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To Collect or Not...??!

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#1 lita3


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Posted 18 June 2009 - 07:47 AM

sorry if its another dumb question again, but iv had a few go's on the partytimes and bullimic(bullion bars) recently, i know daft! But if i do its just if im early for a bus or something.. Anyway i put about £3 in partytime and won quite a lot £58 a lot to me! and was just about to collect when a fat middle aged dobber chav who was next to me said (shouted) DONT collect.. what the?? It'll ruin the run and empty it , then to confuse me even more, she said its full, i just asked how do you know that, and she said it sounds it, when you put a pound in it makes a certain noise, on that note i collected and took my 'huke!

If i went in again and won (rare!) Is there any truth in the not collecting thing? would i win more, not being greedy but not wanting someone else to jump on with a magic pound and win a chunk after me

also this full thing?

im really quite curious now, cus' thinking about it, iv seen a lot of players with loads banked and not collecting, even going to get more change to put in!!??

sorry again, and for my awful grammer

Edited by lita3, 18 June 2009 - 08:14 AM.




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Posted 18 June 2009 - 08:02 AM

Me & all my m8s use 2 think that but i think it makes no difference at all if you collect the bank or keep it in the if the machine wants 2 pay it will pay!! Thats what i think anyway.

#3 Matty.N



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Posted 18 June 2009 - 08:16 AM

sorry if its another dumb question again, but iv had a few go's on the partytimes and bullimic(bullion bars) recently, i know daft! But if i do its just if im early for a bus or something.. Anyway i put about £3 in partytime and won quite a lot £58 a lot to me! and was just about to collect when a fat middle aged dobber chav who was next to me said (shouted) DONT collect.. what the?? It'll ruin the run and empty it , then to confuse me even more, she said its full, i just asked how do you know that, and she said it sounds it, when you put a pound in it makes a certain noise, on that note i collected and took my 'huke!

If i went in again and won (rare!) Is there any truth in the not collecting thing? would i win more, not being greedy but not wanting someone else to jump on with a magic pound and win a chunk after me

also this full thing?

im really quite curious now, cus' thinking about it, iv seen a lot of players with loads banked and not collecting, even going to get more change to put in!!??

sorry again, and for my awful grammer

best off waiting till lukeyB of crazybar get on

they know how to play there backers ;)

(a backer is when its making that noise & putting the coins inserted into the overflow hopper)

#4 magpie


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Posted 18 June 2009 - 08:29 AM


No it wont make a difference to what it wants to pay out. the only thing i think he could have meant was if you collect the bank and it IOU's then i spose that'd ruin the streak as the lazy arcade owners would take till next day to refill it lol.
but then again if it was backing then its full so £50 wouldnt empty it.

also you cant listen to people like that, as only you yourself can make the decision weather or not to carry on playing it. for example you do you know if the machines are refilled? as if they are then it makes no difference if its backing or not.

#5 todd1970


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Posted 18 June 2009 - 09:05 AM

Anyway i put about £3 in partytime and won quite a lot £58 a lot to me! and was just about to collect when a fat middle aged dobber chav who was next to me said (shouted) DONT collect.. what the?? It'll ruin the run and empty it

The usual then..stereotypical saddo that spends all day in the arcade thinking they know it all..when actually they know fk all.

IMO not collecting makes no difference to the payout..if a machine is 'backing' and you can put your foot on the cash door at the bottom and 'feel' the coins drop into it..just means the hoppers are full.

This could mean 2 things..either (a) its just been refilled that morning or (B) its been played to death without a decent payout.

The machine however still has to work to a certain percentage..so eg for every £150 put in..it will pay out £90..therefore if you catch it on its streak and you have £50 in the bank it still has to payout the other £40 so collecting the bank would make no difference whatsoever.

I could be talking utter mince though..dont think however machines are that stupid that if you 'keep it backing' its gonna go on some mad £500 streak.
Mmmmmm...Sandy ive 'ad her ye know. :)

#6 CrAzYbAr


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Posted 18 June 2009 - 09:59 AM

For people who haven't collected etc, they probably are still just playing.

If a machine is backing, chances are it won't mean anything, unless you know when the arcade refills machines etc...Partytimes and that are especially bad ...Too hard to read, backing means nothing really to them.
And as for her talking about that the coin was making the backy noise...It means even less when there is %58 in the bank, Think of it as plapying a machine that's £58 from backing, it means the same.

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#7 c0nfu53d



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Posted 18 June 2009 - 10:33 AM

Magpies said the only thing you shoud note. If you get £75 streak or equiv. bank and you think it'll go further dont collect the whole £75, just in case it empties and you'll not be be able to play for more. Just collect £10 or so and carry on playing until it goes cold. Then call attendent over "to witness" win. If it iou's you'll be able to get the difference from the arcade/pub whatever.

#8 lita3


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Posted 18 June 2009 - 07:52 PM

hi, thanks for your replies, i went in again today, wish i hadnt lost more than half of my winnings i won, about £40, mental or what

those partytimes are dangerously addictive, think il give the arcade a wide birth for a bit!

seriously though, i could've spent more, easily i dont know what it is but i ahve a friend who always goes on them, and when she says shes lost £140+ i can understand why now

the thing is not to go on them, think il stic to my lucky strikes from now in (next time it rains anyhow!!)


#9 voodoomau5



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Posted 18 June 2009 - 07:58 PM

Next time she says don't collect knock her f*****g teeth out :biglaugh:

#10 Matty.N



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Posted 18 June 2009 - 08:18 PM

If a machine is backing, chances are it won't mean anything, unless you know when the arcade refills machines etc...Partytimes and that are especially bad

I learned that while i was away =/

1st night & last nights were the best

so proud of my last night (:

Ty Mr edmounds

#11 TTX


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Posted 18 June 2009 - 11:06 PM

Since I bought that bartop version of Double Cash, I've been running it on the maximum 96%@30p/£15 and it'll still take you right to the cleaners at times. Very dangerous machines these Astras...

#12 robertmckenzie25


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Posted 19 June 2009 - 08:01 AM

hi the thing about partytime 3 or 4 player is when you get a top board is when you get back down the one you are on turns into the slave machine so it has to go through the other machines going up before it goes back up so the best thing to do is trying to find what 1 is due to go up. the machine does not have to be full to give you a good streak i have had most of my big streaks when its nearly empty. most of the time the cycle is when number 3 goes up top then 1 then 2 and for a 4 player its 4-2-3-1 just see what machine is giving the most wins

#13 CrAzYbAr


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Posted 19 June 2009 - 09:02 AM

Not at all true.
I've seen tops a few spins between each other on the same unit.
Especially annoying when we are pounding one unit and a geezer comes up, quid in next unit, gets a top...This happened twice! Remember Luke lol PT standup

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#14 £6 In Tokens

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Posted 19 June 2009 - 01:15 PM

Since I bought that bartop version of Double Cash, I've been running it on the maximum 96%@30p/£15 and it'll still take you right to the cleaners at times. Very dangerous machines these Astras...

Haha TTX & true of course. Think it was Big 10 (Astra) used to regularly take a few hundred off me back in the day. I think out of all the machine manufacturers I've ever played Astra are the quickest & meanest of them all taking money from punters. I love low techs, but again would have to say Astra are the most boring of them all IMO!!!
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#15 lita3


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Posted 19 June 2009 - 01:57 PM

Not at all true.
I've seen tops a few spins between each other on the same unit.
Especially annoying when we are pounding one unit and a geezer comes up, quid in next unit, gets a top...This happened twice! Remember Luke lol PT standup

thats what happened when i won the £58 , i only put £1 in , got xxx win, on 2nd press went up, 2 £25 jackpots 1 £5 and 1 £2

the bullion bars are just as bad too, when i do a have a dabble on the fruities , its very very rare i go in the over 18s, the other days was a one off, though the 10p ago (£5) jackpots partytimes and bullions can cripple you just as much

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