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Broken Bar-X...Please help a mate in need!

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#1 CrAzYbAr


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Posted 13 June 2009 - 09:31 PM

One of my mates has bought a Fruity....A Bar X to be precise! However, it is broken... This is what he describes it does

The lights behind the reels come on, that's it. No reel spin, no test switches, no lights on the board, no 7 seg displays. Only the lights behind the reels. Also on the board inside the machine...2 red lights lit. Maybe it's the battery?

It's a 1989 model of this so probably the black cabinet with the start button below the autostart?
Cheers in advance for your help guys;)

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#2 clarkey1984


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Posted 13 June 2009 - 10:04 PM

Yeah, it is the black case one, here is some pics...

At the front, and this is all that happens, the 2 small light tubes above and below the reels come on, and thats it, no alpha, no reel movement, no other lights or buttons light up, no sound, nothing.

Posted Image

This is what happens with the board, just the 2 red LED's lit and thats all.

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I just did a 9 hour round trip to get this, so i really hope its something obvious or easy to repair.

#3 lincs1


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Posted 13 June 2009 - 11:56 PM

on the power supply unit check that the switch is on the ON position

#4 clarkey1984


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Posted 14 June 2009 - 12:19 AM

We did check that, and in the other position one red LED goes out straight away and the other one fades out slowly, so i think we have it in the on position when the 2 light are on.

Im guessing that the board or power unit has gone, but i really hope it isnt that.

#5 nails


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Posted 14 June 2009 - 12:51 AM

boards gone.

#6 clarkey1984


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Posted 14 June 2009 - 10:07 PM

And, we have a winner!!!

I am 99.9999% sure that this would cause the game not to work....

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I have found a brand new varta battery that is exactly the same shape size voltage and ampage on ebay for a fiver so im gonna get it and solder it on myself.

#7 stanmarsh14



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Posted 15 June 2009 - 01:47 AM

Ahhhhh, the old blue Ni-Cad bastards!

Show this to the guys @ The Mecca, as they will be able to give you proper clean up advice, as in get some Sarsons on it to kill any battery damage, and do not smoke whilst dooing it (Hydrogen Gas), then check for any track damage.

It is very likley that there will be some system board damage, so there is more work to be done than just replacing the battery. As it is, I can see some damaged tracks already just under the battery

REMOVE THIS BATTERY ASAP!. The machine can run without this, but may give an alarm when booting, though this should pass, assuming the damage is not bad.

The MPU Mecca

#8 clarkey1984


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Posted 15 June 2009 - 10:52 AM

Right, well by going on what you said stanmarsh could it be that, although i have found a problem, it isnt the main problem, as you mentioned that the machine can still run without the battery, and as mine doesn't even start up or anything, there has got to be more to it.

I spoke to a bloke in an arcade in felixtowe yesterday who said he can get me a good board for not a lot of money so i may as well just get it anyway, and even if that doesnt fix it, at least i have some spares, as i plan to keep this machine for a while, you can never have enough spares!

I have already sorted out the fluorescent tubes near the reels, as they kept going dim and flickering, so i replaced the tubes and starters and although it was better, it still wasnt right, so i unplugged everything from the power unit, cleaned all the connections and put everything back together, and now at least they work properly.

The fun part will be changing the board, can i get the old board out? can i f***!

Edited by clarkey1984, 15 June 2009 - 11:13 AM.

#9 clarkey1984


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Posted 15 June 2009 - 02:15 PM

Right, i managed to get the board out and I have repaired the busted track under the battery by making a jumper from some wire and soldered it into place to bridge the gap, but still no joy as yet.

I did just spot something inside the PSU though,

should this red light be on when the machine is on, because it isnt.

Posted Image

#10 stanmarsh14



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Posted 15 June 2009 - 02:29 PM

It should be, but it could also be a bust LED, which would not make any difference to if the PSU is working or not.

Think you will need to check all fuses with a multi-meter (Or use an old torch, just take the end cap off, and complete the circuit with the fuse) to begin with.

As it is an older type of Bar-X, the guys @ The Mecca would be best placed to offer assistance with tests that need to be preformed.

#11 lincs1


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Posted 15 June 2009 - 11:46 PM

thats not the original psu, that is a universal psu that is used in many video machines mainly with jamma boards

odd but true

i'll nip it in the bud while i'm ahead pmsl

Edited by lincs1, 15 June 2009 - 11:56 PM.

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