Can any one help me please?
Basically, when changing the battery on my MPU4 board, i must have bridged a circuit, because on restarting machine, there was a small puff of smoke from the top left hand side of the board and everything went dead!
I have just bought a replacement (tested with new battery) MPU4 board, fitted it and it seems everything is now working except the alphanumeric display!
On consulting my workshop guide for my machine, it shows a plug in section (bottom right hand side) on the board designated to supply the alpha display, now this is the puzzling bit, when I removed my old board originally, I listed all the plugs clockwise round the board, and a). I have no record or recollection of there ever being a connection plug there, although to be certain, i have searched inside the cabinet for a unconnected plug to fit it with no success.
So, would it have been possible for the alpha connection to be plugged in elsewhere and never in that designated point on the MPU board and still work, in which case, any idea what I may have to replace/do to get it working again.
Thanks for ploughing your way through this, and thanks for any advice given,