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PacMan Plus Big Money gameboard

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#1 james2k2


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Posted 25 July 2009 - 04:01 PM

Hi All,
As some of you will know, i've got my pacman plus machine (it's now been refurbished fully except for some yellow paint) and if you get onto the 'Big Money' gameboard you can guarantee it will only pay out £5 as a maximum. I've tried in both normal mode and test mode. In attract mode, the alpha shows that up to £75 is possible, yet it won't even go to the J/P of £8, what gives?


#2 carlosgee



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Posted 25 July 2009 - 05:07 PM

try getting the percentage real low so that it has to in order to get back up to corect percentage
http://www.wwe.com/w...enov08/8662404/ 8th pic on the first row...me perving with me cam on maria

#3 pimpalicious


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Posted 25 July 2009 - 06:29 PM

Hi All,
As some of you will know, i've got my pacman plus machine (it's now been refurbished fully except for some yellow paint) and if you get onto the 'Big Money' gameboard you can guarantee it will only pay out £5 as a maximum. I've tried in both normal mode and test mode. In attract mode, the alpha shows that up to £75 is possible, yet it won't even go to the J/P of £8, what gives?


Pure and simple. The attract mode alpha code was written when the machine was released as a 15 quid JP, and had to payout that amount displayed, (although a high %age payout, a succession of munters, and a sunny day might of made it possible). After each rechip, the alpha code often gets ignored, more than likely these claims are simply deleted or slightly modified. E.g. My duff beer displayed "Jackpot Repeater" originally, now on a multi stake chip it was changed to "Win Repeater".

Now you have a combination of old alpha code, that sloppy programmers have overlooked, or couldn't care..hey if you was walking past the machine in an arcade, and 75 quid was on offer from a 5 quid machine..you'd throw in a few quid?. Most Mazoomas stick at 5 quid on a 8 quid JP, as the program for each stake is probably the same, with a profile spike for the JP..which is probably the most hardest thing to get. Plus, player satisfaction..I'd rather be offered 5 quid for every 8-9 thrown in, than 8 quid for every 10-15 in.

Hope that means something


#4 james2k2


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Posted 25 July 2009 - 07:56 PM

I think i understand what your saying. I would have expected the alpha code to be dynamic since the machine is designed for using a multi-stake/prize key; i.e. J/P £5, BM=£10 J/P £8, BM=£20 etc.... The MPU was replaced by the previous owner with a newer one than the original so maybe this has something to do with it? The game board is still the original. Would it do anything if the stake key was set to say 20p? Thanks for current replies.

#5 Guest_tommy c_*

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Posted 25 July 2009 - 08:01 PM

I think i understand what your saying. I would have expected the alpha code to be dynamic since the machine is designed for using a multi-stake/prize key; i.e. J/P £5, BM=£10 J/P £8, BM=£20 etc.... The MPU was replaced by the previous owner with a newer one than the original so maybe this has something to do with it? The game board is still the original. Would it do anything if the stake key was set to say 20p? Thanks for current replies.

If it is set to 20p play you will get more game play and a few more wins but the game will only play the way the roms have been coded to play most £8 jp machines are crap with very little money returns wouild be better on 10p £5 i would think.

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