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#1 Bencrest


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Posted 01 July 2009 - 01:24 PM

'ello chaps,

As per title. Clearing out the garage and finally have enough room to actually walk around - and enough room to try and get Cluedo working! It always used to power up fine and play the music, but the touchscreen wouldn't respond.

I swapped over the interface board that connects onto the touchscreen membrane (picked up a few spares a year ago), thought I'd turn it on...

... it's bad news - BOTH of my CPU / MEMORY boards have serious battery leakage, which have destroyed basically all the PCB traces in that corner of the board :(

It had one fitted, and another in a drawer, and both are beyond repair.

So the machine will turn on, the screen powers up, but I'm getting nothing.

Anyway - it's probably a long shot since Impact isn't common anymore (well, perhaps some old £5 examples in arcades, but compared to MPU5 / Scorpion 4/5, it's pretty rare).

... but does anyone have a spare CPU / MEMORY board? I was going to chuck the machine but dad really wants to get it going (correction, wants ME to get it going!), and I'll admit, I'd love to see it back in action.

Can pay you in magic beans, or I suppose I could also stretch to Paypal / Bank Transfer :)

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Edited by Closed Loop, 01 July 2009 - 01:44 PM.

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#2 paulypj


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Posted 01 July 2009 - 04:06 PM

are you sure you cannot use wire links?
I know some people actually use a seperate piece of vero-board to mount the battery and wire it to the cpu board, that way if the battery leaks in future it ony damages its own mini board. Ive only heard of this being done, and not seen it so i am not sure where you would mount the 'new' battery board...
get a meter to the connections and try and buzz them out to make sure there are no breaks/shorts etc..

in the mean time i will look and see if i have a spare (i know most of mine had leakage problems also and probably need repair also!)

#3 dtrmad2004



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Posted 01 July 2009 - 04:34 PM

Ben, you want me to try and rescue the board by testing and reconnecting all the broken tracks?
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#4 Bencrest


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Posted 01 July 2009 - 04:36 PM

are you sure you cannot use wire links?
I know some people actually use a seperate piece of vero-board to mount the battery and wire it to the cpu board, that way if the battery leaks in future it ony damages its own mini board. Ive only heard of this being done, and not seen it so i am not sure where you would mount the 'new' battery board...
get a meter to the connections and try and buzz them out to make sure there are no breaks/shorts etc..

in the mean time i will look and see if i have a spare (i know most of mine had leakage problems also and probably need repair also!)

I've snipped the battery off altogether, it had split and was pretty messy. Should it get it up and running I'd definitely be mounting the battery on a separate board :)

Unfortunately it looks like quite a bit of damage has been done underneath the plastic CPU socket (the brown square on my picture). Cleaned the board up with vinegar to get a better look at it, and some of the traces may be repairable, but the underneath of the CPU looks a right mess.

Many thanks for your advice, and if you come across any of these boards, give me a shout - even if you can't test them, I'd be interested just to see if I can get it running.

If not I'll see if I can break it for any useful spares - will probably keep the glass as that's in good condition and would look nice mounted, the PSU seems to be OK and the tube solenoid works as it fired off randomly while I had my head in the machine - thought I'd have to change my trousers after that going off next to my head!
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#5 paulypj


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Posted 01 July 2009 - 04:58 PM

do you have any pics of the actual machine you are trying to fix?
also i do have a spare impact board but it doesnt have all the same components (variation of some kind, with few less resistors than your one for some reason....PM me for more info)
maybe someone else may have an exact spare?

#6 Bencrest


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Posted 01 July 2009 - 05:03 PM

Ben, you want me to try and rescue the board by testing and reconnecting all the broken tracks?

Cheers, that's a great offer :)

I'll just weigh up what I'm going to do and let you know shortly, if the offer still stands that would be great :)

do you have any pics of the actual machine you are trying to fix?
also i do have a spare impact board but it doesnt have all the same components (variation of some kind, with few less resistors than your one for some reason....PM me for more info)
maybe someone else may have an exact spare?

It's a JPM Cluedo, in the Vogue cabinet, same as Indiana Jones and that, from 1995. It's got a small (about 10" I reckon) Hantorex monitor in it, and has a standard Impact board with 4 addon boards (from the top of my head it's the Audio board, Graphics board, CPU / Memory board, and an additional Memory board).

To be honest, even with the replacement CPU board, the touchscreen may well still be faulty - I don't know if the interface card was faulty but it's the last thing I could think of changing :)

I'm still very tempted to scrap the machine, I'll have a chat with dad over a beer tonight. I'm quite happy to replace it with another machine, and I've already got TOTP the SWP (Bell Fruit Cobra3 with SCSI CD-ROM) which is good fun.
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#7 Guitar


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Posted 01 July 2009 - 06:13 PM

can you flip the cpu out of the socket to see how bad it is underneath?

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#8 Bencrest


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Posted 01 July 2009 - 06:19 PM

can you flip the cpu out of the socket to see how bad it is underneath?

Had a look at doing that, might try it in a moment when I've got the correct tools :)

I'm not expecting it to be good though - then again, it's not *that* complicated a card, so I may be able to repair the traces - I can get through to dad's professional soldering station and kit now, with cool arm type clampy stuff :D
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#9 dtrmad2004



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Posted 01 July 2009 - 06:26 PM

Ideally you'd need the special tool to remove the chip but you could proabably do it with a protected firm tool doing it gently.

Is the socket BGA mounted or Thru hole? (can you see loads of solder pins the other side of the board adjacent to where the socket is?)

If BGA then you'd need a proper BGA rework station to remove and replace the socket, not to mention reballing the pins too.

It'll defininatly need coming off so you can determine the damage underneath and to know what tracks go where. If someone has a Circuit diagram then that would help loads.
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#10 Bencrest


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Posted 01 July 2009 - 07:21 PM

Quick update!

Took out the CPU, not difficult at all, just prised out gently with a very fine flathead screwdriver, alternating between corners to avoid bending it.

Anyway, that seems fine - I was probably over-reacting about the socket.

May have worked out what the problem is - the bottom chip (marked S61-6 in the photo at the top)... pulled that out earlier - very gently - and 3 of the contacts from the socket were stuck to the legs - and the other contacts look screwed as well.

Luckily, that's quite a simple job, just a case of soldering another 2x8 chip socket from somewhere else onto it. I was hoping I'd have a spare, or a spare one from another card, but no joy. Will have a dig through some more old hardware tomorrow incase one turns up!

I just hope this fixes it... I really can't be arsed doing little bits and bobs and not getting a working machine at the end of it. Even if I do get the machine to boot, there's still a high likelyhood the touchscreen itself is knackered, and I'll be back to square one.

Many thanks for the help and offers so far, I'll keep you posted :)

[EDIT] Seeing as how the board is sat on the desk next to me, here's a picture of the damaged socket. Can't believe how much damage that battery leaking caused, and this is probably a minor case of it!

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  • Attached File  chip.jpg   142.35KB   34 downloads

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#11 dtrmad2004



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Posted 01 July 2009 - 09:02 PM

Maplin will have that socket and grab a desolder pump too unless you have one.

The close up pics dont look too bad, at first it looked like it was all under the chip socket but it seems not.

Give the tracks a quick rubdown to reveal the copper and flow a bit of solder into them and use some wire to bridge whats too big :)

Make sure you put that chip in the right way round when putting it in. Luckily you have a reference pic to go on ;)
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#12 stanmarsh14



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Posted 02 July 2009 - 08:27 AM

Farnells is probs your best bet for parts, but the downer is that it's a min £20 order, or you could try a number of the guy's @ The Mecca for parts / repairs.

Another good place to try for parts, would be RF Potts in Derby, and I think they would do a phone order: http://maps.yell.com...leSeed=60352740

#13 hannibal


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Posted 18 October 2009 - 01:18 PM

Hi i have a full set of impact boards and machine spares power supplys all for jpm impact machines...PM sent

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