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BWB Video Machines

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#21 fuzion


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Posted 18 August 2009 - 09:26 PM

Hi mate, my monte carlo is actually in a reno reels case aswell, As you take the back off it's on the right of the casing around about the middle (height wise) right on the edge (near the door) Does this make sense?. (i said hidden but it does actually say clearly TOKEN/CASH on it. When i get a chance i'll take a picture of it and post it on here. )

I was gutted, just missed out on getting a £10 rom (and motherboard) on ebay... but had to go out so didn't win it..

Please do take a piccy, because mine could be the same.

I have noticed something of note on my reno reels. I have both the video board and the mpu4 cartridges out. Its seems pretty clear to me that the only 3 chips that have been changed on my board are video rom 1 and 2 and the mpu4 rom. These have white stickers on with felt pen writing, the other have a silver sticker with an electric type print. So its possible that as long as I get the corresponding versions of these 3 chips it may indeed work.

Will let you know, I am all set up here to burn and dump roms now.


#22 Andy2003


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Posted 19 August 2009 - 06:42 PM

Okay, here goes.
I'll post picture here then i'll describe the circle's..

And i apologise as i forgot everything's actually attached to the cash door so i was pointing you in the wrong direction. But hey, the photo will sort everything out.

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#23 Andy2003


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Posted 19 August 2009 - 06:48 PM

Okay, the single circle is the token and cash switch which is attached to the cash door edge. roughly about the middle height wise.

Secondly the twin circle with the orange sticker actually say's on it BWB - RENO REELS program module.

the triple circle is where the rom's are kept(i think?) when i get a chance would you like me to check out if there is any writing on them? and how many???

Also if you can see it the token/cash switch has loads of orange wire's connected to it which lead to the middle bottom of the mpu4 board?

Is this any help??? i can post another picture to. ?

#24 Andy2003


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Posted 19 August 2009 - 06:49 PM

Just another view?

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#25 fuzion


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Posted 20 August 2009 - 10:16 AM

Hey cheers Andy. They where a big help buddy.

Mine didn't have this switch even though it was set to all cash, I traced back and found that the wires connecting to my mpu4 board had been modded to always be set to cash. Quick snip of the wire and it was unlocked to all cash £8 jackpot rather than £4.

Super extra special news though.. Burnt a version 8 Reno Reels, 2 vid chips and the corresponding mpu4 game rom and its only bloody works. Was pretty chuffed. I now have version 8 Reno Reels running which is equivalent to Monte Carlo Release B.

As soon as I get some more chips I will burn you MC release B and it should work no probs.


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#26 Andy2003


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Posted 20 August 2009 - 04:54 PM

Thats brilliant news mate, if i come across some eproms i'll send em your way. i changed a mother board on my maygay machine the other day (which was my first time handling the roms) and i was shaking big time.... once put back all together i was pleased it worked .lol

When it comes to it i'll have to pick you brains on dismantling the rom area as i've never touched that area..

#27 fuzion


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Posted 20 August 2009 - 05:06 PM

The gameplay is so different to the one I had (Release A, Probably equivalent to release D on Monte Carlo). Its really great to play it like I remember. Should have some chips to programme pretty soon mate. I'll contact you via PM when I have them sorted.


#28 Andy2003


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Posted 20 August 2009 - 06:48 PM

Nice one, Can i just ask the program you've got for your reno's, is that the one that save's the hi-lo number.? i.e say you lose on a hi lo and the losing card's a king, you always know a king will be your next card when you get a winner? i swear i used to play either a monte or reno's and wait till i lost on a king then try and get a double bar for the blue sevens? just can't remember which machine? my one doesn't do it anyway... Again can't wait, major thanks...

#29 DialTone


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Posted 20 August 2009 - 07:17 PM

I just had a different mpu4 game rom burnt for my Reno Reels but it gives an incompatible mp4 alarm, guessing its something to do with the chr maybe? There are a load of BWB vid games already dumped and some kind person sent me a whole load but I can't tell which two files will be the chr files?

I can see it being a difficult task to get anything different working unless I get lucky on ebay etc. BWB is no more so its difficult to get in touch with anyone for spares etc.

I've just ordered a cheap eprom writer so I can try and get my head round it all. I will get sorted in the end mate, when I do I can do you a £10 set of the software for your monte carlo. Hopefully sooner rather than later.


FYI, the program ROMs on the MPU4 board may well be compatible with several different games - they contain a special software setup that allows the video board to send commands to the MPU4 (which in turn handles accessing the main hardware, such as coin mech, payouts, switches, lamps etc). The actual "fruity" game code (or SWP code in the case of SWPs) is contained within the ROMs on the video board. Some of these ROMs may only contain questions or graphics, depending on the machine type, but it's probably a good idea to replace them as a complete set where practicable.

There will likely by *two* CHR chips - One on the MPU4 program card, and the other on the VIDEO card, but I don't remember much about that tbh

#30 fuzion


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Posted 20 August 2009 - 09:06 PM

There is only one removable chip on the mpu4 card in a BWB video machine. There are two smaller chips on the video board, I think these are something to do with protection. It would seem that as long as you have the corresponding software versions ie version 8 mpu game software and the two corresponding video roms it works. I tried Gold Rush, which is pretty much the same as RR but I got a chr mismatch obviously.

I could really do with version 7 mpu4 rom for Reno Reels (doubtful one is even in existance anymore), I have the version 7 of the video roms but I get an error when its coupled with the version 8 mpu4 rom. The error is incompatible mpu4 card. Obviously they didn't change the chr for every single revision.


#31 fuzion


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Posted 20 August 2009 - 09:37 PM

Nice one, Can i just ask the program you've got for your reno's, is that the one that save's the hi-lo number.? i.e say you lose on a hi lo and the losing card's a king, you always know a king will be your next card when you get a winner? i swear i used to play either a monte or reno's and wait till i lost on a king then try and get a double bar for the blue sevens? just can't remember which machine? my one doesn't do it anyway... Again can't wait, major thanks...

Both Reno Reels and Gold Rush never saved the card number or carried it over on a repeat chance. Monte Carlo and Miami Dice both did. Although Reno does sometimes give a repeat out now and again, always on a bad number though.

#32 DialTone


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Posted 22 August 2009 - 07:57 PM

There is only one removable chip on the mpu4 card in a BWB video machine. There are two smaller chips on the video board, I think these are something to do with protection. It would seem that as long as you have the corresponding software versions ie version 8 mpu game software and the two corresponding video roms it works. I tried Gold Rush, which is pretty much the same as RR but I got a chr mismatch obviously.

I could really do with version 7 mpu4 rom for Reno Reels (doubtful one is even in existance anymore), I have the version 7 of the video roms but I get an error when its coupled with the version 8 mpu4 rom. The error is incompatible mpu4 card. Obviously they didn't change the chr for every single revision.


Ahh right - then the MPU4 software is most likely not protected then (the removable chip will be the EPROM I presume?)

The video software is most definitely secured in some fashion as it cannot be played in MFME. The smaller chips will indeed be PAL/GAL type devices providing this protection, and will as you rightly said be unique for each game (or possibly even differ for major ROM revisions).

There will be several different versions of the MPU4 software, as this is effectively a "dumb" server that allows the video software to send commands to it which effectively read/write the MPU4 hardware. It's inevitable that newer versions modified the effect of various commands, as well as likely adding new commands, and for that reason the video software must be run in tandem with the MPU4 software it was designed for in most cases.

I don't have any dumps of BWB MPU4 proms myself I'm afraid though, so it'd be a case of scouring fleabay or phoning round amusement caterers to see if you can source any - not an easy task I grant you, but I wish you luck!!


#33 fuzion


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Posted 22 August 2009 - 08:38 PM

I'm going to compare two mpu4 game roms of the same game but different revisions and see what the difference is.. Could be as simple as a file header.. I notice at the top of the mpu4 rom file that it has the revision number, the rest of the readout looks very similar and pretty generic.

Thanks for the input DT. Nice to see you are still around.


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