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BWB Video Machines

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#1 fuzion


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Posted 20 July 2009 - 07:12 AM

Hi, I recently aquired a BWB Reno Reels (MPU4 Video machine)

Do any forum members own a BWB Vid?

Gold Rush
Monte Carlo or Bust
Reno Reels
Miami Dice

I'm looking at buying the video carts for any of the above so I can swap mine out and play different machines. Has anybody else done this? Does anyone have any video carts to sell or copy for me (money waiting).


#2 purplesunrise


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Posted 22 July 2009 - 07:39 AM

Due to Ebay introducing its ridiculous new Seller Non-Performance policies (do a search on Google to see how universally unpopular they are) compounded by the fact sellers are no longer able to leave negative feedback to fake and non-paying bidders I have had to introduce certain conditions of sale. When bidding on my auction you are agreeing to these conditions. I am a private individual, NOT a company:realmad:
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#3 Shooer magooer

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Posted 22 July 2009 - 10:53 AM

What the hell???

#4 Guest_barcrest junky_*

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Posted 22 July 2009 - 04:25 PM

Due to Ebay introducing its ridiculous new Seller Non-Performance policies (do a search on Google to see how universally unpopular they are) compounded by the fact sellers are no longer able to leave negative feedback to fake and non-paying bidders I have had to introduce certain conditions of sale. When bidding on my auction you are agreeing to these conditions. I am a private individual, NOT a company:realmad:

Talk about random:wideeyed:



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Posted 22 July 2009 - 05:11 PM

Yeah, also have 2 say that was a bit on the random side!! :jimlad:

#6 Geddy



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Posted 22 July 2009 - 05:19 PM

Must be a s16 poster ;)

#7 spa


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Posted 22 July 2009 - 07:42 PM

Must be a s16 poster ;)

But they're not random.


There should be a rom dump of my Red Hot Poker somewhere J, the only down side is the buttons won't match your machine :(

http://www.youtube.com/FruitVideos - My youtube channel


https://drive.google...&usp=drive_link - My Drive






#8 fuzion


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Posted 26 July 2009 - 10:59 AM

Are all the chips dumped though. Esp the two small chips on the video board?


#9 ady


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Posted 26 July 2009 - 11:14 AM

Due to Ebay introducing its ridiculous new Seller Non-Performance policies (do a search on Google to see how universally unpopular they are) compounded by the fact sellers are no longer able to leave negative feedback to fake and non-paying bidders I have had to introduce certain conditions of sale. When bidding on my auction you are agreeing to these conditions. I am a private individual, NOT a company:realmad:
voiture simulation de credit immobilier en ligne - Simulation credit immobilier en ligne. L’Internet a rendu encore plus facile d’obtenir de l’aide pour trouver le credit immobilier.

Meet the seller!

Barcrest Crackpot fruit machine AWP flyer on eBay (end time 27-Jul-09 07:52:59 BST)

eBay My World - johnnyjambo

Or he copied it?

#10 Andy2003


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Posted 26 July 2009 - 04:09 PM

Let me know how you get on mate, I own a monte carlo or bust but i've been looking for different price of jackpot roms(£10).... There's a monte carlo or bust on ebay at the moment, it's not working but i'm sure you could steal the video program out of it... Well if you win it of course?

#11 fuzion


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Posted 26 July 2009 - 04:55 PM

I just had a different mpu4 game rom burnt for my Reno Reels but it gives an incompatible mp4 alarm, guessing its something to do with the chr maybe? There are a load of BWB vid games already dumped and some kind person sent me a whole load but I can't tell which two files will be the chr files?

I can see it being a difficult task to get anything different working unless I get lucky on ebay etc. BWB is no more so its difficult to get in touch with anyone for spares etc.

I've just ordered a cheap eprom writer so I can try and get my head round it all. I will get sorted in the end mate, when I do I can do you a £10 set of the software for your monte carlo. Hopefully sooner rather than later.


#12 Andy2003


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Posted 26 July 2009 - 08:04 PM

I just had a different mpu4 game rom burnt for my Reno Reels but it gives an incompatible mp4 alarm, guessing its something to do with the chr maybe? There are a load of BWB vid games already dumped and some kind person sent me a whole load but I can't tell which two files will be the chr files?

I can see it being a difficult task to get anything different working unless I get lucky on ebay etc. BWB is no more so its difficult to get in touch with anyone for spares etc.

I've just ordered a cheap eprom writer so I can try and get my head round it all. I will get sorted in the end mate, when I do I can do you a £10 set of the software for your monte carlo. Hopefully sooner rather than later.


that would be brilliant fuzion i'll sort u out $'s when/if u figure it out

my monte carlo has a reno reels program card in it so u can definitely do what ur suggesting ... good luck

#13 fuzion


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Posted 27 July 2009 - 07:18 AM

I won't want any money mate, plenty people have helped me out in the past.
I've noticed there is a release B available in the rom dumps, that's a pretty good version. Not too sure about version 9? My Reno Reels is a release A but it plays like a release D ie you can't milk the features while keeping the machine buzzed up and the reels are more random.

The chances are a burn of the mpu game rom might work on yours without mucking about with the video roms. Mine is a wierd version ie its all cash, even on 20p play its an all cash £4 jackpot. Never seen a version like this.

It will be trial and error but I will figure it out in the end.


#14 richy76



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Posted 27 July 2009 - 09:36 AM

Done it before have to change 6 eproms on the video board.

#15 fuzion


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Posted 03 August 2009 - 07:45 AM

You have to 6 proms from the video board? Do the chr need changing even if its just a different rom revision of the same game. A lot of these games are rom dumped, how can I determine which are the two chr chips from the video board


#16 Andy2003


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Posted 11 August 2009 - 09:14 PM

The chances are a burn of the mpu game rom might work on yours without mucking about with the video roms. Mine is a wierd version ie its all cash, even on 20p play its an all cash £4 jackpot. Never seen a version like this.


Mine is a all £4 cash but there's a hidden button near the cash door and if you switch it,it change's it to an £8 token jackpot..... nothing to do with the dil's! It's a pants version (i think it says revision F at start so it's basically had any decent play sucked out of it!!) BOO HOO!!!!

#17 blackberry8100


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Posted 18 August 2009 - 09:20 AM

Marked! I will check it later!thanks a lot.
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#18 niallquinn



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Posted 18 August 2009 - 03:28 PM

Marked! I will check it later!thanks a lot.
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#19 fuzion


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Posted 18 August 2009 - 08:01 PM

[quote name='Andy2003']The chances are a burn of the mpu game rom might work on yours without mucking about with the video roms. Mine is a wierd version ie its all cash, even on 20p play its an all cash £4 jackpot. Never seen a version like this.


Mine is a all £4 cash but there's a hidden button near the cash door and if you switch it,it change's it to an £8 token jackpot..... nothing to do with the dil's! It's a pants version (i think it says revision F at start so it's basically had any decent play sucked out of it!!) BOO HOO!!!![/QUOTE]

Where is this button located exactly, mine reno reels is in the smaller cab. Can't see a button.


#20 Andy2003


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Posted 18 August 2009 - 08:36 PM

Hi mate, my monte carlo is actually in a reno reels case aswell, As you take the back off it's on the right of the casing around about the middle (height wise) right on the edge (near the door) Does this make sense?. (i said hidden but it does actually say clearly TOKEN/CASH on it. When i get a chance i'll take a picture of it and post it on here. )

I was gutted, just missed out on getting a £10 rom (and motherboard) on ebay... but had to go out so didn't win it..

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