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This is a public service announcement for idiots like crazy bar n refill key

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#1 kingkallum82



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Posted 15 July 2009 - 06:40 PM

What are you clowns doing posting things on you tube and all the rest of your little wierd friends. All your doing is ruining things for all of us and letting other players know all the rips n emptys. Some people make a living from these machines for u little trolls to feed all the info to average plums.

Get a f*****g grip, stop showing off. U will just find all your own machines mashed all the time.

This is aimed at anyone who posts newish rips on youtube. I hope u all die painfully.

Apart from that no complaints. The admins are still doing a great job of this place.

:::MAD FOR IT:::

#2 magpie


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Posted 15 July 2009 - 07:06 PM

a public service announcement to a small minority of people :biglaugh:

#3 gambogaz1



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Posted 15 July 2009 - 07:10 PM

Oh whats up?? can't afford your weekly fix this week because someones learnt how to do your cluedo??

CrazyBar and Refill are 2 highly respected staff on my website and I can assure anyone that they only film things that are already out and being fixed. Anything slightly sensitive remains private.
You forgot to put my name on the list aswell
YouTube - Unknown

It's got sod all to do with you what we do/don't decide to film. So keep your nose out of others peoples business.

#4 magpie


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Posted 15 July 2009 - 07:13 PM

Well said gaz, (this is Jenkins btw)

#5 carlosgee



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Posted 15 July 2009 - 07:31 PM

i hate ppl who use emptiers but at the end of the day it is gambling, yes it takes the odds well and truly out of our favour but still a gamble none the less, however before people start arguing with me i fully understand why people are angry
http://www.wwe.com/w...enov08/8662404/ 8th pic on the first row...me perving with me cam on maria

#6 magpie


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Posted 15 July 2009 - 07:44 PM

the videos posted where quick little rips, fair enough it was for the mega, but on HLS it only really offers skill cash when its ready. and down my way most of the deal wheels are chipped now, so i really dont see the problem

#7 clarkey1984


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Posted 15 July 2009 - 07:48 PM

If you are playing machines to 'make a living' then you shouldn't be playing them at all TBH, as they are not there for that purpose, they are for enjoyment, lus whatever money is made usually goes in something else anyway.

And as for these clowns as you put it, you do realise that 99% of rips that are now viewable on youtube are well, and i mean WELL outdated anyway, be it rechipped or whatever.

There is the odd idiot who may put the occasional video on of something new that everyone can view, but the majority of people who know newer rips either don't put it on youtube, or if they do it is set to private, and only viewable by people that the uploader of the video trusts not to tell everyone about it.

Just think, if you knew a good rip that made you a little profit, then your not gonna tell everyone about it are you, as you would be effectively ruining your own fun, and any chance of a little profit for yourself, you might maybe tell a few mates who you trust, but not the whole world.

Over to you key.....
Heres whats putting the UK's gambling industry on its arse....

#8 Matty.N



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Posted 15 July 2009 - 07:55 PM

Some people make a living?

maybe they should go & get a job then

#9 skabaz


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Posted 15 July 2009 - 07:57 PM

i assume you are paying tax on playing fruit machines for a living.

if not then your sticking 2 fingers up to all the law abiding tax paying employees out their who do.

so i really dont think a rant about posting videos on you tube is of any concern to anybody apart from the manus who dont want people finding out if theres a f*** in their programming.


#10 lockley100


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Posted 15 July 2009 - 08:04 PM

You're the only plum round here mate :biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh:

#11 Matty.N



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Posted 15 July 2009 - 08:05 PM

i assume you are paying tax on playing fruit machines for a living.

if not then your sticking 2 fingers up to all the law abiding tax paying employees out their who do.

so i really dont think a rant about posting videos on you tube is of any concern to anybody apart from the manus who dont want people finding out if theres a f*** in their programming.


adding to what baz says

most machines will have been chipped by the time the majority of people have seen the videos

#12 johnjohn



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Posted 15 July 2009 - 08:12 PM

phew good job he didnt find out that the supercharged emptier works on the fruitemu aswell or he will be having a go at you lot too

#13 lockley100


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Posted 15 July 2009 - 08:14 PM

This guy obviously has no chance of getting any job, hence why he's making a living off old outdated rips.

If you make a living from HLS/IJ/DW Etc... you need to get a new 'JOB' because you are well far down the chain mate:biglaugh:

#14 keykey2299


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Posted 15 July 2009 - 08:15 PM

Ok so i've been drafted in to put my side across,:arghh:
iv read what kingkallum has said and well i suppose he is entitled to his or her view,i will refer to this person as a SHE,as she seems to be pissing and moaning and my bird does that so.....:D
so this fool says that we are idiots for posting our videos on youtube?? well first of all i dont see how thats relevant because we aren't posting any rips/scams on there as we keep them between ourselves and let the girls play the rest.like yourself queen kallum, we play the machines and show the world what we like to do.i myself stand by everyword and every video that i put up on youtube and love to watch and enjoy other peoples videos, im a man that stands by his convictions. we are all regular players and all have the same thing in mind,we want to play and make a few quid.simple. and then there is queenkallum,:Randy-git: this fool sits on her laptop/or whatever running windows 95 with his dot matrix printer looking on youtube at OUR VIDEOS!!! (obviously) because he has commented on our vids.so lets get this right....you watch our vids obviously, you think that were good at what we do cos, were seen as a THREAT cos you want us to stop,the problem being is we have the money and the balls!! cos girls dont have them do they.
your obviously a $&%# player and going by your little comment thing at the bottom of your addy thing you have got MAD FOR IT which is off crazy fruits,says it all really,....but you wont understand that.:wub:
it's a shame really as you minet have some friends if you actually ventured outside of the big wooden thing that is known as your front door,instead of staying in and pissing and moaning about how good we are. you obviously lose alot of money to me as im a regular visitor to BLACKPOOL and everytime i go my pockets are full.:D
i actually take two steel shoe box size boxes with me which are bolted to my boot floor as i take that much money out of the machines i have to leave it in the car,i take about 2-3 grand in a week. so thanks for getting in debt for me,cheers i appreciate,my face is on my vids,so when im next up in blackpool and you see me nip over and suck my dick!!! or be a normal human and speak like hello how ya going mate?? fancy showing me how to make a few quid?? if none of the above suit you...just come over with your loud mouth in person and let me rip you apart,simple.:biglaugh:

#15 lockley100


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Posted 15 July 2009 - 08:23 PM

Just say ....

"I'm kingcallum from the fruit-emu forums"

and I hope he smacks you for being such a dick!

#16 Guest_tommy c_*

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Posted 15 July 2009 - 08:25 PM

What are you clowns doing posting things on you tube and all the rest of your little wierd friends. All your doing is ruining things for all of us and letting other players know all the rips n emptys. Some people make a living

Get a f*****g grip,

You do it for a living your the one whos the pikey stealing money what other people spend HONESTLEY for a bit of fun it's people like you who ruin it for people who just like a small flutter and get robbed ten times as fast because the machine needs to get the money back it has lost. As for the lads getting a grip why don't you get a proper f*****g job like everyone else has to you skiving git. Rant over.:)

#17 keykey2299


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Posted 15 July 2009 - 08:33 PM

i have a proper job check my vids thick shit,im a mechanic,and im earning extra money for my retirement at 45. thats right fool 45 then iv done and you will still be getting money out on your visa to pay for me,thanks alot cock,i appreciate it,and when your upto neck in more debt and getting your house re-possesed cos you have got a problem with gambling i.e your $&%# and im good,just think of me f*****g my bird and drinking beer in the sun all paid for by you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cheers mate,:biglaugh:

#18 Guest_tommy c_*

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Posted 15 July 2009 - 08:41 PM

i have a proper job check my vids thick shit,im a mechanic,and im earning extra money for my retirement at 45. thats right fool 45 then iv done and you will still be getting money out on your visa to pay for me,thanks alot cock,i appreciate it,and when your upto neck in more debt and getting your house re-possesed cos you have got a problem with gambling i.e your $&%# and im good,just think of me f*****g my bird and drinking beer in the sun all paid for by you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cheers mate,:biglaugh:

Well with a response like that just shows what a complete #@#@#@# and cocky f***er you realy are and it won't be paid for by me dick head because i don't play the machines CHEERS MATE!!!!!.

#19 clarkey1984


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Posted 15 July 2009 - 08:42 PM

No matter how much you know about a machine, it will not pay unless its ready to, rips, emptiers, whatever, a machine still works and pays to a percentage, in your post tommy, you are effectively calling anyone who wins out of a machine a thief, because it was someone elses money before.

Im sure every single person who plays a machine, even us so called 'pikies' have lost money in the way you have already mentioned, because someone has just won out of it, thats what gamling is, a risk, not a 100% sure thing.

And while on the subject of rips and emptiers, machines are put out on test for hours and hours on end before they are released, FACT, so don't you think that you should be blaming the manufacturers of machines for not picking up on any little flaws in their programming??

And if you don't play machines then whats your problem anyway??
Heres whats putting the UK's gambling industry on its arse....

#20 ady


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Posted 15 July 2009 - 08:45 PM

Locked and abyssed......

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