the letters LBO are and a pitcure of what I think is a horse. That must mean that some kind of settings change makes a machine into a Licensed Betting Office machine -

Do they play any differently? I've not seen many machines with it on so is it a recent introduction?

Hopefully recovering from years of compulsive gambling and wanting to be gamble free forever.
Recommended reading - http://www.gamblersaloud.com/ (yes, I bought the book, very happy with it!)

#18 markdani



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Posted 25 February 2004 - 04:02 PM

The strangest place I have played a Fruit machine is in my local pub, may not seem to strange until you realise that while the pub was being done up the machine was in the gents!!!!!

#19 mortalwombat



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Posted 25 February 2004 - 04:25 PM

The strangest place I have played a Fruit machine is in my local pub, may not seem to strange until you realise that while the pub was being done up the machine was in the gents!!!!!

LOL what machine was it ....3 BOGS FULL :lol:

#20 buzzin_nutta



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Posted 25 February 2004 - 04:55 PM

(remove the index.html)

sorry m8, worst music i ever heard (orient.mpg) however, its not my type of music and i bet it took you ages to finish it.. so well done.

try the rolf harris "stlyophone", and work up from there. 8)

:( Cheers mate.


I apologise for my awful username and previous posts from 13 years ago. I was a misguided chav.

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