I've sent a PM with email address...
Here's just a couple that's came up so far, i'm sure it'll reveal many online addictions...
Zlob trojan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Trojan-Downloader.Win32.FraudLoad.abk Removal Instructions and Information :: Uninstall, Remove and Delete Trojan-Downloader.Win32.FraudLoad.abk
Do you reckon that once the scan is complete (what's after that - i take it it'll give me the option to fix/delete the files?), the next step is to repair the registry - what's the chances i'll get that done?
id recommend a fresh reinstall & copy what documents you have as quickly as you can
as for the registry, i doubt it will be repairable by programs but will have to do it manually, a google search searching for what needs to be done should suffice, but only mess with the registry at you own risk